So scared to do implant surgery

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Re: So scared to do implant surgery

Postby SW0110 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:10 pm

Think you misread. I had a titan till hernia surgery. Then it did not work. Then an lgx.

Love both of them.
18 cm plus 1 rte titan installed March 2019. Revision March 2020 by Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY. He replaced the titan with an AMS 700 LGX 18 cm cylinder plus 2 rte for 20 cm total length.

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Re: So scared to do implant surgery

Postby MK1965 » Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:26 pm

I am scheduled for revision on 8.19 I am not afraid at all.
At least, I know what to expect and how recovery will be.
Just want to get it done right.
IPP 9/5/18; TITAN OTR 18 +1cm RTE,Prostate Ca at 51 y/o; RARP 11/2/16, ED Post RP, Cialis, Viagra, VED,TRIMIX painful, BIMIX ineffective,lost 2+ inches of length after RP. Revision 12/2/20 by Dr Clavell, AMS 700 CX, L 21 R 21+1.5 RTE.

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Re: So scared to do implant surgery

Postby TANGERINE » Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:31 pm

LBC2020 states:
I just want
To make love w my wife again it’s killing me
Literally killing me

For me, I also really wanted to make love again, in fact, if I would die in surgery from the implant (that is almost unheard of), I would be OK with that, because, I agree with what you say that ED was literally killing me.

Yes, I was very scared of the surgery and the complications. But, the alternative of a life with ED was a glue trap that I refused to enter and become rotten and old in. Implant surgery allows you to exit from that "room of torture" named erectile dysfunction.

Pasted below is an answer that I typed to help another bionic brother "back in the day" (jan 19, 2019):
TANGERINE in 2019 states:

Being young (less than fifty) and having ED that does not respond to meds is a terrible place to be. It guarantees a general depressed state, and it destroys your ego and zest for life.

I agree with XOMANOW that "now is the time" to go for it. All of us older guys (I am 58) deeply wish that we had the implant ten years earlier (yup, all of us) since the younger years of sex are the better ones. If you are single, you must get a functioning penis (really, you must get it fixed), and thank goodness, you have the opportunity to get the penis fixed by the best in the world.

Do not have any fear about the need for replacements every ten years or so, we see that happen commonly, and the guys here on franktalk report that they generally sail right through the second surgery (easier the second time).

Always remember, "Good things happen when you go for it", and also remember my personal mantra when I was scared before surgery:

"Do not be a weenie, stand up tall like a gladiator and fight that beast named erectile dysfuction with zeal and courage". I said that over and over during the weeks leading to surgery, and even said it as I walked to the surgery center on the morning of surgery.


PS: Geez, If I had my implant at age 33, I can only imagine the great experiences and stories that I would have during those years between 33 and fifty -- the prime of your sex life. The opportunity to have a bionic dick that will stay up for hours --- wow, awesome

Good luck --- be strong and "fight like a gladiator"---"don't be a pussy"

good luck, potential bionic brother, from TANGERINE
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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