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Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:03 am
by Spikepork
Morning number 2. Now going to pee is manageable and relatively pain free. Feel like the penis is throbbing and quite uncomfortable. But no real pain in my balls at all. Just going to rest and see how it all goes.

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:31 pm
by ocitgo
I am at 1 month and go in tomorrow for my checkup.

At 2 weeks I tore out my stitches sitting on my couch with my 2 small dogs. I was sitting between the 2 sections and when I got up I think I caught my stuff between the sections when I sat up. It bled when I reached the bathroom. Called an ambulance and went back to ER. After a few hours I returned home only to have a big bleed in the kitchen as I arrived. Back to ER via ambulance and after several hours with many trial runs ER called for an urologist. He took about a hour to stop the bleed. This took about 12 hrs from start to end. They don't replace the stitches becasue of a high rate of infection. It is almost healed now with a large scar. Embarrassing but I survived and things look good now. I am tough and survived a bone marrow transplant 24 yrs ago. I now have 2 transplants. 8-)

Good luck to you.

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 7:23 pm
by Spikepork
Glad you are. That sounds very scary indeed. Just shows why rest is key. Rest my friend. I'm going to simply chill out as much as possible and try not to be impatient.

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 7:46 pm
by Greg1956
Spikepork wrote:Glad you are. That sounds very scary indeed. Just shows why rest is key. Rest my friend. I'm going to simply chill out as much as possible and try not to be impatient.

You are wise to rest. It got boring for me, but I dealt with it and my recovery was textbook perfect. Best wishes for continued recovery.


Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 7:58 pm
by radioradio

Stay Horizontal, Ice your nuts, and practice patience.
Wishing you the best.
Bob 2.3

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 2:31 am
by Spikepork
Thanks Guys. Today will be horizontal. Woke up this morning and the balls were aching a lot. Taken my pain meds and back robbed to have another day of awful UK daytime tv. Just trying to remain focussed on recovery.

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:37 am
by RecentImplant
Hope you're feeling better there. I'm 21 days post-surgery exactly and feel infinitely better. For me it was about 10 days, though I went back to desk-job after a week. Still throbs but no pain per se. You're defintely through the worst of it so onward and, um, upward!

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:00 am
by Spikepork
Thanks. That a boost knowing it all gets better. I'm going to just take it easy (not sure the wife will be quite so patient by day 10 tho!!)
Feeling ok today and each minute and each hour is. Astro away from the horrors of the last 29 years.

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:08 pm
by sliphill
Spikepork wrote:Thanks Guys. Today will be horizontal. Woke up this morning and the balls were aching a lot. Taken my pain meds and back robbed to have another day of awful UK daytime tv. Just trying to remain focussed on recovery.

Oh yeah, I remember that. Waking up with sore balls. That's what the pain meds are for. Hang in, it's going to get better.

Re: Saturday 9th is the I day!

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:21 am
by Spikepork
Day 5 post op. The only pain is a soreness at the balls and this is just uncomfortable rather than "painful". Continuing to rest although as a very active bloke I do find lounging around a tough call. I'm trying to be good. Mind you I've read numerous posts of others "activating" by day 5. Not sure how as the thought of anyone squeezing my balls right now would have to defend against a swift upper cut. Lol.