25 years old Should i have an implant?

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby wellick » Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:54 pm

Did your ED only started on antidepressants? Read about PSSD, it's a possibility: https://rxisk.org/post-ssri-sexual-dysfunction-pssd/
33 years old from Portugal.
Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) since 2012 (mostly ED but also some loss of sexual pleasure both during intercourse and ejaculation).

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby 25yearsold » Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:22 am

Hi wellick i am aware of pssd but i dont think my problems completely caused by pssd. I have normal libido and ejeculation, i just have erection problems, thank you anyway:)

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby 25yearsold » Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:26 am

25yearsold wrote:1) Does it feel natural to you while having sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?)
2) Does it feel natural to you while having oral sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?)
3) Does it feel natural to your partner while having sex?
4) Does it feel natural to your partner while having oral sex?
5) Is implant noticable by eye to you or your partner when erect/flaccid?
6) Is implant noticable by touching your penis to you or your partner when erect/flaccid?
7) Is it possible to hide the implant from a partner that you have penetrative and oral sex with? (again please do not judge, it is hard at age 25)
8) Does implant cause any pain or discomfort to you or your partner during sex?
9) Is sex or masturbation more enjoyable with a natural erection or same with implant? If it is not same could you please compare on 10 points?
10) I have 5’5 erect length 5’ erect girth 5’5 flaccid strected lenght, how much length and girth size loss should i expect? Does size loss happens every time?( I know all people are different but wondering what your urologists told you)
11) I am going to have to have a number of revisions in my lifetime because implant will fail eventually, do you lose size on every revision? (excluding situations like infection)
12) Is masturbation feel different with implant? Could you please compare on 10 points.
13) How painful is surgery?
14) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after surgery?
15) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after surgery?
16) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after surgery?
17) How painful is a revision surgery?
18) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after a revision surgery?
19) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after a revision surgery?
20) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after a revision surgery?
21) Does flexing bulbocavernouse muscle (the one that moves your penis up when you flex) feels same after implant?
22) Could you please compare the feeling and enjoyment between having sex/oral sex/masturbation with a natural erection and implant assisted erection on 10 points?
23) Do you recommend an implant or injections for a 25 years old?

I know im asking a lot of questions but please guys i need your experiences :arrow:

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby David_R » Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:15 pm

1) Does it feel natural to you while having sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?) If 10 points is natural erection, I would still give it a 10 with an implant.
2) Does it feel natural to you while having oral sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?) Oral sex feels just as good with the implant as it did with a natural erection.
3) Does it feel natural to your partner while having sex? My wife says that it feels natural.
4) Does it feel natural to your partner while having oral sex? I haven't asked my wife that specific question, but she has never said anything about things being different with oral sex.
5) Is implant noticable by eye to you or your partner when erect/flaccid? No one can see my implant (including the pump in the scrotum).
6) Is implant noticable by touching your penis to you or your partner when erect/flaccid? It feels like the strong erection that I had when younger (I am 67).
7) Is it possible to hide the implant from a partner that you have penetrative and oral sex with? (again please do not judge, it is hard at age 25) [n.a.]
8) Does implant cause any pain or discomfort to you or your partner during sex? No.
9) Is sex or masturbation more enjoyable with a natural erection or same with implant? If it is not same could you please compare on 10 points? It feels just as good with the implant as with a hard erection.
10) I have 5’5 erect length 5’ erect girth 5’5 flaccid strected lenght, how much length and girth size loss should i expect? Does size loss happens every time?( I know all people are different but wondering what your urologists told you) My erect (inflated) size is the same as my (natural) erection size was. (I have done lots of compressions as my doctor instructed; this did not happen overnight.) And my flaccid (uninflated) size is larger, changing me from a "grower" to a "show-er."
11) I am going to have to have a number of revisions in my lifetime because implant will fail eventually, do you lose size on every revision? (excluding situations like infection) [n.a.]
12) Is masturbation feel different with implant? Could you please compare on 10 points. It feels the same to me.
13) How painful is surgery? Immediately following the surgery it was quite painful. I spent a week in a recliner with a bag of ice on my crotch (taking it off every so often so things would not start to hurt from the cold). I used prescription pain relievers to start, but it wasn't long till I went to over-the-counter ones.
14) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after surgery? I have a desk job, and I was back at work in a week. (But different jobs require different amounts of time, I understand.)
15) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after surgery? I was told by my doctor not to use it -- with my wife or with myself -- for 6 weeks.
16) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after surgery? [same answer as #15]
17) How painful is a revision surgery? [n.a.]
18) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after a revision surgery? [n.a.]
19) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after a revision surgery? [n.a.]
20) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after a revision surgery? [n.a.]
21) Does flexing bulbocavernouse muscle (the one that moves your penis up when you flex) feels same after implant? I cannot use my bulbocavernouse muscle with my implant, but that's OK with me since it will get hard!
22) Could you please compare the feeling and enjoyment between having sex/oral sex/masturbation with a natural erection and implant assisted erection on 10 points? [See my answers above. The same feelings are enjoyed.]
23) Do you recommend an implant or injections for a 25 years old? If you're a 25-year-old with E.D. and nothing else works (or works constantly or it won't stay hard for as long as you want it to), I would recommend it.[/quote]

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby sliphill » Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:15 pm

25yearsold wrote:Hello i am a 25 years old young member who is considering having a penile implant. I have a lot of questions in my mind and hoping to find some answers in this wonderful community. Before asking my questions a little background about me:

I was diagnosed hypertension when i was 18 years old and on medicine since then.

I first noticed my ED about 1 year ago,when i was 24 years old, during foreplay my girlfriend. I noticed i am not as hard as i used to be with my ex girlfriend (when i was 19, so its like 5 years ago). I was using antidepressants at that time (SSRI) which are notorious for causing sexual dysfunction. So i did not pay so much attention, discussed the topic with my psychiatrist. He lowered the dosage of my medicine at first, but it did not improve things so he stopped the treatment and told me wait for 6-8 weeks to side effects go away. I stopped antidepressant treatment 6 months ago but my ED did not improve, it got worse and i became more and more depressed.
1 month ago i went to an urologist and he asked a blood test,pelvic ultrasound, penile doppler. Ultrasound and penile doppler came normal, ( i even had a prolonged erection after doppler test) my testosterone level was just a little above normal level (my urologist told me its below normal for my age but not low enough to cause ED), my prolactin was slightly elevated (again my urologist told me it should not cause ED). In conclusion my urologist seemed confused and told me it might be psychological. But since i was never having morning erections and was not able to have a full erection even while masturbating he started me 5 mg Daily cialis for a month to see what will happen.

After starting cialis my ED symptoms relieved a little, and after 2 weeks starting Cialis i was able to have penetrative sex with my girlfriend first time in my life. Even though it was not great ( i needed constant stimulation to maintain my erection, and lost my erection in some positions like girl on top) i managed to have sex 3-4 times on my second week with Cialis.

But after 3rd week Cialis seemed to be no longer effective, and my erectile capacity is not enough for having sex. That made me even more depressed, i was already depressed since i have to use PDE5 inhibitors to have sex at 25. Anyway i discussed all these with my psychiatrist and he told me its all psychological which i strongly disagree.

-No morning wood. Never.
-Able to have a %80-90 erection on sitting, lying positions with manual stimulation.
-Once stimulation stops erection goes away very quickly (10-15 seconds)
-Once stand up erection goes away in 20-30 seconds EVEN i stimulate it with my hand.
-Can’t start an erection while i was standing up.
-These symptoms are same when i was with my girlfriend or alone(masturbating)

Last week when i was with my girlfriend i took 10mg levitra in addition to my Daily 5 mg cialis regimen and barely had an erection to make me able to have intercourse.

I have appointment with my urologist and psychiatrist in 3-4 days but it seems my options are (unless they put a magical solution on table) injections or implant.
I have concerns about both, injections will kill spontaneity and i think it will kill my self-esteem even more, on the other hand implant is an irreversible solution and i will lose any chance to have a natural erection.

-No morning wood. Never.
-Able to have a %80-90 erection on sitting, lying positions with manual stimulation.
-Once stimulation stops erection goes away very quickly (10-15 seconds)
-Once stand up erection goes away in 20-30 seconds EVEN i stimulate it with my hand.
-Can’t start an erection while i was standing up.
-These symptoms are same when i was with my girlfriend or alone(masturbating)

I am closer to having an implant since i think i can i manage to hide it (even most of you do not suggest that, but please consider i am 25 years old.) and as per i understood injections are unreliable and you need to up your dosage and eventually they stop working.

(I know some (maybe all) of them were asked before but i will ask again anyway to have more opinions and to put together all questions can be asked before considering an penile implant for a young guy like me)

1) Does it feel natural to you while having sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?)
2) Does it feel natural to you while having oral sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?)
3) Does it feel natural to your partner while having sex?
4) Does it feel natural to your partner while having oral sex?
5) Is implant noticable by eye to you or your partner when erect/flaccid?
6) Is implant noticable by touching your penis to you or your partner when erect/flaccid?
7) Is it possible to hide the implant from a partner that you have penetrative and oral sex with? (again please do not judge, it is hard at age 25)
8) Does implant cause any pain or discomfort to you or your partner during sex?
9) Is sex or masturbation more enjoyable with a natural erection or same with implant? If it is not same could you please compare on 10 points?
10) I have 5’5 erect length 5’ erect girth 5’5 flaccid strected lenght, how much length and girth size loss should i expect? Does size loss happens every time?( I know all people are different but wondering what your urologists told you)
11) I am going to have to have a number of revisions in my lifetime because implant will fail eventually, do you lose size on every revision? (excluding situations like infection)
12) Is masturbation feel different with implant? Could you please compare on 10 points.
13) How painful is surgery?
14) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after surgery?
15) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after surgery?
16) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after surgery?
17) How painful is a revision surgery?
18) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after a revision surgery?
19) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after a revision surgery?
20) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after a revision surgery?
21) Does flexing bulbocavernouse muscle (the one that moves your penis up when you flex) feels same after implant?
22) Could you please compare the feeling and enjoyment between having sex/oral sex/masturbation with a natural erection and implant assisted erection on 10 points?
23) Do you recommend an implant or injections for a 25 years old?

I know it has been a very long post, but i will be more than appreciated if you can answer my questions. I apologize for grammer and other expression mistakes, English is not my native language as you can notice. Thank you very much

On question number 7. See Maxxxxx's post "Hard sex with implant". He's a younger guy who doesn't tell his partners. He's got a technique that is pretty clever.
Ed (sliphill) 68

Implanted by Dr. Michael O'Neill in Charlotte, NC on 6/9/2017 with AMS 700LGX. 18 cm cylinders 3 cm RTE's.

Revision done by Dr. Maxim McKibbon in Charlotte, NC on 4/12/2023 with AMD 700 LGX 22 cm cylinders gm

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby 25yearsold » Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:45 pm

David_R wrote:1) Does it feel natural to you while having sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?) If 10 points is natural erection, I would still give it a 10 with an implant.
2) Does it feel natural to you while having oral sex? Could you please compare the joy with natural erection on 10 points. (natural erection->10 implant erection->?) Oral sex feels just as good with the implant as it did with a natural erection.
3) Does it feel natural to your partner while having sex? My wife says that it feels natural.
4) Does it feel natural to your partner while having oral sex? I haven't asked my wife that specific question, but she has never said anything about things being different with oral sex.
5) Is implant noticable by eye to you or your partner when erect/flaccid? No one can see my implant (including the pump in the scrotum).
6) Is implant noticable by touching your penis to you or your partner when erect/flaccid? It feels like the strong erection that I had when younger (I am 67).
7) Is it possible to hide the implant from a partner that you have penetrative and oral sex with? (again please do not judge, it is hard at age 25) [n.a.]
8) Does implant cause any pain or discomfort to you or your partner during sex? No.
9) Is sex or masturbation more enjoyable with a natural erection or same with implant? If it is not same could you please compare on 10 points? It feels just as good with the implant as with a hard erection.
10) I have 5’5 erect length 5’ erect girth 5’5 flaccid strected lenght, how much length and girth size loss should i expect? Does size loss happens every time?( I know all people are different but wondering what your urologists told you) My erect (inflated) size is the same as my (natural) erection size was. (I have done lots of compressions as my doctor instructed; this did not happen overnight.) And my flaccid (uninflated) size is larger, changing me from a "grower" to a "show-er."
11) I am going to have to have a number of revisions in my lifetime because implant will fail eventually, do you lose size on every revision? (excluding situations like infection) [n.a.]
12) Is masturbation feel different with implant? Could you please compare on 10 points. It feels the same to me.
13) How painful is surgery? Immediately following the surgery it was quite painful. I spent a week in a recliner with a bag of ice on my crotch (taking it off every so often so things would not start to hurt from the cold). I used prescription pain relievers to start, but it wasn't long till I went to over-the-counter ones.
14) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after surgery? I have a desk job, and I was back at work in a week. (But different jobs require different amounts of time, I understand.)
15) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after surgery? I was told by my doctor not to use it -- with my wife or with myself -- for 6 weeks.
16) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after surgery? [same answer as #15]
17) How painful is a revision surgery? [n.a.]
18) How long does it take to come back normal activity or work after a revision surgery? [n.a.]
19) How long does it take to be allowed to masturbate after a revision surgery? [n.a.]
20) How long does it take to be allowed to have sex/oral sex after a revision surgery? [n.a.]
21) Does flexing bulbocavernouse muscle (the one that moves your penis up when you flex) feels same after implant? I cannot use my bulbocavernouse muscle with my implant, but that's OK with me since it will get hard!
22) Could you please compare the feeling and enjoyment between having sex/oral sex/masturbation with a natural erection and implant assisted erection on 10 points? [See my answers above. The same feelings are enjoyed.]
23) Do you recommend an implant or injections for a 25 years old? If you're a 25-year-old with E.D. and nothing else works (or works constantly or it won't stay hard for as long as you want it to), I would recommend it.

Thank you very very much for your detailed answer i am really appreciated.
I reported your post by mistake i am sorry how can i undo it :cry:

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby 25yearsold » Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:46 pm

Thank you too sliphill i will check it:)

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby Bigred » Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:58 pm

If you have doubts, don't do it. Only go under the knife when you are absolutely sure.
66 YO, Implant 6/7/2017 at University of Maryland by Dr. Andrew Kramer, High Volume Implant And world class surgeon. AMS 700. Great expierence with zero complications.

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby David_R » Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:40 pm

25yearsold wrote:I reported your post by mistake i am sorry how can i undo it :cry:

I don't know. Hope it all works out for a posting.

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Re: 25 years old Should i have an implant?

Postby robnine » Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:50 pm

Hello, Mr 25, and I read all of the replies to your carefully considered original post with great interest. I am 66 , from Sydney Australia, and had ED of sorts for at least 30 years before getting my AMS implant. I am extremely happy with it, and my responses to your detailed post are almost identical to those of the guy from Baltimore, whose name currently escapes me, and I can't get back to that screen and check. Excepting for some minor detail, and in your No 21, which I interpret as flexing the kegelling muscle, there is no difference before and after the implant.
On the subject of size, my natural size was just over 7 inches and I had increased that to 9.25 by 5.5 under the head to 7.5 around at the base jelking and vacuum pumping and weights over a few years in the early 2000 years , and I am an early member and former moderator of the PE site Thunder's Place. Whether Penis Enlargement made my ED worse is a matter we will never know. And my Doppler was inconclusive.
It is now 2 years out from my implant operation. I do have to say that from the moment of the anaesthetic wearing off in the hospital, I felt horny, and that has continued over the two years. I masturbated way sooner than I should have, and continued to, with no ill effects.
I was fucking gently after a couple of months, maybe 3 months. I am gay, and the pressure that an anal sphincter provides is far tighter than any vagina, in my limited experience with women.
I do have casual partners, and my approach with them is to go to the bathroom just before we jump into bed, and pump it up, and re-enter the scene.. . . .
If they do feel the pump in my sac, and that really is the only unusual indicator, I just promise to explain later.. . . . And a completely hard dick that doesn't go down has already got them totally on side with you, so it has been my 100% experience that when you do give them the Bionic Man story at some stage of the event, that none of them have run out or expressed anything other than joy and delight.
On the retention or loss of size issue, Yes, I have definitely lost girth, and that seems the most difficult thing to get back. Length seems to be coming though. I have been extremely dick focussed though, because of always feeling horny, and have used that to condition my dick for longer and longer periods of being pumped as hard as possible.. . . .
So I have developed quite a porn collection, and do wank fully pumped now for up to an hour.
This has greatly increased the time I can spend with real partners fully erect without pain, either actually going for it, or having them do oral or whatever.
And , YES, I do still have to let it down for 5 mins after a hard penetrative 20 mins, or so because of pain.
But the average man only fucks for 5 minutes or so anyway... . . .
This is Olympic Marathon territory that I am talking about.
So, size wise, I did lose a full inch of length and girth. "Yes, Poor little rich boy, down to 8 inches". .
But the other night it was 9 inches, and I reckon maybe near a quarter inch better in girth.
I can't answer your stuff about revision, and a few of the other aspects.
I think my problems may have been partially psychological as well.. . . .
But what are you meant to do about that ??
If a single negative thought sends your hunky erection back to junior weiner size, then WTF ???
Another disaster and more depression !!
And go back to the Shrink for another course of 20 expensive visits that get you no-where ?
If you have truly exhausted the other possibilities, my advice is to not waste the best years of your life in depressive emotional turmoil.
But just also be aware, that in all likelihood, it will go very well, and you will within say 6 months be able to perform at Olympic Games standard.
That in itself is a bit like "winning the lottery", and needs to be carefully managed.. . . .
The world is full of stories of the instantly cashed up who don't know when to stop, and it's a bit like that with erection on demand... . . .
AMS 700 Implant 2015 Sydney Australia Dr L Carlo Yuen, and team incl Prof Stricker. Excellent. It changed my life... . . .Stopped working in 2020. Ripped both sides. Complete revision, 22 cm cylinders Nov 9. 2021. Prof Stricker

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