Do you keep your implant totally secret?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby RelievedofED1 » Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:15 am

dg_moore wrote:
travel wrote:Well, i'm due with a week or so....havent got an exact date yet. My Docs office is running the procedure trough m insurance comapnies. i'm nervous as hell here. for two reasons. How i'm treated in the hospital.....the hospital is a major Air Force Medical faciity. i'e been told, no worrie, Tri Care will cover it. I'm just stressing about ying of embarassment the day or so i'm gonna be in the hospital. from past experience....the nurses are quite young, and very sexy.
I'm wondering how an old guy lie me deals with the docs, nurses, etc, for my stay oernite.

This experience is unique, and possibly life-changing, for you, but for the medical professionals it's just another day at the office. They've seen it all, and the nurses don't care if you've had an implant or an appendectomy or a hip replacement - their duties remain the same and you're just another piece of meat to them. After you're discharged your bed will hardly have time to cool off before the next patient comes in. Don't even consider what the hospital staff will be thinking - in fact, they'll be thinking about lunch, quitting time, their kids' activities, or tonight's date, but certainly not your implant.

As one of the health care team myself and married to an ICU nurse we are thinking about exactly what you said DG and making sure everything is ok postop for the patient. We deal with so many body parts we have to remember that even though we are used to seeing everything in fact thousands of everythings our patient isnt used to having their everything seen by any one! :-) Just part of our daily routine so dont worry about that. Agree totally with the reassuring words DG!
66 year old with ED intermittently for years and consistently for the 2 years before implant. Tried everything. AMS CX 21cm+1 cm RTEs Dr Kramer 4/29/2015.
Revision 5/3/2021 AMS CX 700 21cm+2 cm RTEs.
Revision 2022 Titan XL 24 cm no RTEs.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby jelizondo12 » Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:45 pm

my wife and I are swingers and we have a couple that we are really close to so I told them about my implant. the husband was very curious so I showed both of them how it works and let the wife play with the pump. in another situation with a different couple when we finished playing the wife said either you are on the shot or you have a implant, I asked what makes you think that and she said I felt something different when playing with your balls. I confessed to the implant and then we played again.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby chiali09 » Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:46 pm

My good friends know (10 plus and about 5 acquaintances who I don't know that well but are friends with my good friends and rarely ever see). An uncle. They all asked for my leftover pills. I'll be dead in 40 years if I'm so blessed/lucky. And my friends now have a go to-guy if/when they have issues they just don't want to punt on like so many do. If I can help one person of the 15 or so who know at any point in time then I did a good deed. None of them are in the bedroom when it's showtime so who cares.

Plus I'm proud of the work Kramer did. At this point in time no one talks about it anymore. Once they get over the shock and ask if it works, it's pretty much over. We have a lot more serious things we have to confront for the rest of our lives, so this is nothing.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby chiali09 » Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:49 pm

And as stated above, I'm in the Medical Industry. Another reason I may be more "So what" about it than others. I've seen it all.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby Leek65 » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:11 pm

billb603 wrote:Same as others with only wife knowing (though even as an ICU nurse says unless handling my scrotum she would never know) and doctors. Otherwise I went for "urology old guy surgery" when asked which made everyone quiet no further questions.

I like the "urology old guy surgery" explanation. Technically not a lie and most people will feel too uncomfortable to pry for elaboration. :D
Age 68 - AMS LGX 12+2cm. Lost over an inch from pre-ED length but thicker for what it's worth (not much). ED result of heart meds.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby roninhouston » Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:08 pm

Think about how many people you told you had ED. Other than a few general jokes about the little blue pill, did not discuss "my problem" with anyone other than the doctor. Made many excuses of why IT was not ready: been working a lot, to much food/drink, we used it all up, etc. If you shared with lots of people your ED problems then maybe you want to tell them you found a cure.

I am a retired and divorced, my daughter (in her forties), dropped me off at the hospital on a Friday morning. Told her I was having a procedure and my urologist was going to put me under and you can pick me up in the morning. Gave them her cell number just in case. The next morning after Doctor Cornell took out the catheter, I called her, she pick me up and took me home. Yes I walked gingerly but I would have gone to church the next day accept was trying to have my first BM and decided not too. The next Sunday I was assisting our minister in the pulpit, of course IT was pointing straight up. Nobody knows but me. :D

Have had no concern about modesty with the medical profession, Doctor Cornell did 5 operations on that Friday. I think the nurses have shaved may a penis, beside you are OUT.

I do not plan on sharing my secret with anyone until I feel like they need to know. So if you have a significant other then you have a different situation and I would share at the appropriate time.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby keith4627 » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:30 pm

I didn't put it on a billboard but i have told several people in conversations 1 on 1. Main reason is i had peyronies bad but had never herd of it till i had it bad and finally went to Dr. thinking i had cancer or something. I wish someone would have told me.I lost length that if i had went sooner to Dr maybe i could have kept.Wish i had went to Dr and got implant right away instead of couple year later like i did.I also want to let people no that an implant is NOT a bad thing.For some reason it has a stigma attached to the whole idea and i think its awesome compared to what i did have. For me its education for other men. don't be embarrassed to go get checked out. heck after a couple visits you want even care.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby kidder » Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:46 am

dg--For one thing, bear in mind that whoever comes into your room is not going to be surprised. They know beforehand what's going on. Actually, unless you have a particular problem that needs addressing, chances are the only thing that will be happening is them taking your vitals every couple hrs, and feeding you. I guess the only time I felt a little weird was just before I was discharged in the morning. My uro wasn't there, so they had to use the house doc to check, deflate me some, and release me. And it was a she. And "she" really didn't have a lot of experience with implants. (even tho she said she did) She couldn't find the valve, and when she finally did, she just about killed me. Finally gave up, and said "oh, I guess that's good enough". And she was sweet about it. I think she apologized 10 times for hurting me. But they''ll make you feel comfortable.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby Broken » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:54 pm

I've told my 2 sons who are adults in their mid 30s and their wives know. My older one sends some pretty funny images with his text messages. I did not tell my brothers and sisters as my wife did not feel comfortable with that. And no friends either at first (wife's best friend knows). Work has been told it's urological surgery because I needed to explain why I can't sit down too long at my desk job (my implant got infected).

However, the truth will set you free, as the saying goes. But not yet, and it's getting more difficult to maintain the story since I've been in the hospital for almost a week then back days later for same day removal of a month old implant. The story is a "stent" but one of my sisters is a nurse and is getting angry that I'm having so much trouble with a stent. She asks a lot of questions and I think she will figure it out.

One day my son and one of my sisters happened to visit me at the same time in the hospital. He's aware she doesn't know so he doesn't correct her as she talks about something completely different. Of course my roommate knows every intimate detail because a curtain is all that separates us as the urology team comes in everyday.

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Re: Do you keep your implant totally secret?

Postby dirtman1993 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:31 pm

All my family knows and most of my friends. I am at the age where some male friends may be having a problem and by talking about it they may than seek out some help. I have learned from the person who cuts my hair many women talk with her about their husbands and not being able to have an erection any longer but won't speak with them about it. I advised her I would be happy to talk with them and explain and direct their husbands to Franktalk so they can learn. I wish someone had told me earlier about implants as I would have done it years ago. My late wife and I could have really enjoyed using it.

Be proud you can get an erection again and remember, when we were younger in school we all lied about our dicks and now we can tell the truth to help other men.

Going for a massage soon and have spoken with the lady who does the massage and advise her what I have and it will be up somewhat. She has no problem with it and started asking questions. Maybe she knows someone who could use an implant.
Last edited by dirtman1993 on Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Implanted March 2nd by Dr. Kramer with AMS/LGX. Had a problem lower left (scar tissue) and he placed a larger (thicker) implant as you can here on the YouTube video. Got all back, ED over 10 years before Implant.

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