For the young people

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: For the young people

Postby Cnidium » Thu May 11, 2017 8:25 pm


I am 26 and Ill be making my appointment with Eid or Kramer soon. I know exactly how you feel about this. Its interesting that you brought up investing your money if you weren't going to spend it on an implant. I would be doing the same, adding to my portfolio that I wish to grow. But this shows how much we are willing to sacrifice. Getting an implant is still an investment. Hopefully it will return a great sex life, fun, and satisfaction.

Everyone else,

I have read multiple times on this forum that if you can get an erection while masturbating, then you don't need an implant. I have to disagree with this. I think you have to ask yourself: to what degree can you get an erection? And then find out if anything can fix the issue if there is one. If your erection disappears instantly upon seizing stimulation, or it goes away because of extended duration of intercourse, or some other strange malady occurs that doesn't affect 'normal' people, then I think you should at least explore implants if other means fail.
From a practical point of view, what does it matter if you cannot get an erection at all versus an erection that looks like its an erection but completely fails to work for sex. Yes, the semi-working erection may have more potential to be cured by other means aside from an implant, but it may also not be able to be fixed at all. A classic example is venous leak. So many of us can get an erection, only to see it fail after a short period of time because of the leak. And I cannot recall a single example of a person on this forum whose venous leak was cured by an alternative mean such as cialis or injections. Sure they may have helped for a while, but we all seem to be arriving at the same destination.
Its also almost worse to have this strange kind of semi-working erection that ends up failing at some undesirable point during intercourse. At least for guys with absolute ED, who cant get an erection at all, it is very clear what they need to do. The answer is made for you. But for us guys who can get a semi, that may appear to be a working penis at first, but which fails us consistently, its much more difficult to determine if the implant is actually needed. I believe that if you tried all other alternative means to cure your erection, and your still suffering from this shit, then you should seriously look at an implant.

Someday you will not be in your 20s... figure out what you need to do.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: For the young people

Postby youngwithed » Thu May 11, 2017 9:14 pm


I totally agree with you well said. Also i read a lot of older man wishing they did it sooner i dont want to wait and regret . For me having this issue for the past 6 years is enough and i want to enjoy life.

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Re: For the young people

Postby Funny9097 » Thu May 11, 2017 11:30 pm

The thing (or concern) that I think is a big question for younger people is whether someone implanted will find the device good in 20+ years time. I mean, if I get this done I will be using an implant in 10, 20, 30 years. I don't hear very much from people on this forum that have had them this long and whether after that much time they are still highly effective (say sensitivity wise, orgasm wise, etc.). If I was in my 60s or even 50s this would be much less of a concern to me as even just having a hard on at 70 is probably fine

I think if you need it get it but if you're in your 20s or even 30s and can function without it before jumping into an implant we really have to in my opinion understand the lifespan of these devices. After revisions, etc. are they still as good for the individual 15, 20, 30 years later?

I am 31 and I think I am going to book my appointment soon

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Re: For the young people

Postby sliphill » Fri May 12, 2017 1:17 am

youngwithed wrote:Sometime yes sometime no but even when i have it no a rock hard and i take l arginine everyday for the last 3 years. I just feel like my blood cant stay . When i am underpressure i dont get erect but under no stress i get errection but at the second i have no stimulation im soft.

I cant live like this anymore i dont want to talk to girl because i know the end
I taugh about moving but even if i move away i would still have the same issue

I had so many chance that iv miss . I just hope for the best now and move on with my life

Sounds like you have a venous leak. I have read of mixed results on fixing a venous leak. Implant sounds like the best option for you. I happen to have a venous leak myself. im scheduled for an implant on 6/8. Good luck.
Ed (sliphill) 68

Implanted by Dr. Michael O'Neill in Charlotte, NC on 6/9/2017 with AMS 700LGX. 18 cm cylinders 3 cm RTE's.

Revision done by Dr. Maxim McKibbon in Charlotte, NC on 4/12/2023 with AMD 700 LGX 22 cm cylinders gm

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Re: For the young people

Postby Funny9097 » Fri May 12, 2017 9:09 am

I am honestly on the fence still about, in our situation, whether or not to get an implant. It honestly in my cass (ED) causes major ups and downs and my perspective changes day by day depending on how I am functioning. Also, if I am going through a lot of change (say right now as an example a breakup and job change) it adds to the stress of my ED / venous leak

Now, this is my thought: I am 31 and can still barely have sex without an implant. I can probably go at it for the next couple years on oral meds 2-3 times a week. Yes, I have emotional/mental ups and downs but I've been able to have relationships anyway and when they have fallen apart it's typically because I leave.

So, I can't really say that the reason I am single at 31 is because I have this problem or that my problems would just disappear if I was implanted

What has made me want to not jump into this is that I think (personally) that the longer I delay on getting an implant the better. That if I get one at say 40 years old instead of having done so at 25 (I've had solid ED problems since 20 so was researching then) if there are any problems that come down the road with wear and tear (say 10 years in one is botched and my nerves get messed up, or for some reason I can't orgasm anymore, or who knows - people DO, regardless of the doctor/surgeon, experience these things) at least by waiting it will happen in my 50s instead of 30s (had I done implant at 25 I'd be 10 years in at 35 - If I do it at 45 I'll be 10 years in at 55).

I am just saying to young people that I have had ED for a long time. I say 10 years people but I first posted my issues online, I kid you not, when I was 17. I have had what people who get venous leak are describing almost to a T from 17 onwards. One day I literally woke up and my circulation down there felt off. I don't recall injuring myself in intercourse the previous day either. My girlfriend and I were dumbfounded and I have never regained the same erection ability. It was overnight

Now, I can say some stuff that is positive that has come out of this. For one since 17 I basically have tried my absolute best to never do anything that hurts one's cardiovascular system. For example I don't drink, don't smoke, eat mainly vegetarian, exercise a lot, etc. People say I look a lot younger for my age (I still get ID'd). I also have channeled a lot of my energy into making money, books, education, etc. I have basically overcompensated in other areas of my life to make up for this insecurity and despite being a bit of an emotional wreck at times on account of this problem am all in all (problem aside) in an okay spot. Further, although my relationships fail there is a plus side for women in having a man who is less promiscuous. If I did not have what I think is venous leak maybe I would have a difficult time committing to one person. I would always be married or not, 'playing the field'? I don't know. I just know that women have loved me very much over the years and found the intimacy from someone with a problem like this just as meaningful. Women just as much don't want a guy hiding a laptop with a secret sex life and really want commitment. I have not handled it well mentally at times though, but it's tough to say how I would have handled it with an implant

IF you can actually still with oral meds have a somewhat satisfactory sex life and you are in your 20s I would personally, having lived it, focus on the positive in your life and not get the implant immediately. I am actually curious mainly from the 20 y/os of what you think of my above thoughts - Unless you have to do you want to at 45 be someone who has had an implant for 20 years? The 60 year olds who are even them hesitant to get an implant don't really have to worry about this. At 80 simply getting it up will be a win. I just want to be certain it will work the way it should in 20 years (when I'm 50) if I get one - If not I would only get one if I seriously can't carry out a relationship without it. AND @YoungWithED and @Cnidium - If you can't then seriously, do the implant in my opinion. But if you can you can see why I haven't gone implant yet and I don't think that was the wrong decision. Interested to hear your thoughts

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Re: For the young people

Postby jelquinginjury » Fri May 12, 2017 9:29 am

I would not wait until more than 30 years old (if you take from 20 yo or so with ED) to get an implant if you really need it, when you want to enjoy life, your game will be over, unless you want to just get married and not having sex with anyone other than your wife, then if waiting is good
Injury that caused venous leak.
In my 20s thinking about implant

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Re: For the young people

Postby youngwithed » Fri May 12, 2017 9:53 am

honestly i dont want to be with 2 women in my life right now iv been with my ex and my currently girlfriend and it not even like sex is crazy because i got to watch the position i do and things like that u know . cialis works sometime and i did a shockwave therapy im still weak.

I have compensate my sex life with money and material but im not more happy , i live in a beautiful condo downtown , i got a 75'' smart tv all the lastest console ps4 pro, xbox one s , i got rolex's and i travel at least 4 time a year ! I m 22 ... my lifestyle awesome except for that people look at me like wow i want to be like him but they dont know i deal with a serious issue.

I want to do the implant and i really want to fuck everygirl i can and i wish i could return to the one i fail with an implant to put some respect on my name.

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Re: For the young people

Postby jelquinginjury » Fri May 12, 2017 10:05 am

Is the same as I think, may be wrong but it is what I think.
We are in the best age of our life, something that will never return once passed. It would be good to wait something for the implant to last longer ... I'm not so sure, maybe two, three years can but not a decade, you never know what will happen in life, just like you got ED you can get something else (Illness, dying)
In my case, as I am now I will not wait much longer to get the implant, for me it does not make sense and I wait a lot and life goes away.
If you tried everything and nothing works well, get the implant and enjoy everything you can
Injury that caused venous leak.
In my 20s thinking about implant

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Re: For the young people

Postby youngwithed » Fri May 12, 2017 10:35 am


totally agree with you i want to enjoy now right now!

example you got a car accident tomorrow and you wake up in the hospital they told you you got 24h left to live.
I pray for everybody to be safe but there are things in life you can t control .


''See I live my life like you know I'm gonna enjoy this bitch cause you never know when this gon' be over.''

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Re: For the young people

Postby star_of_pramen » Fri May 12, 2017 10:56 am

Similar situation to many of you.

27 - had ED problems since 19. Tried cialis, viagra, caverject, test replacement therapy, sexual counselling. Don't get a proper erection when I masturbate and probably haven't have morning wood in 8 years.

I have been with one two girls including my girlfriend of 7 years who I recently split with.

Part of the reason I stayed with her was because I was frightened I may never be able to find anyone else who was supportive of my ED. That I would never be able to have a normal sex life, or play the field and be promiscuous because of my ED. That ultimately I may never be able to have kids because I couldn't have or sustain a relationship. I gave up on sex and hated the thought of initiating it or having to do it because I knew it would be a failure.

I recently realised, staying with someone because they support you, out of fear that you won't be able to find another girl because of your ED is the complete wrong reason to stay with someone and unfair on both of you. If you're not happy then you're not happy. Thanks to this forum I have realised to not let my ED consume my life and restrict me from living out the best years of it. I have wasted 8 years and countless opportunities to have fun because of my ED.

An implant is not only an option but a cure. So what if I need 5 or 6 revisions in my the upsides of waiting for the next medical advancement which could take a decade, outweigh the downside of revisions and the potential for a fruitful sex life? I don't think they do.......

This is why I have decided to go ahead with it
30 yo based in UK. ED for 9Y & complex med history. Tried pills, injections, dorsal vein ligation before implanted with 20cm Titan on 31-May-18. First implant had floppy glans + bad tubing. On 28-Aug-20 underwent a revision to 20cm Titan + 4cm RTEs

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