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Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:08 am
by alibaba
I still have troubles. First I can't get the button because the pump rotates to an odd angle when inflated, then I have to squeeze it like choking it to death to get it beyond slightly sagging. Not yet perfected I think. Looked good when the monkeys did it in the trials...........

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:50 am
by bearnextdoor
Thanks everyone for the informative replies. I am only three weeks post surgery and perhaps a little too eager. I can deflate and inflate, but very difficult and at this point still a little sore. Seems when I locate the top of the pump where the release button is, the thing slide from between my fingers and roughly disappears. The pump is well located and hangs low. Just going to take practice I suppose. Never having had large testicles getting used to this third testicle takes some adjustment. I have found some very tight support 'jock' type garments. Seems to help. The only other question I have is , ' how do you know when you are completely deflated? Perhaps I will never be truly flaccid again. Oh well.
Thanks again.

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:33 am
by Larry10625
bearnextdoor wrote:Thanks everyone for the informative replies. I am only three weeks post surgery and perhaps a little too eager. I can deflate and inflate, but very difficult and at this point still a little sore. Seems when I locate the top of the pump where the release button is, the thing slide from between my fingers and roughly disappears. The pump is well located and hangs low. Just going to take practice I suppose. Never having had large testicles getting used to this third testicle takes some adjustment. I have found some very tight support 'jock' type garments. Seems to help. The only other question I have is , ' how do you know when you are completely deflated? Perhaps I will never be truly flaccid again. Oh well.
Thanks again.

I was watching a video by Dr. Eid (I think) He said to squeeze the hell outta your dick during deflation, that will completely deflate it.


Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 7:57 pm
by Boca Grande
bearnextdoor wrote: The only other question I have is , ' how do you know when you are completely deflated? Perhaps I will never be truly flaccid again. Oh well.
Thanks again.

I'm almost at 3 weeks post-op. Activated for inflation/deflation at 2 weeks. I can get it to deflate, but not to hang down. IOW, I'm pointing at 2:30 no matter whether inflated or deflated. I can fold it in half while deflated, but left on its own, it's pointing out. I'm a little worried that public showers are a thing of the past. I'm also due for a colonoscopy in a few months. :? It also hurts in my underwear at the folds. Is this normal for many and does it get better?

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:48 am
by Eveready
I'm just a little further along the Titan road than you, so others' experience may be more valuable, but I'm anticipating that my flaccid self will never be as beautiful as once it was! Quite sharp folds beneath the skin (that correspond with areas of sometimes exquisitely painful flesh on the surface), dressing much more definitely on the left than before - probably pointing around 20 degrees off centre.
The pain at the folds has been getting better, but not quickly.

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:53 am
by Smetro
Eveready wrote:Boca
I'm just a little further along the Titan road than you, so others' experience may be more valuable, but I'm anticipating that my flaccid self will never be as beautiful as once it was! Quite sharp folds beneath the skin (that correspond with areas of sometimes exquisitely painful flesh on the surface), dressing much more definitely on the left than before - probably pointing around 20 degrees off centre.
The pain at the folds has been getting better, but not quickly.

I promise you that these things will subside with time.
I now only fully deflate when going to sleep, all other times I am 1/3 inflated and most discomfort is gone. I had the same issues as you but the more I use mine including twice daily cycling the softer and more supple my implant becomes..... You'll see :)

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:41 pm
by Eveready
Thanks, Smetro!
The recovery is certainly proving slower than I'd been led to believe. I guess that's a consequence of being hung like a horse. Or a pony. Maybe a Shetland. Or My Little Pony ...

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:40 am
by Charlie999
Thanks smears. I thought my pump would come down, as well, but it just did not happen. I cycled for the first time, and could not deflate. I tried warm baths and pulling on the pump. No good. After 5 days, gave up and had consult with local uro. He also could not find deflate button. Finally, today drove to Tampa, And my implant uro was able to deflate.
This was a revision of a leaking implant. Now, uro says I will need a revision to re-locate the pump. Whatever it takes, I will get it done.



Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:42 am
by bbb2.5
I am only 3 weeks out for implantation, I was deflated at 2 weeks By the PA. On my ride home from from the Doctors office. I noticed an feeling that was similar to that feeling when your getting a spontaneous erection. As soon as I was home I went an looked and my penis had swelled up on it's on. Called my Doctor and sent him a pic. He said that while he and I was discussing my progress. He allowed me to feel around finding the deflate button and other areas of my penis. That I must have touched the deflate button in a way that opened it back up allowing the saline to flow back into my penis. I have to return the next day to get it done again. They assure me that I am deflated but to me it looks like I have a semi about to occur. I know some of it is the implant it's self making my penis look fuller. I will say this I like the fuller looks, and it has gotten better looking as the day pass by, not as full, but still very noticeable.. I go back on July 31 to learn how to cycle. Looking forward to that day.
Will it eventually just hang natural or will it always be in a fuller state?

Re: coloplast deflation

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:02 pm
by Lost Sheep
I read a study comparing patient and partner satisfaction with Coloplast Titan and AMS CX wherein it was mentioned that it took months, not weeks to master the inflate and deflate operations.

Hang in there and don' get discouraged.