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Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:35 pm
by Anonymous3
How did we get so far from the OP issue?

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:03 pm
by MichaelM
Unfortunately, there is a minimum below which you are not usable. It appears that 3" is below that minimum. And what does "the OP issue" mean? Anyway, the AMS corporate patient liaison said he would call me again in a week and he wanted me to be able to say I got two more pumps into the penis than I am getting now. So I am trying. The arthritis in my hands makes it difficult, but today I succeeded in making my penis sore, which I hadn't done since I was told by my doctor that 3" was all I was going to get. When the AMS guy said "we don't sell 3" implants", I redoubled my efforts. I still don't know why my surgeon was placed on a leave of absence until the end of this year...

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:19 pm
by Anonymous3
I sent you a PM
A hot bath may help with the pump

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:57 am
by MichaelM
I hate to say it, but I have now been lied to 3 times. My doctor said I was implanted with a 3" prosthesis. The AMS rep said the same thing. The new doctor, who replaced my doctor put on a leave of absence, said the same thing. I thought "bull shit". So I contacted AMS and got the "Patient Liaison". He said "we don't sell a 3" implant". He said at 4 months, you're working uphill, but I want you to get 2 full pumps extra before I call you next week". I think I have done that, but without increase in length. He said the tunica will take time to stretch but is 5% elastic. So don't give up. So the company is actually helping me. It does hurt. But he said their smalllest implant is 4.5 inches and that I have the LGX which stretchest 20% to 5.5 inches.So I'll just have to see. I do know that I don't like being lied to...

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:17 am
by Anonymous3
Stay strong try and look past the lying assholes in the past. Look to the future you know there is hope now

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:36 am
by David_R
Damn, MichaelM! I hate asshole doctors! :x

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:24 pm
by ThePlumber1964
The horror stories out there about this issue are really disconcerning.

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:54 pm
by MichaelM
The AMS Patient Liaison just called me again to see how I was doing. He wanted to know if I had "gotten two more pumps" into the implant. I told him I had, but while it hurt along the sides, it didn't change the length. He told me to just keep doing it. The tunica is 5% elastic, so it will eventually stretch a bit. He also said he got out the exact implant I have (AMS 700 LGX) and measured it. It's 2.8 cm behind the tubes, and the tubes take about 1 cm. So the part inside the penis is 11.2 cm, not 8 cm like I was told. He added that the 11.2 can stretch 20%, so if the penis will accomodate it, it will be 13.4 cm or 5.3 inches. Since the implant does not go to the end of the penis, that adds a quarter to a half an inch, so if the penis will stretch, it would be about 5.5 inches (not the 3 inches I have now). So I am pumping until it hurts, and leaving it that way until I'm tired of the ache (it's more like an ache, rather than a pain, since it is not sharp). I certainly can't criticize AMS for ignoring their patients.

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:38 pm
by Anonymous3
Just remember 4 months of scar tissue has to break when it does you may have pain

Re: 3 Inches and no change

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:00 pm
by MichaelM
I guess the real question is how long it will take to break the scar tissue. The second doctor, who seemed to not care one tiny bit that I had a 3" penis, seemed to suggest that it would never break. A long time, I believe; "never" seems a bit negative and cavalier.