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Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:09 pm
another question - since I leak some after my prostate surgery ; I wear a pad. Any ideas as to not have a wet pad cause an infection. I know to change it when wet, but I could be damp and not know it.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:48 pm
by ThePlumber1964
A valid point to discuss thoroughly with Kramer until both have a workable plan!

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:12 pm
by shooter1000

I have some occasional minor leakage as well. After a long day a big sneeze or a heavy suitcase. Kagels and planks help keep it at bay, but I usually wear a drip and dribbles pad for insurance. I did not discuss it with Dr. Kramer. I probably should have. A few points: You will be on your back most of the time. In my case at least this is the least like position to leak from. Also, I got a room with a walk in shower.....Hampton inn by the baseball stadium. so I could just walk in and pee and keep the pressure off. Urine is sterile when it comes out of you. If you keep after it and take plenty of pads it shouldn't be an issue. I had no infection or any issues from it. Be prepared for some increase in your leakage for a while. You will have added pressure on your bladder from the reservoir and a sore and tired sphincter from the catheter and the swelling. At 4 weeks, I am just beginning to get back to where I was.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:13 pm
its been a little over 24 hrs since Dr. Kramer did his thing. Pain controlled with Tylenol . Only problem is swelling and 2 sore friends. The worst part so far was the prep. I'm a hairy Italian man. Who ever shaved me, left me raw and sore. Other thaqn that, I'm waiting for the swelling to go down. Using ice, but swelling still pretty swollen. Hope the ice and time will soon cause the swelling to diminish. Haven't had to take anything but Tylenol. Removal of cathath
r was a breeze.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:14 am
It's been 48 hrs. since my implant from Dr. Kramer. I tale one 12 hr Tylenol and that's it. My scrotum is swollen and getting blacker every day. lol. My penis is straight but turns to the left. I Sent a pic to Dr. Kramer to have him evaluate the situation. He said everything is normal considering I had surgery 2 days ago. After I inflate my penis will be the way it should be. I'm icing but swelling still there.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:25 pm
by ThePlumber1964
I assume you cannot take ibuprofen, right? Otherwise, that could be your savior.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:53 pm
I can- just don't want it to thin my blood.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:15 pm
by shooter1000
Starting on day 4 I began using both tylenol and Advil at there recommended max dose. It was a big help and reduced the swelling. I think you can use the ibuprophen after that amount of time with no worries.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:17 pm
by ThePlumber1964
I do respect your decision for whatever reason you have. I hope you have an expeditious recovery, so you can start to enjoy the many benefits of having back a fully functional penis in terms of sexual activity.

Re: Date with Dr. Kramer

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:44 pm
Day 4 woke up to more swelling in scrotum and lots of bruising. Been iceing . started motrin today. Hope it helps. No pain unless I sit on my boys.