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Re: Day 20 Questions on Deflation

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:50 pm
by warrenw
I find it puzzling that Coloplast would offer more than one model of pump. If one model is more problem free than another, why offer both?

Re: Day 20 Questions on Deflation

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:23 am
by bbb2.5
Hey Mike.... You have what is now known as the Titan Classic Pump. An older version being bough back into play. It is much easier to operate. Sound like you may still have some swelling going on in your scrotum especially if your experiencing some discomfort. Can you feel both sides of the Deactivation bars? It requires quite a bit of pressure to operate them. Are you still semi erect or have you figured our how to deflate now? Perhaps you need to call for another lesson in how to operate your pump.

Re: Day 20 Questions on Deflation

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:03 am
by Spikepork
A very common thread on here especially it seems with Titan. It takes time to master as I’ve found out! Especially stopping the reinflate after deflating.

Re: Day 20 Questions on Deflation

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 6:12 am
by mikestap
Good morning all. Michael and Warren, thanks for your help. Last night I was determined to get the deflate mechanism to work and I am happy to say I was successful. I could feel the saline flowing out of my penis and the results are I am able to position it as low as about 5:00. Much more comfortable.

Now I need to get better at the inflate bulb, particularly to prevent the auto inflate from occurring. I have tried to do this, but the bulb is very hard. I imagine I will just need to keep at it.

Question - if I fail to lock out the auto inflate, is there a point where inflation will stop? Or am I at risk for a slow drip back into the cylinders, resulting in a new erect dick? I suppose that the whole system has to find equilibrium pressure in the absence of a closed valve. What’s your experience?

I have an appointment with Dr. Hakky next week, but I have conflicts at work and will need to reschedule. Not happy about that, but gotta pay the bills.

Thanks again for all your help.
