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Re: Australian Implant

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:41 pm
by connormmii
6 week update!! Discomfort is lessening and have been told my demeanour has improved although it doesn't feel it. What I have experienced is a day of pain free followed by a couple of days of discomfort before I again have a day of relative pain free. Is that normal? I still don't think it's ready for activation as the shaft at the base and glans have the occasional razor burn feeling but only momentarily

Re: Australian Implant

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:30 am
by RugbyDave
You seem to be following a similar path to me and as you are finding out with time it gets easier.

You will know when the time is right for you to start cycling. I am 3 years down the line and could not be happier and I would have it done again in a heartbeat I just wish I had not left it so long in the first place.


Re: Australian Implant

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:12 pm
by Anonymous 3
connormmii wrote:6 week update!! Discomfort is lessening and have been told my demeanour has improved although it doesn't feel it. What I have experienced is a day of pain free followed by a couple of days of discomfort before I again have a day of relative pain free. Is that normal? I still don't think it's ready for activation as the shaft at the base and glans have the occasional razor burn feeling but only momentarily

I was a good 8 weeks or a little longer before I started cycling and then only very gently. Everyone heals at their own rate. It sounds like you are right on track, at least with my experience. (16 months post op)

Re: Australian Implant

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:20 pm
by connormmii
Starting to think my dr has botched me somehow. 6 weeks post op and absolutely searing pain the whole length of my shaft. It's a constant burn. I have no swelling or bruising as it's gone but the burning is absolutely unbearable. Seriously considering having it removed as I cannot go on like this!!!

Re: Australian Implant

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:34 am
by connormmii
What a difference 3 weeks makes. Pain is all but gone and the cycling begins. Must say i was expecting a fair bit of pain with the initial inflation but i would describe it more of a swelling sensation that my dick is about to explode then a dull ache. Deflation is a piss of piss although the deflate button seems to be right underneath my incision scar. Its been a VERY long 9 weeks with a lot of pain and tears and doubts but i am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: Australian Implant

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:19 am
by connormmii
Well it is with much regret that I have had to have my implant removed. I had a small pin hole size hole on my scar that never healed and would ooze discharge constantly. I tried antibiotics both oral and IV but nothing would stop or improve it. (Was trying for months). The final straw was I contracted a chest infection which immediately went straight to my scrotum which swelled up almost 3 times the size and begin gushing pus at an alarming rate. (Surgeon confirmed my body was rejecting the implant and further instances of any infection could end in similar results) More IV antibiotics followed closely by the decision to have it removed. (My health is far too important to be constantly in and out of hospital every time I get an infection not related to the implant). I must add there was never any pain from the infection it's just the hole would never heal and would have to be dressed daily to prevent from seeping through my underwear and trousers or shorts. I did however get to use it on a few occasions to positive results which made the decision to explant even harder to make. I have not given up hope just yet and I am still relatively young and who knows what advances could be made in the next 5 years or so.

Re: Australian Implant - REMOVED

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:17 pm
by alibaba
connormmii, my wife and I are very saddened to hear the battle you have had to deal with! I know that infections tend to do those things. A friend had to have all his teeth removed because every time he got a toothache the infection went straight to his heart. I am curious what brand of implant you received. I understand that Coloplast is dipped in antibiotic solution when it is installed but AMS is coated, even impregnated between the layers. I have read where a person with an infection was flushed with antibiotics of several kinds then re-implanted with the opposing brand and had good results. Our bodies are all different and react differently to things. I also know the body either likes or dislikes foreign things. My body hates dissolveable sutures and a few months later spits them out in a big wad of puss. My dermatolgist now uses big heavy black thread to sew even the deepest layers with the knots on top so he can remove the deep layer stitches. Still manages to not leave a scar. Skill! I wonder if taking antihistimines for a while would help your body to adjust to the implant. Maybe lessen the histimine response to recognizing something foreign? Get well soon and stay well!

Re: Australian Implant - REMOVED

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:21 pm
by mrp2007
That is unfortunate.
I had my incision split a bit and was quite worried too. But dressing and 2x daily application of betadene allowed it to heal up and all seems good now.
All the best for your healing and any possible future attempts.

Re: Australian Implant - REMOVED

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:23 am
by chedog
I have read where a person with an infection was flushed with antibiotics of several kinds then re-implanted with the opposing brand and had good results.

Alibaba is correct. This is what happened to me. My urologist thought Coloplast was better for me but, after 8 weeks or so, I was still very swelled up scrotally and she decided to remove it.

I then had a semi-rigid one piece for 6 months -- it was not good for intercourse but kept things open in the penis.

Then I got an AMS as the replacement and, 15 months after the operation, things are great.


Re: Australian Implant - REMOVED

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:24 am
by dirtman1993
I was lucky in I did not experience the pain you are but the swelling was still present after four weeks. This caused the inflation to be delayed for another month as the doctor thought it safer. Had bruising as some extra work had to be done on the lower left due to scars. Once all swelling gone it was easy to inflate and pain free. When I pumped to push inflation in order to expand I did have during like lifting weights. All this will pass

The photo is of my very first inflate and measured about 5.25" from pubic bone. Have recovered another .25" and trying to get back to 5.75". Have patience and stay in touch with your doctor whenever needed.