5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

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Postby FMLFML85 » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:21 am

Last edited by FMLFML85 on Fri Jan 24, 2020 1:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: 5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

Postby DaveKell » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:22 am

When I speak at seminars with surgeons to guys looking for answers for their ED I always stress that you have to be fully mentally prepared for an implant. You have to know and accept that your penis will be different from what you remember when you functioned naturally with no problems. You have to accept that even a few years of ED will shrink your erections from what they used to be. You have to mentally accept that your scrotum will be invaded and possibly crowded by the pump. You definitely have to accept that your girth will now most likely be a flat oval shape (you will have a wider erection instead of a full round shape). Guys who previously were above average in length (over 6.5 inches) will likely end up in the average length category of 6 inches and less. Your sensation during sex will also likely be less for a given amount of time. These are all outcomes that are well documented from thousands of men giving their anecdotal accounts of their implant outcomes.

If you've mentally accepted this you are in a better position to accept the many outcomes of being implanted. Having one or a couple of these outcomes, and constantly obsessing over them, is very counter productive to mental well being as your complaints well illustrate. You have to be willing to accept the eventuality of a new normal and if you aren't you'll drive yourself crazy. There is a positive side to focus on. An overwhelming number of men eventually gain more length by routine cycling of the implant but being in the average range isn't anything to be disgusted over as it's very adequate for satisfying sex.

My wife, who by the way to quote a very vocal FT member, definitely feels "loved, trusted and respected", also attends seminars with me and speaks at them. A couple of times a wife in attendance has asked her a question along the lines of "does the sex feel the same". Her answer is "it's a little bit different but its' still very nice". I was concerned after seeing my own outcome after being activated. I told the doctor I wasn't anywhere near my original size and especially the thickness. He said they gave me the largest implant my particular anatomy allowed, which is standard practice for all surgeons and he also said by regular cycling I should eventually gain 3 centimeters more in length. He wasn't wrong since after a little over two years I am back to my original size albeit my rounded girth I used to have is forever replaced by a much wider oval shape. My wife is very pleased with the outcome and my new normal isn't something either of us thinks about anymore.

You are only at 5 weeks out and your concerns are very premature at this point. You have to exert a higher degree of mental toughness, nut up and give yourself more time. Sorry for the bluntness of that comment, but it appears you might have been woefully inadequately mentally prepared for an implant. However, you have one and now have to adjust into a more accepting frame of mind with it. There is an immense amount of satisfaction to look forward to. Is your manhood greatly diminished by being smaller in length? In that case I guess all men who are around 6 inches with a hardon are lesser men in that way of thinking? If you give it more time you also have years of satisfying sex to look forward to, sex that is as complete as when you functioned normally with a satisfying ejaculation at the end just like before. However, unlike just before, the sex can continue as long as your wife likes because you penis doesn't go soft after ejaculation. Again I stress that you are very premature obsessing over everything you've said that required a more accepting attitude before getting the implant. You have other issues I greatly sympathize with as I lost a good friend awhile back with the same maladies you've stated. Please try to see a satisfying outcome in your near future as an overwhelming majority of men have experienced, including a number of them with more medical concerns than you have. I sincerely hope none of my comments offended or angered you. I assure you that is the farthest thing from my mind. But millions of women worldwide are taken care of and greatly pleased by men who are of average length. It isn't a reason to think less of your capability.
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: 5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

Postby George03 » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:43 am

If you read through the forum, you will see many had the same concerns as you at first. My doc didn't have me pump until about 5 weeks after. I was too thrilled at first, but reading about other's experiences in this forum and others made me a little more patient. About five months after surgery, I started feeling more normal. On my six month following up, doc said the AMS would continue to expand in length and girth for at least a year. I am about 14 months out now, recently seem a little more girth and easier to get the cylinders pumped to the end. So, be patient, but don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about your concerns.
Prostate removal August 2017, AMS 700 LGX Implant August 2018 60's, generally good shape and health. PSA zero so far.

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Re: 5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

Postby David_R » Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:23 pm

As I state in my signature, I have not lost any length from my implant (actually gained length when flaccid/soft), plus I have not lost any sensation during sex, and I am not the only guy like this, I know for sure. Just sayin'.

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Re: 5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

Postby tomas1 » Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:56 pm

I know I wouldn't stand for losing so much length and girth even with the "hope" of gaining half of it back eventually.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:51 am

Re: 5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

Postby smphead » Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:04 am

DaveKell wrote:
You are only at 5 weeks out and your concerns are very premature at this point. .

Not 5 weeks anymore, but over 15 weeks now.
1978, male Netherlands. ED due Propecia use. Currently using cialis.
Thinking about Penile Implant.

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Re: 5 weeks in from 700 surgery. I am not happy.

Postby bentorangepecker » Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:02 pm

Yes I know I am obsessing over all.thats bad that I've been going through . But most people would have removed themselves from this planet , with everything I've gone through the last 4 years. I'm well past my breaking point. I need something positive to happen to me. Losing a child. Learning I have MS. ED. Major spinal issues ending my athletic life. So many more things I just don't feel like listing. ... I just need something to make me feel happy and alive.
AMS700 LGX MS Pump IZ 18 CM x 12MM ( original )
3cm extender ( original )
AMS Conceal reservoir
June 6 2019
Dr. Zammstein
Revision 4/6/21
21cm x 12
2 cm extenders

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