Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:48 am

Just to add:

The pain I use to have after leakage has completely stopped. I have had leakage but no pain.

This could be due to the surgeon taking out 10ml from the reservoir, or it could be from the medication he has put me on for prostatitis.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby frwmw1 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:36 am

That's fantastic news!

And a credit to your surgeon by the sounds of it.

It's really great to hear they followed up on this.
45yo, venous leak. Pills increased tinnitus (very rare). Using bimix+atropine, 0.2 of:
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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Sun Jul 09, 2023 10:53 pm

Appreciate the advice from you guys.

I think I just need to give it time, it's 5 months post-surgery and 2 weeks post-revision. I think at 9-12 months will be a better indication of how things are.

I think one thing we need to stop doing in the beginning, especially us younger guys, is comparing our implanted penis to pre-peyronies. And, comparing our healing/result to other journals. Every journey is different and time will tell what result the surgery brings.

We need to remember that, an implanted penis even with some minor issues, is still better than a peyronies penis which is not function for sex at all. Also, sex is a small part of life, we must remember that women are usually accepting of these issues (especially as they get older) and there is so much more to life than sex.

At the very worst, if you have to accept a life without sex or intercourse, so be it. There is much more to life.

As an update (5 months post-surgery and 2 weeks post-revision:

I am starting to feel more comfortable walking around, the flaccid is still deflated (I have not cycled after my revision surgery yet). Will start cycling tomorrow as that will be exactly 2 weeks post-revision. Pain is subsiding and feeling/sensation is returning.

I have been pulling down on the pump about 25 - 30 times a day, 5 sec pulls. The pump is a little awkwardly placed atm again.

The incision in the scrotum is healing, peno-scrotal incision is not too bad. I imagine my journey after partial revision would be similar to having a revision surgery as the surgeon pulled the device out, did a wash out and put it back in. In saying this, the revision is not too bad, almost 2 weeks and I am walking around comfortably. Future revisions shouldn't be too bad at all.

Haven't cycled to see whether the left side inflates more than the right, if it does, I may just have to live with it.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:54 pm

Hey guys,

Cycled today, the pump is different, I think it's just positioned differently. As for the inflated look, seems like girth has improved, some more dents prevalent which I am sure will fill out with time. It is very oval atm but I am only 2 weeks post-revision, it still has a good feel and look to it.

The deflate valve is kind of twisted, so it is horizontal, makes deflating a bit tricky, especially with a healing penoscrotal incision. However, no major issues. Anyone else have this?

I am glad everything is going smoothly so far. Probably will not update for a while.

Always here if anyone needs help.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:01 pm

Hey guys,

The deflate button is flat, horizontally sitting on the bottom of my scrotum, just below and slightly underneath the pump. Reaching it and then holding it to deflate is very tricky and requires two hands most times.

The surgeon advised that my scrotum is small and there is no easy answer, I can try and manipulate it with my hands. I am guessing this would not be worth another surgery.

My only other option is not to cycle/use the device, or limit usage so that I do not risk not being able to deflate.

Any suggestions?

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:50 am

Hey guys,

Just going to add the following then I think I am going to leave and not think about the implant for a while:

- the pump is awkwardly placed, it is horizontal and flat behind and lower than the scrotum. This makes deflating very difficult. It's in a worse position than before my revision. Surgeon says there is no easy answer, I have a small scrotum and I can try manipulate it with my hand. Its obviously not worth another surgery but the fact that it's worse now than before my revision is a bit frustrating.

- in the operating notes/letter to my GP, the surgeon stated that when he pulled out the pump, there was some fluid on it. He says he doubts this was an infection and he has sent it for testing (haven't heard from him). But, this could be the reason to all my past pain and leakage, I really don't know.

- the left side still inflates more than the right, this is a bit uncomfortable and I can feel more of a stretch on the left side. Surgeon advised this is because the graft on the right has contracted. It may improve with cycling otherwise, might just have to live with it.

I am mixed on starting VED, I want to start VED to see if I can get the right side to stretch and have a more comfortable inflated penis. But, I am not sure if the risks are worth it.

My final thoughts are, if you can afford to see the best, which in my opinion is Dr Eid, Dr Hakky and Dr Clavell - go for it. I think other doctors just prioritize getting you functional, after that if you have issues, they don't really take them into consideration.

I am just going to leave things be and see where I am at in a month or two.

Always here if anyone requires support.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:42 pm

Thought I would do a post. Sometimes just writing in here as a journal clears your thoughts.

I am now about 6 months post surgery and 5 weeks post revision (pump re-placement, remove some fluid from reservoir, scrotal web removal, cystoscopy).

Graft thickening

The issue with the graft thickening on the right side causes some discomfort. It also causes a twist when inflated. One side inflates nice and round and the other side does not. So, left side is inflated properly, right side is a bit soft and flat. This causes quite a bit of discomfort and almost looks and feels a little deformed.

I have been told that there is nothing which can be done about this, the graft may contract from cycling or may not.

Currently, the graft has thickened a bit more and is a bit painful on one side.

It is very uncomfortable and I am a bit worried it will inhibit gains from cycling due to only one side inflating to stretch.

Not much I can do but just live with it and hope for the best or eventually look into fillers.

Sometimes with engorgement it is a bit less prominent, but it has been difficult to get engorged. I will eventually try viagra and see if it helps.

Something to note is, would I have had this issue if I received just the implant and not the T.E.P? There is no point thinking backwards and I am learning to accept things but I can't help but think this way atm.

When I first had the implant, both sides would inflate the same and it looked great, with good girth. Eventually the right side graft thickened and has caused this issue. It is definitely uncomfortable and would feel awkward/strange inside a vagina. A bit lost at what to do, wish it would go back to how it was. Will have to try viagra and see if the blood flow helps make a more even erection.

If anyone has any advice or ideas I would appreciate it a lot.

Dog ear

There's a pic attached below of my deflated titan. The dog ear is quite prominent and a little painful, as you can see, I can't really move my flaccid to the right. This makes sleeping uncomfortable, especially when rolling over. Wearing tight clothes is a bit uncomfortable as well.

I am wondering if this will improve over time or is this something we just have to learn to live with?


I am cycling 1 hour each day, I do get a good stretch and it is still painful. Unfortunately, mostly the left side inflates, and the right side does not inflate much atm due to the thickened graft.

Size, length/girth

Length is close to pre-op of 6.5 inches bone pressed. I haven't officially measured as I do not want to think about these things atm.

Girth is difficult to measure due to one side inflating and the other side not inflating as much. My girth on left side is good, right side is just flat.

Pump placement

This is my biggest issue, I had revision surgery to fix the pump, however, the pump is more uncomfortable now than it was before. The deflate valve has twisted, so, the button is horizontal and it leans to the right, pushing my right testicle up into my pubic bone, as well as constantly pushing against the right side of my scrotum. Sitting and laying down can be very uncomfortable.

Surgeon said there is no easy answer and that I have a small scrotum which is an issue.

I have been pulling down on the pump which has helped to lower the pump position, but has not helped to set the deflate valve in the middle of the scrotum.

All I can do is wait it out. I know it would not be worth another surgery.

Leakage issue

Before my revision, this was my biggest issue. I would have leakage at least 2 times a week which would result in extreme pain and resulted in me going to emergency twice. I had to deal with this for 4 months, it was terrible. Today, I do not have this issue. I sometimes get leakage after using the bathroom but the pain is very minimal.

Pain after ejaculating

This was an issue for me before my revision. I had to bank sperm to start TRT, but ejaculating would result in extreme pain, similar to the leakage issue. Currently, I do not have extreme pain after ejaculating, however, there is still some pain and discomfort.


I might have sex soon, I have a girl that is informed about the implant. The issue is that, with the thickened graft, the shape of the penis is a bit deformed. I think with engorgement this may be a bit better. I might take some viagra and attempt to have sex soon. Ejaculating also still results in some pain, so, sex has not been a priority atm.

I have really just stopped thinking about sex, the implant, etc and been trying to move on with life.

Current thoughts on implant/T.E.P

I think if you're younger, you should really exhaust other options first. I understand why some surgeons are reluctant to operate on younger guys. We have higher expectations, and if something goes wrong, we have to live with it for 30+ years.

Pre-implant, I could walk comfortably, I could run, I could sleep comfortably, I could go to the gym, pick my niece n nephew up. All these things I am currently unable to do. So, just remember, an implant may give you function, but if something goes wrong or you need revisions, or you have displaced pump, it can really affect your quality of life for a while.


I have found being circumcised is definitely different, it takes a lot of getting used to. If I could go back, I may have opted not to be circumcised and either done the inverted version of T.E.P or gotten just the implant. It's hard to say as who knows if I may have had even less girth/length without T.E.P? Also, difficult to give a positive review considering the thickened graft issue which is affecting girth and shape of the erection.

Final thoughts

I have tried to be as honest as possible here. It's difficult for me to give a proper review yet as I am still recovering from revision surgery.

A few months from now all these issues may be irrelevant. Time will tell. Acceptance is key.

Any advice is always appreciated from you guys.

Dog_Ear.jpg (40.52 KiB) Viewed 672 times
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:19 am

Did some research and I think the issue with the right side not inflating is due to the graft retracting. I read some studies and it seems to be a common undesirable side effect which causes ED, instability and recurrence of curvature when certain grafts are used. One of the studies stated that extra graft should be used to avoid this.

If anyone has any experience with this, I would really appreciate it.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby wolfpacker » Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:52 am

Do you have any pics posted that show inflated with the right side not inflating? It's difficult to imagine whats going on
Early 30s with ED for years from penis enlargement stretching and jelqing. Implant by Dr Eid on 24 June 2021 with a Titan 24cm with +1cm RTE on one side and -1cm cut off on the other side

My journal: viewtopic.php?t=17202

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Re: Implant + TEP procedure Journal - 34yr old Australian

Postby aussiePeyronies » Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:10 am

wolfpacker wrote:Do you have any pics posted that show inflated with the right side not inflating? It's difficult to imagine whats going on

It’s difficult to get it shown properly in a pic but I will try.

It was fine for about 2-3 months then this issue started

The surgeon advised that the graft has thickened on one side.

I’m really looking for some answers as my left side is hard and round, right side is soft, flat and oval.

Thanks for you reply.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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