Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Discovernew » Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:35 pm

Drhite wrote:
Ronn1708 wrote:I’ve saw a few signatures showing guys that have had both AMS & Coloplast but they all have private messaging blocked. :/

Ive had both LGX and now on Titan with classic pump.

I prefer the titan by far. Pump is much smaller and more comfortable.. the AMS pump with its block, as with the OTR, was painful to my scrotum.
Titans girth is better.
Titans rigidity is by far better for the sex I have. LGX would just bend, which i feel lead to my revision as it tore the corpra and delaminated causing a painful bulge.
Didnt care for LGXs more "realistic" flaccid.

Wow that's an awesome input. I think there are very few guys with both devices as yourself.
Would you say the titan is natural enough to have sex without people noticing? Or do you have the famous dog ears?
Considering implant after trying everything else under the sun: Pills-Shockwave-Testosterone-PRP-Stem Cells-Botox. Etc.

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Jage64 » Sat Dec 30, 2023 2:16 pm

This is a known issue with the LGX, and why more than a few high volume docs don't even consider the LGX. If you're comparing, compare Titan to the CX. The LGX seems to be the product of the marketing team instead of the R&D team.
2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant, skipped the injections. 12 mos. later: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4"

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Ronn1708 » Sat Dec 30, 2023 2:40 pm

Thanks Jage64. I’m weighing my options. I love the Titan but I never have any luck but bad so I guess this is just proving itself out. lol
Several have posted about the larger pump in the AMS too. The titan classic is larger than my nuts after being on trt
I got one nut the size of an apple seed and the other is a real little sucker.
Thanks again!
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Drhite » Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:16 am

Discovernew wrote:
Drhite wrote:
Ronn1708 wrote:I’ve saw a few signatures showing guys that have had both AMS & Coloplast but they all have private messaging blocked. :/

Ive had both LGX and now on Titan with classic pump.

I prefer the titan by far. Pump is much smaller and more comfortable.. the AMS pump with its block, as with the OTR, was painful to my scrotum.
Titans girth is better.
Titans rigidity is by far better for the sex I have. LGX would just bend, which i feel lead to my revision as it tore the corpra and delaminated causing a painful bulge.
Didnt care for LGXs more "realistic" flaccid.

Wow that's an awesome input. I think there are very few guys with both devices as yourself.
Would you say the titan is natural enough to have sex without people noticing? Or do you have the famous dog ears?

Natural??? Id say the classic pump is much more discreet than the AMX... the AMX stuck out like some alien larva in the sack. Titan cylinders are much stiffer at 100% than natural elections... but Id say the LGX had a more natural bend to it. But I didnt like that natural aspect, now having a jackhammer. My gf pussy clenches very hard when she's cumming and she's said most guys dicks wouldnt be hard enough to keep pounding. Hence also the deficiency of the LGX.

What makes my implant the least natural is the tubing placement on my shaft.. an on going long story and a surgeon issue not device.

Im average length so I dont have much of the dog ear issue. I'm planning on getting a scrotoplasty that may let frank not stuck with the beans
45yo , AMS LGX 700 18.5cm 6/28 by Kaiser Dr. Moheydar - Baldwin Park, do not recommend. 12 wks LT cyl failure and bulge. Rev to Titan Genesis 11/6. Consulting 2nd doc for issues not corrected 1/11/24

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:34 am

Ronn1708 wrote:Well I appreciate your input Gt1956. Somewhat rude but it is input. I don’t know which members have had both devices but did locate some by reading their history post. I understand each member can set their profiles to their preference on private messages which is their choice.
Thanks again for yours and each member’s input.

No, please. My comment was not directed at you in the least. I was trying (poorly) to illustrate that some members are "window shopping". They want a reply to their question. Not a reply to the same/similar question by someone else. They will ask a question on an older post where the original poster hasn't logged into FT for months. Recently I've seen two members post a question to someone where the answer is a few posts higher on the same page. Its redundant in my opinion & distracts from FT.

I was speculating that they might be doing a similar pestering of members through the message system. Thus some members had turned off messages to combat this. So a question by a legitimate (you) member suffers as an end result. IE, your are the victim rather than the perpetrator. Sorry if you felt my post painted you in a poor light. I was trying to explain why you are having trouble asking questions.

I'm of the same school as Lostsheep. When I joined. I spent countless hours reading literally a hundred pages or more of previous posts. I learned a lot by just hard research.

Yes, I'll be quick to admit that I can be blunt at times. It can be seen as a flaw. But in my career I had bosses that liked direct talk.

Off topic. I might be posting less in the future. My wife just had a heart attack. My energies will be directed in her direction. Due to her current condition. Sitting in an ICU room makes for a poor mental clarity to write good posts. Sex is definitely off the table. I appreciate what FT has been able to do for me. But there is a good chance that a person can argue my implant has failed after eight months by this change in my wifes health picture.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:43 am

Jage64 wrote:This is a known issue with the LGX, and why more than a few high volume docs don't even consider the LGX. If you're comparing, compare Titan to the CX. The LGX seems to be the product of the marketing team instead of the R&D team.

You might be onto something. There seems to be definate dr bias against the LGX in the 21cm length. As I posted, my dr won't install a 21cm LGX. Its pretty much non negotiable with him.

There is a comment about dog ears up higher. It seems odd that some Titans & CX owners report dog ears & some don't. I do have a dog ear but it was only painful for a few days when it first showed up. I'm a bit curious as to why reports of dog ears are not more consistent?
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby cbinspok » Sun Dec 31, 2023 11:01 am

Hey gt
I am at size 21 but my dr used an 18 w 3 rte, dr said the 18 is much more reliable. I likely will opt for cx if and when I need a revision.
My Lgx is still amazing me at almost 4 years but at this point I am pleasantly happy with the shower aspect of the new me and the Lgx does shrink up substantially. Think the cx will preform well and not have the shrink of the Lgx does.
67years,fighting ed for over twenty years. A sever break, vit E, pataba, Viagra, massage Ved cilas, and I'm tired- throwing in the towel, Op for implant Mar 18, 2021 AMS LGX 18 x12 + 1 3cm RTE, gained girth and length, very glad I took the hard step.

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Ronn1708 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 5:48 pm

Sorry to hear of your situation. I’ll be praying for you and your wife. My wife went through cancer in 2014 just three months after my initial implant.
Be sure to stick around on FT and keep posting!
There are so many guys needing help with this major issue in their lives. I know my failures have led to severe depression very to that before I got an implant.
There are a lot of visitors to the site sitting on the fence trying to make a very hard decision and need advise and support.
I have had lots of failures but would implant again twice a year if it was necessary to keep my dick working. So I hope those reading don’t give up because of failure. Try try again. Life (which is a four letter word) throws us lots of curve balls but I know the the back of the BOOK says we Win !!!
Again you and your wife will be in my thoughts and prayers. The Great Physician can do miracles and has allowed so much knowledge to the medical community to help all us through!!
Stay positive and your head up!!!
You are on the board for a reason…..it’s helpful to us all !
Wish mine you a prosperous and happy New Year !!

Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Mrprime » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:08 pm

Im 8 weeks post op with 24cm titan. A grower. From my understanding the lengths are maxed out with different brands.
Im thinking you go with your anatomy and what you find important.
I love the thick tight full feeling right now from my titan. I like the idea that if i pump too much and i feel a lil pain or discomfort,
that i can tap that release button quickly and slightly diminish pressure without losing much length and girth.
I dont know if thats possible with implants that lengthen and shorten...but for a grower..this is huge bonus.
Bionic on Nov 7 2023 24cm coloplast titan
48yr old. Pills & Injections barely & stopped working.
Implanted by DR who uses NO touch TECHNIQUE.

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Re: Titan vs AMS ???? Input Please.

Postby Ronn1708 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:44 pm

Do you have the one touch pump or classic??
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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