My Story

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: My Story

Postby Woodworker57 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:16 am

Post-op 3 Weeks:

I just returned from my second post-op visit to the surgeon and he was very pleased with the speed of my recovery and the progress that I’m making. At my last visit – 1 week post-op, he taught me how to inflate and deflate the implant but quite frankly I was still too sore to want to play around down there with any regularity. After a couple of days I was able to inflate and the pain was becoming less and less. During this last week I have pumped myself up every evening with very little discomfort. As I begin to become fully erect I do feel a little pain in the glans where the tips of the implant are. This is normal and I am anticipating within a few months this will go away. The other evening my wife and I took the old boy out for a test drive and both of us were curious on how it would feel. My wife said that it felt completely natural and within a short time she had an orgasm. Mind you, I was moving very, very slowly and cautiously because there is still some discomfort down there. What I was feeling too, was very natural and enjoyable combined with a tinge of pain where the tips are.

At the office visit today the surgeon said to let my body tell me what to do. He said use it, enjoy it, but do so slowly and cautiously, and let my body tell me how much pressure to exert during lovemaking.

As the pain has subsided I am also able to hold the deflate button down firm enough and with my other hand bend my penis to do a more thorough job of deflating the implant. Even fully deflated the boy stands proud but not to the point that I look like I have a perpetual erection.

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Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:11 pm

Re: My Story

Postby Woodworker57 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:24 pm

I am now more then four weeks post-op and have no pain or soreness remaining in the scrotum whatsoever. In the shaft of the penis, when deflated, I have a little bit of soreness if the penis is squeezed near the glans. You can actually feel the tubes of the implant and when a moderate amount of pressure is applied, there is some pain. I am to the point where I can inflate the implant enough for intercourse but I could certainly pump myself up more. If I am too hard, my wife complains that it hurts her and is uncomfortable. If I do continue to pump, I begin to feel that soreness in the glans, similar to the pain I mentioned above. I am assuming that this will subside as I begin to heal fully after several months. Even during intercourse, I am careful to go easy because there is still some tenderness at the tips.

There has been a lot of space on FrankTalk dedicated to size and girth pre and post implant surgery. I will say that personally I am not obsessed over this topic. What matters to me is that I can satisfy my wife and that I too get some satisfaction in return. Here is my observation… I only measured myself a few weeks prior to my implant surgery and I did so after using a VED. Pills never worked to provide me a strong erection. After the implant and a couple of good pumps, I am about ¼ to ½ inches shorter however if I continue to pump it becomes painful. The girth has remained the same as pre implant surgery. What I am doing daily is pumping to the max where it begins to hurt and leaving it inflated for 15 – 30 minutes. I am doing this to make sure that whatever channel is needed by the implant to expand is not impeded by scar tissue growth. As I mentioned above, my wife is more than satisfied when I am not rock hard but firm so as far as the implant meeting her and my expectations, at this stage, it works as advertised. As I begin to heal fully and can inflate to the maximum, I will let others know what happens.

If I have an issue, it is this… Prior to my Radical Prostectomy 18 months ago, I had no problem having an orgasm during intercourse. Since that time – prior to the implant – I could not have an orgasm during intercourse. I could only orgasm through masturbation either by myself or with my wife’s assistance and it usually required some heavy duty porn to get the ‘ol boy to respond. Post implant – I do feel aroused during intercourse but I am a long way off from having an orgasm. I can orgasm as before through masturbation with stimuli but not during sex. I spoke to my urologist about this and he told me that the nerves that are responsible for an erection – the nerves that were damaged during the RP – are different from the nerves that are in the glans that control orgasm.

Has anyone who is reading this experienced a similar situation? It could just be that I have to heal more so that I can put more pressure on the glans during intercourse that will allow me to climax. Any thoughts?

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Re: My Story

Postby Dave92014 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:47 pm

I was unable to orgasm the first time I had sex with the implant at week 7 post-op. After that the orgasm started working and has every time. Hopefully you will do okay with more healing time.
Implant surgery by Dr. John Greisman 10/31/2012 - Installed AMS CX700

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Re: My Story

Postby antelope » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:25 am

I have the same issue with Trimix. My uro says that delayed orgasm and/or difficulty in achieving orgasm during intercourse are often reported by Trimix users.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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