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Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:38 am
by ThePlumber1964
I will not repeat my full rationale for me to be fully open with my family and my wife’s family. However, I can assure you that being open about it, it has allowed me to become an advocate for the potential family member that are or could be experiencing ED symptoms soon, so they know I will be there for them, and furthermore, that it must not be a taboo. Hturner got it perfectly right.


Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:48 pm
by Ruktitan
Thanks for all the replies guys. Yeah I know the best thing to do would be honest. But sometimes the full truth can come out later. Its abit too heavy for someone to understand so early on.
I would actually understand if someone lied to me about them having breast surgery straight away. Especially in a small town when you meet someone chances are they know 20 people you do. If it doesnt go to plan and she decides to tell everyone, its not going to be so easy to brush off. Prostate surgery could work.. its enough for someone not to want to ask any more questions

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:36 pm
by newbie443
It can be really tough to talk about. I know I tried to talk with my doc and when it came time I just could not do it for years.

But like you say some women don't want to talk about guy problems in detail. So you could just say it is for guy or mans problems like I do. If she asked you for more details you can just tell her you'd rather not talk about it until after the surgery.

That way you would not be on the spot for telling a lie. Just an idea.

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:34 pm
by Greg1956
I agree that being open and honest is the best policy, but still believe there are times when an excuse is OK. If you are in a relationship with a woman I do think honesty is best because one lie may always make her question your honesty. I had retired just before I got my implant, but if I had still been working I would definitely have made up a story for my coworkers. I worked with a bunch of guys who would have made non-stop jokes if they found out I had a bionic dick. I can live without their childish behavior. I bet even if I had told them I had hernia repair I would have been asked, “Did you rupture a nut fucking your wife?” or some equally immature comment. There are times the truth is overrated in my opinion.

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:54 pm
by Anonymous3
Work and relationship two different critters

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:46 pm
by Panther#33
I just answer the casual question,With, Just a little old man maintenance. Most people just let it go at that. Then one day the cleaning lady said, How is your pump up working? (she had found the operating manual from AMS on the night stand) :oops:

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:20 pm
by Lost Sheep
Panther#33 wrote:I just answer the casual question,With, Just a little old man maintenance. Most people just let it go at that. Then one day the cleaning lady said, How is your pump up working? (she had found the operating manual from AMS on the night stand) :oops:

This, pf course, begs the question, what did you tell her (or show her)? ;)

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:03 pm
by jackhammerdreamz
Ruktitan wrote:Hey. Im due for surgery next thursday. Ive left it so late but ive started dating someone and have no idea what to tell her im having surgery for? Obviously the truth is not an option this early on. What has anyone used as an excuse or cover up?

I told my family it was going to be having a urethral stricture or something. Basically said I had scar tissue partially blocking my urethra from years of soccer (kicks to groin) and bicycling.
They didn't blink twice and said good luck. My GF (of 4 years) knew about my implant.

How long have you been dating? If you're sexually active you may want to just be open about it.
She'll have to find out eventually and it's a take it or leave it type of thing.
I doubt you'll cancel your implant if she says she doesn't want you to have it done.

That may be easier said than done though.
I'm an honest person to begin with :D

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:22 pm
by Ruktitan
Ive went with a prostate issue. Having looked at the surgery for that it seems quite similar abdomen and scrotal so it could be realistic. I massively overthought it though and when I said I had surgery this week she just asked if I wanted her to sneak my puppy into the hospital for me. That was it, End of discussion. Thanks for all the suggestions. Im sure I will open up in time but its only been 2 and abit months and I would rather let this run its natural course.. unlike me.

Re: What excuse did you use?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:28 pm
by radioradio
Both times (original and revision), no-one except my wife and my administrative assistant knew anything. My wife knew the whole truth, obviously, and I told my admin I just had to have "some things fixed" after my prostatectomy. She's no dummy, and probably has figured it out, but it's never come up. Pun intended.