doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby España1980 » Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:04 pm

It is for all this that when I cause an erection, my penis seems to have 3 parts, the one before the first dorsal fibrosis that is 2/3 of the penis, the second that is between the first fibrosis and the second before the glans , and the third, the glans, losing more and more rigidity the more it advances, in addition to narrowing and curvature

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 4:14 am

When you say there are tissues that suffers a lot do you mean you're feeling pain? Or doctor told you to avoid erections for a while and that's the explanation?

A difference in curvature maybe Peyronie. What doctors said?

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby España1980 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 6:33 am

Exactly, the doctor told me not to have erections for a while, it also hurts but the pain is getting better, and I notice how the tissues are very tight. and more curve I don't know because since then since the last injury I don't have an erection, that's from almost a month ago

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 10:08 am

Understood. Resting seems a sensible advice from an organic point of view. It goes without saying it could be preatty hard for your mind. Basically you're asked to avoid erections while obviously you're afraid of not having any more. Your libido and hormones could downregolate in the meanwhile so you'll need some time to recover your mind. Try to stay strong as much as you can.

Did your doctor told you when to check up (after 1 month, 2, 3..)?

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby España1980 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:13 pm

Fourtytwo00 wrote:Understood. Resting seems a sensible advice from an organic point of view. It goes without saying it could be preatty hard for your mind. Basically you're asked to avoid erections while obviously you're afraid of not having any more. Your libido and hormones could downregolate in the meanwhile so you'll need some time to recover your mind. Try to stay strong as much as you can.

Did your doctor told you when to check up (after 1 month, 2, 3..)?

eiii you are a very intelligent person, you have deduced everything that goes through my mind at the moment, the truth is that I am psychologically ill, because I spend all day thinking about what I can do to favor the state of my penis, and reading studies, and in different forums, but in my case it looks like Peyronie's but it's not because the fibrosis is in the corpus cavernosum, well there's nothing. I'm taking anxiolytics to sleep and I think that the way I'm going I'll start with antidepressants because I can't get my penis out of my head. That's why reading the topic of implants well to know that I have one last option. my head goes very fast. thanks fortytwo would you advise me something?
ahh the doctor said to stop for about 6 weeks and other doctors say that there is no need to stop. some send some very strong medication and others nothing because they say that these medications are worthless. In short, my head is very bad lately I sleep little, it's as if a part of me were dying. would you advise me something?

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:18 pm

Anxiolytics like benzodiazepines or hypnotics may give you temporary relief from sleepless night but taken on a regular basis tend to depress your mood and there's a significant risk of getting used to them. They also should tapered and not quitted abrouply. Perhaps you may look for something different with the help of your doctor. Antihistamine, low dose trazodone or mirtazapine. They knock you out a little bit at first but addiction risk is almost none or negligible.

Check your testosterone before going with antidepressants. Protracted lack of sleep, extreme anxiety, poor mood may impair your hormones and give you low testo which is a cause of depression per se. Even if you feel crazy right now, maybe it's better not going deep with psy drugs. Decide which doctor looks more professional and check everything according to him. You can't have your mind splitted among controversial diagnosis for too long. Btw a doc can't just say avoid erections for six weeks and let you go without a proper follow up schedule. Not intercourse, not masturbation. He told you to avoid erections, this can blow up your mind if not properly framed (why? should you really avoid nocturnal penile tumescence? and what's next after six weeks? Did he give you satisfactory answers?).

Btw did you have MRI scan, ultrasound with / without injections or else?

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby España1980 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:45 pm

Fourtytwo00 wrote:Anxiolytics like benzodiazepines or hypnotics may give you temporary relief from sleepless night but taken on a regular basis tend to depress your mood and there's a significant risk of getting used to them. They also should tapered and not quitted abrouply. Perhaps you may look for something different with the help of your doctor. Antihistamine, low dose trazodone or mirtazapine. They knock you out a little bit at first but addiction risk is almost none or negligible.

Check your testosterone before going with antidepressants. Protracted lack of sleep, extreme anxiety, poor mood may impair your hormones and give you low testo which is a cause of depression per se. Even if you feel crazy right now, maybe it's better not going deep with psy drugs. Decide which doctor looks more professional and check everything according to him. You can't have your mind splitted among controversial diagnosis for too long. Btw a doc can't just say avoid erections for six weeks and let you go without a proper follow up schedule. Not intercourse, not masturbation. He told you to avoid erections, this can blow up your mind if not properly framed (why? should you really avoid nocturnal penile tumescence? and what's next after six weeks? Did he give you satisfactory answers?).

Btw did you have MRI scan, ultrasound with / without injections or else?

Hello, yes, they did an MRI months ago and the area of ​​fibrosis came out, and 15 days ago in an ultrasound the new lesion came out, which the doctor said was a new micronodule. Regarding medication, I take lormetazepam and sinogam to sleep and vallium during the day. I've been taking 10 or 15 years and with cialis I always did well until I got injured and my new hell began. Regarding trazodone and mitarzapine I have them here in my drawer but I was hesitating to add even more medication. I've spent days and days thinking about whether to take it or not. I also canceled daily cialis and it caused me nocturnal erections and since the doctor told me to stop everything I have had two nocturnal erections at most in 29 days. I think letting everything rest is like treating this second injury at rest and for the pain to go away. I had a hormone test 5 months ago and they were all perfect. right now after all this stress I don't know how they will be. But why would I want hormones in place right now if having good erections is bad right now? is what I think inside.

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby España1980 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:51 pm

Fourtytwo00 wrote:Anxiolytics like benzodiazepines or hypnotics may give you temporary relief from sleepless night but taken on a regular basis tend to depress your mood and there's a significant risk of getting used to them. They also should tapered and not quitted abrouply. Perhaps you may look for something different with the help of your doctor. Antihistamine, low dose trazodone or mirtazapine. They knock you out a little bit at first but addiction risk is almost none or negligible.

Check your testosterone before going with antidepressants. Protracted lack of sleep, extreme anxiety, poor mood may impair your hormones and give you low testo which is a cause of depression per se. Even if you feel crazy right now, maybe it's better not going deep with psy drugs. Decide which doctor looks more professional and check everything according to him. You can't have your mind splitted among controversial diagnosis for too long. Btw a doc can't just say avoid erections for six weeks and let you go without a proper follow up schedule. Not intercourse, not masturbation. He told you to avoid erections, this can blow up your mind if not properly framed (why? should you really avoid nocturnal penile tumescence? and what's next after six weeks? Did he give you satisfactory answers?).

Btw did you have MRI scan, ultrasound with / without injections or else?

sent you a private message friend

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 6:48 pm

I didn't get the msg.

Eventually switch, don't add. It's possible you hit a certain tolerance because of the stress. It's not pleasant.
I went from normal to hypogonadal level in 3-4 months of chronic insomnia and lormetazepam didn't work. Low Testo can give or exacerbate depression like symptoms, brain fog, etc. Check it before considering antidepressants. Sinogan is levomepromazine. It may have affect prolactine and eventually has a negative effect on dopamine. All in all it's not a light combo. These stuff could work fine for decade and quit working after a very stressful event.
Have a blood check and a complete hormonal panel while you are abstaining. Just my opinion.

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Re: doctors look at the mental health of the patient before performing the implant?

Postby España1980 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 7:41 pm

thank you very much for your advice, I have returned to write to you privately; let's see if it arrives now

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