I had my AMS 700 CX replaced yesterday with a Titan

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Re: I had my AMS 700 CX replaced yesterday with a Titan

Postby P-fracture » Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:00 pm

Here is an update on the progress for future reference for those considering an implant or comparing results and healing progress...

Week 1: When I woke up from surgery, my device was fully deflated (which I believe is a problem with recovering length). Kramer certainly left it fairly pumped up on the operating table looking at the video he took... so not sure what happened. :-/ Unfortunately, I didn't notice it was deflated until after I saw Kramer post surgery. The pain was very minimal and bruising was as expected, stitches looks good, elevated fever (99.5 to 100.0) from time to time. My scrotum swelled to the size of an orange (considered okay - Grapefruit size is not good). I had bruising in the shaft area and my shaft had a major 45 degree crook at the tip that bent to the left. I was able to massage the crook straight in about a week.

I only took over-the-counter tylenol and advil to manage pain... probably in part because the device was deflated. Expect to remove your own catheter at home (or hotel) after 24 hours. Also, I ended up in Kaiser's urgent care the weekend after surgery due to a side effect of the anesthesia. Sorry for the gross explanation here, but I had severe constipation / impact bowel. Basically, your poop dries like a brick and its impossible to pass. The reason it dries is your bowel goes to sleep with the anesthesia and your bowel doesn't restart for about a day. The pain from the constipation (pressure in the groin area) and the pain from passing a dry poop was greater than the surgical pain. I also gained additional new bruising as a result of the pressure and pushing. Therefore, I highly recommend that you consider taking a laxative or a stool softener before and after the surgery... of course tell you doctor and anesthesiologist about it.

Week 2: Pain was still manageable with over-the-counter meds, but I did use tramadol a few times. I got an accurate measure of the length with the crooked straightened out... 8 cm. That was tough for me to see since I was 12 cm (external length) before the surgery and Kramer used a 1.5 cm longer implant. :-/ I found some additional kinks lower in the shaft of my penis that appear to be the cylinders as opposed to tissue. Still uncomfortable to move around and my body would get real sleepy at times, still had occasional elevated fever (99.5 to 100.0). Bruising from surgery almost gone, bruising from constipation turning dark. Swelling in scrotum decreased, still larger than normal but smaller than an orange.

Week 3: Pain was still manageable with over-the-counter meds, but I continued to use tramadol a few times. Was more active this week actually going to work with a pillow to sit on, but kept my hours short. Occasion sharp "healing" pains, and beginning to feel the cylinders poking my insides of my shaft causing discomfort to out right pain. I couldn't sit for too long, and I couldn't stand for too long.... walking was okay. So regular change of activity was best for me at that point in the healing process. Still had occasional elevated fever (99.5 to 100.0) on a few occasions.

Week 4: Pain was still manageable with over-the-counter meds without using tramadol on occasion. I was more active this week, which increased my sleepiness and I overslept one morning. Occasion sharp "healing" pains, and continued to feel the cylinders poking my insides of my shaft causing discomfort to out right pain. It required me to shift my junk on occasion when (I hope) no one was looking. Met with Dr. Kramer for follow-up appointment. He said I was healing well. We talked about my length and my disappointment. He remained optimistic that in time I would gain back the 12 cm. Still had occasional elevated fever (99.5 to 100.0) on a few occasions. I started cycling the titan once a day for about 20 minutes.

Week 5: Pain was still manageable with just over-the-counter meds. I was even more active this week, and I continued to struggle with sleepiness and occasionally I was in enough discomfort that I had to bow out of a few family activities. My occasional elevated fever (99.5 to 100.0) increased a bit in frequency, and by Friday I had to leave work early... slept... Saturday back to urgent care are kaiser for fever of 100.5, general discomfort, flu-like aches, nausea and vomiting, elevated blood pressure, etc. Eventually, the fever broke and I was much better. I don't seem to have had a fever since. Swelling is gone, bruising is gone, stitches healing nicely. Occasion sharp "healing" pains are dropping in frequency, and continued to feel the cylinders poking my insides of my shaft causing discomfort, but not pain. I have been cycling the titan once or twice a day for about 30 to 40 minutes. My external length is now about 9 cm. Making progress on length... yeah!
40s, Maryland, penile fracture, AMS 700 CX in Sep 2014, device failed; Coloplast Titan in Jun 2016, both with Dr. Kramer

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