question on regaining size

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby Slayer1962 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:58 am

why would you not have an orgasm for a while? I only tested mine in the shower but it works lol

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby tampagay » Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:57 pm

I must admit I doubted some of you and I am here to be humble and apologize. I have continued to grow and from just under 4 inches a few days after surgery and I was 5.25 inches this morning. Sex overall is good but the 1.5 inch loss is still playing a few games in my head. Sex generally has been awesome and the one time it wasn't the partner was someone who just lies there and doesn't participate. Sensitivity is improved and even masturbation is fun whereas without the implant masturbation was a necessary and not terribly satisfying chore since it was difficult with a limp penis. I have also learned that the deflation is more complete if I press the deflate valve for 5 seconds or so. The more cycles I accrue, The less I point straight out and the more I start to have a normal hang. It just keeps getting better. and did I say sex with it is awesome, even receiving oral.
Last edited by tampagay on Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby tampagay » Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:00 pm

Because Slayer, I waS instructed to refrain from sex until cleared by the doctor.

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby kidder » Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:53 am

Well, Pockie, my feeling is the exact science is called wishful thinking. Ha. I also have a Titan, 9 wks out, Nd hasn't grown a bit, tho I cycle everyday. If size is important, I'd tell a prospect that it's more than 50% chance that they'll lose an inch or more. I might feel differently in 6 mo., but now I think I should have stuck with the injections as long as I could. Best sex I ever had, and I'm 72.

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby MARKOS2018 » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:27 pm


That all depends on the individual.. We all would rather have a natural. Injections may or may not cause scarring, but at least the implant could be the final answer. Scarring does damage quickly and it is important to be vigilant. rod
Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby KMeister » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:53 pm

kidder wrote:Well, Pockie, my feeling is the exact science is called wishful thinking. Ha. I also have a Titan, 9 wks out, Nd hasn't grown a bit, tho I cycle everyday. If size is important, I'd tell a prospect that it's more than 50% chance that they'll lose an inch or more. I might feel differently in 6 mo., but now I think I should have stuck with the injections as long as I could. Best sex I ever had, and I'm 72.

There's no need for a man to lose an inch or more these days. The VED protocol a few months prior to surgery has been unequivocally shown to clearly work.

http://digital.healthcaregroup.advansta ... tid=20#/28

I engaged in pumping up for about six weeks before my surgery and eventually regained my length--but not right away. At first I was horrified that I had "lost" about 1.5 inches but after a few months of cycling I returned to my full monte (about 8 inches). I was relieved. My 5' 3", 120-pound wife; a little less so.


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Re: question on regaining size

Postby kidder » Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:48 am

Meister--I know the VED can have "some" effect. And I'm happy for you that your results were good. But think about this--the protocol is far from new. I remember buying the pump and the screw extenders and did some jelking. All to just a little success. And that was after a year. And I've read a thousand articles, reviews, and critiques, and 95% of them (especially Drs) claim they're a hoax. That being said, your results have to be rare. (Yes, we all envy your 8"er). But there are 2-3,000 posts on this site. Go back through them and compare the good and bad reports. On size, now. Lots of guys are just happy to have a nice hard boner, even if they did lose an inch. Anyway, again, congrats. I guess it's like HARDROD says, everybody is different. All I was saying is, I wouldn't want to encourage someone to do the "deed", then feel guilty if they were unhappy with size loss. And I also am happy. Gorgeous lady who loves what I do for her. But I wonder how she'd feel if I didn't provide oral, and creativity, not just penetration.
Oh, I got sidetracked. Question for anyone out there. Perito told me that there was benefit from the VED AFTER the implant. I'm just not seeing the mechanics of that. It seems like you could stretch the skin of the penis,or even the corposa, but the implant is what it is (maybe except the AMS). Seems, also, that anything you were able to stretch would just create a larger "floppy" head. Maybe someone can straighten me out. Thanks.

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby KMeister » Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:57 pm

kidder wrote:Meister--I know the VED can have "some" effect. And I'm happy for you that your results were good. But think about this--the protocol is far from new. I remember buying the pump and the screw extenders and did some jelking. All to just a little success. And that was after a year. And I've read a thousand articles, reviews, and critiques, and 95% of them (especially Drs) claim they're a hoax. That being said, your results have to be rare. (Yes, we all envy your 8"er). But there are 2-3,000 posts on this site. Go back through them and compare the good and bad reports. On size, now. Lots of guys are just happy to have a nice hard boner, even if they did lose an inch. Anyway, again, congrats. I guess it's like HARDROD says, everybody is different. All I was saying is, I wouldn't want to encourage someone to do the "deed", then feel guilty if they were unhappy with size loss. And I also am happy. Gorgeous lady who loves what I do for her. But I wonder how she'd feel if I didn't provide oral, and creativity, not just penetration.
Oh, I got sidetracked. Question for anyone out there. Perito told me that there was benefit from the VED AFTER the implant. I'm just not seeing the mechanics of that. It seems like you could stretch the skin of the penis,or even the corposa, but the implant is what it is (maybe except the AMS). Seems, also, that anything you were able to stretch would just create a larger "floppy" head. Maybe someone can straighten me out. Thanks.

I can't say I agree with you that my results have to be rare. In fact, the research article I cited states under what circumstances the VED protocol works. If followed as described in the article, the results are far from rare. Articles claiming that the VED protocols are a hoax are NOT those dealing with maintaining or improving penile size prior to undergoing penile implant surgery; rather, they report the results of trying to increase penis size. This is a major difference.

I agree with you there are good and bad reports about penile implant surgery on this cite but from what I've surmised the good reports significantly outweigh the bad. Also, the bad reports are not just about size but several other issues (pain, comfort, ease of use, etc.). It also appears that there is a clear consensus among those who posts here that far less dissatisfaction occurs when one chooses a highly experienced, skilled physician to do the surgery.

As far as benefits with the VED after the implant, I likewise don't see the mechanics of that. I tend to throw my confidence behind legitimate peer-reviewed scientific publications (such as the one I provided earlier about the VED protocol prior to penile implant surgery). I just haven't encountered such an article supporting VED use after surgery.


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Re: question on regaining size

Postby alibaba » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:10 pm

I look at it this way. If god made you and gave you a 4" dick you probably are not going to be able to gain much more hooking gadgets to it and trying to pull it out by the roots. If he gave you a 9"er and prostate surgery or lack of erections caused it to shrink you may be able too drag it back out of the barn to neat the point it used to be. Maybe. If you did not wait too long. If fibrosis, scar tissue, atrophy set in you are screwed to a point unless you can break up the fibrosis. There is an expensive shot ( about $7,000 for a full course) that does that with the risk of rupturing your carvernosa in the process. Used mainly for Pyrones. My first issue with a pump was after a bilateral hernia repair in 1997. dick was still pliable, supple Dr. Brandes called it. Had to buy a longer pump . 9" dick would hit the end. Pumping sucks, sex less and less, then pills, injectables, prostatectomy, 2 years of 2x a day pumping, quit pumping because sick and tired of it, time off for surgeries, worn out pumps and waiting on replacements. Dick has shown me every hiatus. After each time off, I could never get where I was. Went a year and only pumped 3 times during that period. Now on a real good night I can get to 7 1/4" since starting once a day a month ago. Hard to do mornings now. Seems like that is always the time the doorbell rings. On an average night I do 6 3/4" The two years I pumped 2x a day never missing a day I did not have any more loss. Dr. Brandes said fibrosis sets in 90 days after you quit having morning woodies or quit pumping. Something to think about. I know most here are like me. Do not find FrankTalk before they have exhausted all options and time w/o erections can be costly. d
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Re: question on regaining size

Postby kidder » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:01 pm

Well, KMeister, don't know what to say. I guess I should say congrats to the majority of implantees on this site, who've kept or increased size. I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. You spoke of importance of good uro's. I agree. Mine is #1 in the country (volume), with over 500 per yr. You stated that there's a "major" difference between improving penis size, and lengthening the penis. Doesn't seem very major to me, unless I missed something. Anyway, I'm not pickin a fight with you. We just have different opinions. Actually, I wish I hadn't joined in this particular thread, because it probably sounds like sour grapes. Nothing further from the truth. Thanks to the Titan my sex life is awesome. But I've steered people wrong in the past and wasn't happy with doing so. I just said they should be aware of the "possible" shortening. If there were just a dozen unhappy campers on this forum, wouldn't that be info that should be made known?
Anyway, let's switch subjects. Good news. Yesterday I had posed a question about Trimix gel for the "floppy" head. Dr. Perito's prescription. Well, I got it this morning, and in less than 4 hrs my lady was over to play. Went into the bathroom, rubbed it on, came back out (with saying anything about it), and went to work. What a difference. There was no floppy, and it had the effect, or feeling, that I had grown over 1/2", cause I was hitting that sweet spot. She even commented that it felt better than yesterday. But the glans was definitely hard. Now, for the horses out there like you and Alibaba, maybe 1/2" doesn't mean much, but for us commoner's, when it gets over 6", we're pretty happy(just joking, guys). It's a bit expensive. Paid $120 for what looks like at least 20 appl. I've always dealt with a custom dosing pharmacy, and when I picked it up the pharm said "you know, that isn't as good as the injections". When I told him what I was doing, he said" oh, that makes sense". So I've rambled long enough. Take care, boys

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