AMS 700 Pump stuck up high

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Re: AMS 700 Pump stuck up high

Postby daridima » Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:38 am

daridima wrote:
Bigdave wrote:I had my implant on Feb 7th, and I had a lot of swelling for the first two weeks. My Scrotum was the size of a grapefruit, and my penis also swelled around the base of the glans.
My glans is still very sensitive, with some minor swelling that subsides when sleeping. Anything touching it feels like sandpaper. :(
Moreover, the pump seems to be stuck to the front of my scrotum. The skin is still pretty thick, making it impossible to find the deflate button. I've been trying to pull it down, and to also roll the skin to try to peel it free from the pump, but not having much success. After 2+ weeks I went to have it checked, and the nurse said it was looking normal, but with a bit more swelling than usual. She also could not find the button.
The doctor came in and also tried. I finally had to stop him, as it felt like my balls were in a vise as he tried to manipulate the pump.

I was advised against baths, but I'm now 20 days post op. I wonder if a daily hot bath would help loosen things up?

I'm interested if anyone else has had a similar experience. What, if anything needed to be done, and how did it turn out?

hi, did you solve it? did the pump move downwards or is it still attached to the front of your scrotum?

It has moved a little, and according to the doctor and the technician from Rigicon (the brand of my prosthesis) it is perfectly positioned (after all, I held a prosthesis in my hand for a show, and in fact the tubes from the pump to the cylinders of the prosthesis are actually short, it can't go very far down into the scrotum). But when I press on the pump it really hurts, it's been a little over 6 weeks, I thought I could activate it by now without any problems but it's the pressing on the scrotum that really hurts. Do you?
43 years old, operated on 03 February 2023, Rigicon Infla 10 AX three-component prosthesis (model extendable by approx. 20%). Operated in Istanbul by Prof. DR. Karaman with penescrotal incision.

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