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Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:06 pm
by alibaba
MarloStanfield wrote:Kramer is obviously a few tiers higher than Milam. I'm obviously disregarding info from Alibaba about how Milan maimed and shortened his penis, I'm considering other info.

I would disregard anything I say too. I am obviously a troll. The implant never happened, it was a story copied and pasted from the checkout lane trash Enquirer Magazine. Likely trying to set people against implants so I can divert them to fake pill sites.

Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:11 pm
by stringerbell
I don't think MarloStanfield is saying to disregard you because you made it up. You went to some of the best in the world and they botched you and shrunk you. Who knows, maybe they did, maybe you were going to be angry and hate the result no matter where you went. We'll never know. It's just not typical. You can vent, this site is great for that. Though the anger tinged ad hominem doc attacks have been hard for people to swallow.

Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:46 pm
by alibaba
ad hominem
I do not think I have attacked any doctors character unless stating MY experience in FACT is what you consider an attack. I've been attacked plenty for besmirching the people's favorite doctor or being the damn fool that did not chose their choice of doctor. I rejoice in the people who get good results from ANY doctor who works on them but it is not fair to dis a person because their result was sub par. As another member here told me the other night, it seems the best way to not have negative comments tossed your way on the forum is to say all is fine even if it is not and resist the opportunity to let others know that 100% of all implants are not perfect, some may not be. When I started shopping docs on FT, Milam was listed as one of the top 5. He was closest to me and his staff ( at the time) returned my calls saying he wanted to do it. If you pay attention to the posts, Mr. Becker chose Milam because he was 3 hours closer and was 1 of 2 in his network that were also recommended here. People should not have it both ways to recommend a doctor then trash a person for going to that doctor and having poor results. There is no absolute guarantee anyone will get a good result and having searched old threads here I find as many happy with Milam as not. It goes both ways with many doctors. Seems there was a person had an issue with Eid also. It happens. Then we deal. To keep it a secret to not offend worshiping followers is wrong if it helps another to ask the right question or seek the outcome they desire otherwise a public forum is of no use to anyone except the free advertising for those they promote however true or falsely.

Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:49 pm
by fireman
I know this is a old thread but I will chime in. It just might help someone. I have used both! My original surgery was with Milam. Infra-pubic. Total mess. Total revision by Kramer. There is no comparison. Kramer is light years ahead of Milam! How Milam became known on here as one of the best in the world is beyond me. I think it was started by one person and spread. Everyone seems happy with Kramer. I know I am!!!

Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:39 am
by hardernharder
Dr.Milam uses infra pubic approach, vs Dr. Kramer the scrotal approach.
Please research both very well. It is very important ! ... __fFxMPSDQ ... 5VyojIuVug

Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:57 pm
by palace01
Sorry - just saw this is an OLD thread...

Re: Kramer vs Milam?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:50 am
by dirtman1993
Not sure if Milam is the doctor at Vandy but if he is the same one I have read about here, think twice and maybe a third time. Stay with Dr. Kramer and away from Milam.