Kind Suggestions!! Matter of life...

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:00 am

Re: Kind Suggestions!! Matter of life...

Postby penitreatment » Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:52 pm

Gt1956 wrote:Many of you are missing what he has posted. This is an arraigned marriage. Not going through with the marriage would likely bring shame to 1 or both families. Due to economics, even a lower cost malleable isn't an option to him. All these benefits that we in the western world have at our finger tips are not available to him. Even mental health counseling would be a reach.
We have it pretty good compared to some parts of the world.

I cannot discuss with her at the moment, nor can break this relationship. It's embarrassing to both of the families if I break this relationship. I respect my parents and I cannot break. I have not told to my girl about my situation.we chat every night and she feel that I'm perfect for her. Most of her expectations will break down after marriage which I'm afraid off. I have 16+ years of ED stress. I don't know why I'm live after alot of stress on my health. I always thinking that why God choose me for such a hectic and stressful life.
ED due to VL. Implant is the last resort. Tried Cialis 5mg that works but have Chinese brand.

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:00 am

Re: Kind Suggestions!! Matter of life...

Postby penitreatment » Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:16 am

Up4Real? wrote:penitreatment,
You have been given much support and many solid suggestion. One of the things that hasn't been mentioned is prayer. Do you know how? Do you need some help? Private mail me if you do.
My observation for people with serious problems that focuses a lot on themselves is too look outside yourself and into the lives of the less fortunate. Be of service, volunteer, to the less fortunate which can really lift a person up and give them value, self esteem and confidence.
Lastly, get out and move. Exercise stimulates the endorphins which make a person feel good.
This may be too much, but force yourself to at least take some baby steps.
You will be in my prayers (actually are already).
May God Bless you...(He doesn't make junk)

Thank you for your support, I am totally give up myself, not thinking about others less fortunate. I just think that every one has better than me. I love with my fiance, I don't meet her so far. She don't know about my ED. She seems me a perfect man. As my marriage is totally arranged by my parents, I respect my parents and her parents self respect. But alongside I don't want to cheat her. My economic issues grab me strongly. Due to depression my decision power has gone. I give up myself. This is hope that everything is normal after my death. I can't bear mental torture by ED.
ED due to VL. Implant is the last resort. Tried Cialis 5mg that works but have Chinese brand.

Posts: 453
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:10 pm

Re: Kind Suggestions!! Matter of life...

Postby Cnidium » Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:54 pm

penitreatment wrote:
Up4Real? wrote:penitreatment,
You have been given much support and many solid suggestion. One of the things that hasn't been mentioned is prayer. Do you know how? Do you need some help? Private mail me if you do.
My observation for people with serious problems that focuses a lot on themselves is too look outside yourself and into the lives of the less fortunate. Be of service, volunteer, to the less fortunate which can really lift a person up and give them value, self esteem and confidence.
Lastly, get out and move. Exercise stimulates the endorphins which make a person feel good.
This may be too much, but force yourself to at least take some baby steps.
You will be in my prayers (actually are already).
May God Bless you...(He doesn't make junk)

Thank you for your support, I am totally give up myself, not thinking about others less fortunate. I just think that every one has better than me. I love with my fiance, I don't meet her so far. She don't know about my ED. She seems me a perfect man. As my marriage is totally arranged by my parents, I respect my parents and her parents self respect. But alongside I don't want to cheat her. My economic issues grab me strongly. Due to depression my decision power has gone. I give up myself. This is hope that everything is normal after my death. I can't bear mental torture by ED.

I hope this message will find you. I promise you aren't alone. I went through hell for 4 years in my 20s before knowing about implants as an option. My situation may not have been as bad as yours, but I am so happy I never gave up. There is always a next best step forward. Please consider what that step is for you. I wish I had more time to type more here. But again, I promise you, the suffering you are experiencing now can always be improved and life can be amazing for you. One step at a time. What is the next best step forward for you.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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