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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:05 pm
by ringo1
MyImplant wrote:I had a LGX for 8 years. I had it replaced with s Titan this year. I could have chosen to just stay with the LGX. Longevity was great. You can PM me if want more details. I am willing to talk on the phone.

thanks for your kind gesture....I believe ur in your 80`s with ur second implant after 8 years.. my sincere appreciation of your courage to get the implant to restore ur sex life twice ..but tell me would u have done the implant in your mid 30`s over pills and injections...with facing aleast 4 revision , not only the hassel but getting through the physical / mental ordeal and most important the costs of surgeries...


Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 9:12 pm
by SW0110
Not sure really what age has to do with anything. Until I fell I either had sex daily or masturbated at least once a day. A hard d##k is necessary for both. If I was 20 or 30 of 40 or 50 and not able to get hard I would do whatever it took to fix it. It took me over 2 years and 4 drs to find one to tell me I have a permanent venous leak. They do not know what caused it. Could be trauma or age. I could care less. I am getting my erection back so that when I want to have penetrative sex I can. An implant is my option. As my last dr. Told me my best option is a natural erection. Not happening for me so an implant is it. If I have to have 1 or 50, I could care less. My kids over the past 2 years have gotten over 50 grand out of us for their stuff. I am getting my stuff fixed.

If you are young. Get your d##k fixed. If you are middle aged. Get your d##k fixed. If you are old. Get your d##k fixed. My dad is 82 and my mom is bed ridden. He is still very active . I would have no problem with him finding someone to be with. Life is what it is. Trying at times. You make it what it is. Sex is pretty damn good. Enjoy life. So what if you have to pump up an erection. Get over it and move on. Anyone younger than 30 or so, no telling what will happen in the future. Do what you can now.


Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:19 pm
by DougAnd
As a fellow sufferer from ED I feel your pain. That really sucks. It does. And these guys will tell you that I have been a whiner from day one. Unfortunately you and I both have good reasons to be discouraged. I considered the vein route instead of implant but turned it down. I was given other problems. And yes it has deformed me. But that is rare. But it did happen.
I have just had my 2nd implant surgery in less than 4 months and possibly face another much bigger one next year. But these last two are nothing. Had it on Tuesday went to work and sat around on Friday because I was bored to tears. I cut my finger to the bone in Feb. That healing took longer than these surgeries and more painful. If I had to do this every year I would gladly go for it.
I know that the vein stripping is a very painful procedure takes time to heal. This is not like that. Not at all. Don't try to compare them. Calling off your marriage over implant surgery is irrational at best. Heal from your vein stripping get your implant and give that woman the hard penis she deserves. You cannot even imagine the advantage you are getting over your natural penis that cums and shrinks. This thing just keeps on giving. You don't need to stop until you drop. I guarantee your wife will LOVE this huge benefit. A husband who can keep on keeping on until she is exhausted and more than satisfied. Hear my words. You have no idea what to expect. Ask the others implant surgery is nothing unless you become infected. If you don't go to a dump for surgery the chances of that are remote at best. It does happen. But so do car accidents. You're more likely to die in traffic on the way to the hospital than have a major infection from implant. Ask the guys how many had infection. Larry is the only major one I know of.
Don't make this irreversible mistake. Talk to this woman tell her your fears and if she leaves ok. But I'd bet she will stand by you unflinching every step of the way. Especially with this very easy walk. Get your penis fixed for you and for her. You will consider it the best choice of your life.
Once a year? Hell yes! Every 5 years? Even more.


Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:56 pm
by ringo1
DougAnd wrote:As a fellow sufferer from ED I feel your pain. That really sucks. It does. And these guys will tell you that I have been a whiner from day one. Unfortunately you and I both have good reasons to be discouraged. I considered the vein route instead of implant but turned it down. I was given other problems. And yes it has deformed me. But that is rare. But it did happen.
I have just had my 2nd implant surgery in less than 4 months and possibly face another much bigger one next year. But these last two are nothing. Had it on Tuesday went to work and sat around on Friday because I was bored to tears. I cut my finger to the bone in Feb. That healing took longer than these surgeries and more painful. If I had to do this every year I would gladly go for it.
I know that the vein stripping is a very painful procedure takes time to heal. This is not like that. Not at all. Don't try to compare them. Calling off your marriage over implant surgery is irrational at best. Heal from your vein stripping get your implant and give that woman the hard penis she deserves. You cannot even imagine the advantage you are getting over your natural penis that cums and shrinks. This thing just keeps on giving. You don't need to stop until you drop. I guarantee your wife will LOVE this huge benefit. A husband who can keep on keeping on until she is exhausted and more than satisfied. Hear my words. You have no idea what to expect. Ask the others implant surgery is nothing unless you become infected. If you don't go to a dump for surgery the chances of that are remote at best. It does happen. But so do car accidents. You're more likely to die in traffic on the way to the hospital than have a major infection from implant. Ask the guys how many had infection. Larry is the only major one I know of.
Don't make this irreversible mistake. Talk to this woman tell her your fears and if she leaves ok. But I'd bet she will stand by you unflinching every step of the way. Especially with this very easy walk. Get your penis fixed for you and for her. You will consider it the best choice of your life.
Once a year? Hell yes! Every 5 years? Even more.

u had a tought ride but still u are mentally strong..i wish i can be like u now..really i was tough..vein strppign wass a 7 hour procdure under local anesthesia I really had the balls to do it & after the opp ..with the deformity and pain and loss os size and sensation has really taken everythign out of me...i am on a sabitical from work..just laying off all day alone ..trying to somehow heal ..i really had a good career & really though i could buy the cure of ED...I went into vein stripping for perfection & now I realize I was in a much much better place and could have easily avoided the surgery if I had talked to my fiancée and could have relied on pills I would have atleast made love to her naturally male ego didn't let me do its gonna cost me the relationship I always wanted....
.now i am afraid i am so damaged that the implant might be an option anymore....thanks a million for sharing yoru prespective really means a lot..wish i was tough like u..hopefully trying...


Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:42 pm
by DougAnd
I can't imagine why you don't just get on the phone and cry on her shoulder, You need it and so does she. Women love to nurture their man. Get off of your butt and call her, get her over, let yourself emotionally heal.
Go back into my posts and you'll see that I was a wimp and whiner. But that is ok part of growing up. There is nothing wrong with where you are at and you are right after vein stripping you may not be able to have an implant at least not like before. Let her help you find the right surgeon who has the skill to make this right.
I totally get how you wanted to be whole, we all did. But guess what this is much better than whole at so many levels. For me it was a new virginity had to relearn how to make things work. Very exciting. And she will be thrilled. Even if you have loss of some sensation t does not effect the implant. You can just keep on pushing until pop goes the weasel. And then keep going and going. So what if it takes an hour instead of what 30 seconds? SHE WILL LOVE IT!!!!!
Right now you think that you made a stupid mistake that has ruined you. So what? Fix it! If you need to mourn do so but let her mourn with you. Then gird up your loins (Literally) and get fixed. The sooner you do the better things get. Really fast. What you can offer her now is MUCH more than what you had to offer her before. Trust me, she will orgasm until you are both too sore to walk straight.
Seriously man do not do this alone. Do not let your ego and pride of being wrong bury you. There was no way you could have known that vein stripping would turn into such a disaster. How could you? Your uro certainly didn't think so or he would never have tried. Stop beating yourself up.
Unless your dick is completely dead have a heart, give it a chance.
You don't need courage you need your fiance. She is your rock. Call her, cry over the phone. She will give you more than any of us could ever do. You know that's right.


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:45 pm
by MyImplant
What if I were 30 yr old would I implant? In my case absolutely. My dick is thicker, longrr and I'm certainly harder. I do not have mind games distracting me while fucking. I am now a shower rather than a grower. Today I am increasingly amazed at the the size of my cock. My confidence is sky high. At one time I Asked myself whether I would advise my son's to get an implant when though they might not need one. Of course this would be stupid idea if for your cock worked naturally. But it reveals how enthusiastic I am over implants.

All of this assumes my implant works.

By far the most concern about an implant is the fear you would lose some size. This is over blown. An implant enables you to achieve the largest size possible given the size of your tunica. It is up to you to enlargen your tunica e.g. e. VED, weights, stretching etc. The implant doctor does nothing to shorten your potential. But a properly sized expandable implant can add size in the future. I know because I added 1 1/2 inches in length and at least an inch in girth. HOWEVER the doctor can undersize the cylinders which can be devastating. Once you have decided to implant PM me and I will give u you my opinion what to ask and say to your doctor about sizing.


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:51 pm
by MyImplant

What a great post. You nailed it!


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:16 am
by shooter1000
I am coming up on two years. I am already coming to this site less and less. I love my implant. I believe that few men would be on this site 10 years into being implanted. The support and friendship is wonderful, but it is understandable that men lose interest after they have experienced most of these things for themselves. I doubt that I will be on hear 5 years in. My SUgar Babies have pounded the hell out of my LGX and it is still working perfectly. I would replace it every two years if I had to,


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:39 am
by David_R
I have had implants for over 16 years and I am still here at FT because I want to encourage and support other men suffering with the debilitating problem of E.D.


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:36 pm
by HarryBelafonte
shooter1000 wrote:I am coming up on two years. I am already coming to this site less and less. I love my implant. I believe that few men would be on this site 10 years into being implanted. The support and friendship is wonderful, but it is understandable that men lose interest after they have experienced most of these things for themselves. I doubt that I will be on hear 5 years in. My SUgar Babies have pounded the hell out of my LGX and it is still working perfectly. I would replace it every two years if I had to,

God Bless my Dallas surgeon. I could not be happier 5 years after implantation. For those men on the fence, I pray that they will find a qualified surgeon. They will never look back.