Help me improve my situation

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby sonnyjim » Fri May 27, 2022 11:55 am

Fourtytwo00 wrote:I can say CP as well as tight pelvic floor affect feeling and numbness.
Yes it's rather frustrating because when I'm totally numb masturbation produce no feelings and zero engorgement. There could be other unpleasant feelings like burning ass and/or pain between scrotum and ass. But while I'm not implanted, you can give pleasure to a girl. Which is good for libido and self confidence.

Is that with Viagra and Cialis though? and if it was a pelvic floor issue would my glans not engorge during the night (when I'm asleep)

The reason I can't believe it is a tight pelvic floor is that it's been 6 years.

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby frwmw1 » Fri May 27, 2022 12:07 pm

sonnyjim wrote:

The lump of damaged tissue runs straight across the bottom of my penis half way up the shaft and that is where the tingling feeling comes from. It doesn’t go all the way around the shaft it only goes half way round. It is palpable.

That sounds like sclerosing lymphangitis
45yo, venous leak. Pills increased tinnitus (very rare). Using bimix+atropine, 0.2 of:
Atropine Sulfate: 52MCG/ML, Phentolamine MES: 0.9MG/ML, Papaverine HCL: 26MG/ML

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Fri May 27, 2022 4:18 pm

sonnyjim wrote:
Fourtytwo00 wrote:I can say CP as well as tight pelvic floor affect feeling and numbness.
Yes it's rather frustrating because when I'm totally numb masturbation produce no feelings and zero engorgement. There could be other unpleasant feelings like burning ass and/or pain between scrotum and ass. But while I'm not implanted, you can give pleasure to a girl. Which is good for libido and self confidence.

Is that with Viagra and Cialis though? and if it was a pelvic floor issue would my glans not engorge during the night (when I'm asleep)

The reason I can't believe it is a tight pelvic floor is that it's been 6 years.

Yes it happed to me of not being able to masturbate even taking 100mg sildenafil. My ED is likely related to a CP. When CP/CPPS symptoms subside gland can engorge, feelings are more natural. Btw your implant gives you hardness. It's better if use it. Overthinking and depression just worsen and kill your libido. You need a girl who likes as you are and sexually compatible, which basically means selfish, more interested in her orgasms than focused on your eiaculation.

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby sonnyjim » Sat May 28, 2022 6:32 am

Even before I got the implant my glans never engorged even with trimix, and I’m 33 years old.

I feel like I have damaged the corpus spongiosum and maybe that is why nothing engorges. I pretty much feel nothing in my penis, even if I scratch it or scratch the glans I would not feel it.

If it was a pelvic floor issue would it not have resolved in 6 years?

It’s depressing because I feel like it’s never going to get better and even with the implant, I can’t have a sex life like most other implanted guys have. And at such a young age, I sometimes can’t help feeling what is the point? Because what is really?

I made an appointment with Garaffa, who is supposed to be quite experienced urologist and surgeon and he said the only treatment they can offer me now is trimix gel. I can’t see how trimix gel is going to cure all these problems. I just don’t see how I can live like this, this is not a life.

What else is there to do.

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby frwmw1 » Sat May 28, 2022 6:46 am

Trimix gel should engorge the spongesium, definitely try it before forming an opinion.

Be aware that medications like antidepressants can cause side effects of symptoms you describe.
45yo, venous leak. Pills increased tinnitus (very rare). Using bimix+atropine, 0.2 of:
Atropine Sulfate: 52MCG/ML, Phentolamine MES: 0.9MG/ML, Papaverine HCL: 26MG/ML

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby AllHailTed » Sat May 28, 2022 12:00 pm

sonnyjim wrote:Even before I got the implant my glans never engorged even with trimix, and I’m 33 years old.

I feel like I have damaged the corpus spongiosum and maybe that is why nothing engorges. I pretty much feel nothing in my penis, even if I scratch it or scratch the glans I would not feel it.

If it was a pelvic floor issue would it not have resolved in 6 years?

It’s depressing because I feel like it’s never going to get better and even with the implant, I can’t have a sex life like most other implanted guys have. And at such a young age, I sometimes can’t help feeling what is the point? Because what is really?

I made an appointment with Garaffa, who is supposed to be quite experienced urologist and surgeon and he said the only treatment they can offer me now is trimix gel. I can’t see how trimix gel is going to cure all these problems. I just don’t see how I can live like this, this is not a life.

What else is there to do.

Pelvic floor issues rarely resolve on their own sadly (i would know, i've been dealing with it for 10 years now). I'm no dr but it seems unlikely damage to the corpus spongiosum would cause numbness of the entire penis, whereas a pelvic floor issue could quite plausibly be responsible for this as all the penile nerves travel through there.

I urge you to find a pelvic floor PT and do some pelvic floor relaxation exercises in the meantime. And last but not least, if you're thinking of hurting yourself please please reach out to someone. You don't have to go through this alone.
29 years old. ED caused by CPPS/HF-like symptoms since coming off antidepressants in 2012. Taking Cialis 5mg every other day and undergoing pelvic floor physiotherapy.

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby sonnyjim » Sat May 28, 2022 12:12 pm

Wouldn’t the pelvic floor be relaxed if I was sleeping though? I mean, I never wake up in the morning with everything engorged.

I’m not sure if an injury go to spongiosum would cause this numbness but it explains why the glans does not engorge though. Also none of this came up on ultrasound or mri (and if it did nobody said there was any abnormalities) but it has been this way since I had the injury. The glans feels so small compared to before, and cold. It also has white spots on it like you would get from a lack of blood flow.

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Sat May 28, 2022 8:55 pm

If you have CP/CPPS you have it also during the night no matter what.

A severe damage to the spongiosum makes few sense to me. First: urethra is inside spongiosum, if something big happen there you should have other issues (painful peeing, blood, stuff like these). Second, dorsal nerve is on the oppisite side of spongiosum.
On the contrary every move more or less close to the area between pelvic floor, prosthate and rectus.

I guess you already tried a MR scan of your lower back and a pudendal nerve test.

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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby sonnyjim » Sun May 29, 2022 3:30 am

I went through every test through the NHS, it took years. That is my the only explanation why the glans doesn’t fill and nothing else engorges. At the time when it happened it was very painful but I don’t remember having blood in my urine, maybe there was. My head was so messed up at that time. The only thing I can’t get my head around is why they said that nothing showed up on the tests even though you can feel it with your fingers.

I know the dorsal nerve is not on that side of the penis but if you had no engorgement of the glans or spongiosum would you still be able to feel anything pleasurable? Because I don’t.

I thought having the implant done would somehow allow me to have some sort of a sex life but it hasn’t worked out that way. I guess I assumed that they would remove any scar tissue during the operation but that isn’t how it works.

I can also still feel where the part of my penis is damaged, it feels like someone is pinching me and occasionally there are tingling sensations, it’s disturbing.

I don’t know how to deal with it mentally, I can’t actually. I feel like if I’m going to be like this forever then what is the point? I’ve dealt with the fact I have an implant at such a young age but I can’t deal with all of the issues together.

These issues mean that if I did have sex I would basically be poking someone’s vagina with the cylinders, which is actually true because I tried recently with a girl from work and she is complaining that her vagina hurts.

I just don’t know what else there is to do to get around it.


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Re: Help me improve my situation

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Sun May 29, 2022 8:37 am

Were you 100% inflated?

Btw you can't draw general conclusion from a single attempt.
I think you can find people here that keep fucking even if they had their prosthate removed (so no eiaculation) and not engorged glans.

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