Today has come 12/4/23

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby Crebow » Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:20 am

Congratulations ,
Glad all went well as I will be in your shoes 30 days from today, bionic date 5 Jan. Can wait for updates. Recover quickly
Last edited by Crebow on Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
54 yr old. Retired US Army. Priapism Oct/2023. First procedure Oct/23 malleable inserted. Second procedure scheduled for Dec/2023 for 3 Piece.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby Old Guy » Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:53 am

Forrest, good to hear all went well. It is strange to get put to sleep and wake up with a new part!
Hydrocodone makes me nauseous too. Plus, it doesn't do squat for my pain.
Rest up and get ready for the best thing you've ever done.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby jimmyd24 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:08 am

Glad all went well.
Welcome to the bionic club.
Hope to see you in chat room soon.
Started with Viagra at age 40. Worked good for about 12 years.
Tried Trimix injections, worked great for about 8 years
Now Trimix no longer works.
I got implant on Oct 26th 2022.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby 4rest4rest » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:05 am

So today is not good.

I make it in and get the Cath out at 9. There's other nurses there and I feel like it's show and tell.

My penis is sticking to the gauze wrap.
The cath is creating a pain the likes of which I cannot fathom. 16fr. Surely to God Satan installed it through my bladder into my heart. My urine is rust, orange, red. I seem to be the only one concerned about it.

Holy shit. Was she trying to start the lawn mower when she pulled the cath? It's the tube covered in broken glass?

Two surgical cuts. I can't be certain because I can't agree with what I'm seeing on the surgical report.

I don't remember being explained the complications of death, in the pre op. Is it still an option? Was this also a multiple choice test?

Reservoir cut right through my belt line it looks like. The other is below the penis.

The pain and swelling are unreal.

Yeah. This isn't getting it.

I'm swollen to the point where I can only see the head of my penis. This morning, I could see about,4 inches. What will Wednesday bring?.

I've been down, no strains, gel packs
And taking it easy. I have followed Dr orders to the tee

Just an update. Would I do it again?

I don't know. Tough to make a call. I based the decision on consistent failure. On the odds.

It's hard to find good information and I'm glad for this site. The coloplast Titan? Right now, your cylinders are like a rocket trying to go through the tip of my penis.

I based the decision on changing a path of failure. Obviously the other treatments aren't what they're cracked up to be. It seems like... Right now... We're being sold snake oil and the sales people bank on us running out of life.

Yeah day 2 let's forget.

4rest :) from Southern WV, 61 ED off and on since 2016, Severe currently and Coloplast Titan implanted on December 4 2023. Feel free to in box me.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby Mtnmirv » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:25 am

Hi 4rest,
The first couple weeks are gonna be won't know exactly what to expect and won't be sure what you're feeling really means. Somehow put all those feelings on hold for a few weeks until the swelling and pain start receding and you get used to the implant. Once you get a chance to start cycling and using your new implant you'll get an idea of what to expect and what your new normal is going to be. I remember reading the same chill and relax the first couple weeks from members on this forum before my surgery in August and I STILL had moments when I felt like maybe the pain and swelling were unusual and meant there was a problem brewing...after 3-4 weeks everything started resolving and I finally felt comfortable that things were going to be ok. Hang in there and stay calm for the first month or so and then start analyzing how you're doing... Best of luck with your recovery!
67 years old, Peyronies for decades, robotic prostatectomy Feb 2009, Implanted 08-23-23 with an AMS 700 CX 21 cm no rtes. by Dr. Clavell in Houston.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby 4rest4rest » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:50 am


At the moment this seems like a high school science project gone really really south.

Unfortunately it also seems like medicine/medical practice has gone on the toilet in this county.

The concern is procedure numbers....not procedure outcomes.

4rest :) from Southern WV, 61 ED off and on since 2016, Severe currently and Coloplast Titan implanted on December 4 2023. Feel free to in box me.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby Rick0219 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:02 am

Hang in there Forrest. The worst part for me was having the catheter removed. Your description hit the nail on the head. First couple of pisses burned like hell. Be good to yourself: rest, ice, and continue to follow the doc instructions. The WTF did I do thoughts will go away as time passes.
70 year old gay man. Implanted on January 27, 2022. Dr. Dan French, Dallas, TX. AMS 700, LGX. Began having ED issues before Viagra was on the market. Believe ED resulted from SSRI antidepressant medication.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby Bigdave » Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:10 am

"Holy shit. Was she trying to start the lawn mower when she pulled the cath? It's the tube covered in broken glass?"

I asked that question years ago when I first had a catheter after having my ankle reconstructed.
I likened it to starting a chainsaw. LOL

My doc had me remove the catheter myself the morning after surgery.
I remembered that feeling, and did my best to pull it out in one swift motion.
Yeah, it stings, but it's better than prolonging the pain. 8-)

The first few weeks were rough for me as well.
Hang in there, it will get better.
Age 59. AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 2cm RTE.
Peniscrotal, 2/23.
6.25" OEM with Cialis, about 5" post-op. (11/01: Length 6.75" and girth is up to 4.75" mid shaft.) Still growing, albeit slowly. :D
Cycling daily. Hoping to get to 7". ;)

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D3: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby 4rest4rest » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:13 am

You guys are awesome.
I knew it would be nasty and day 2 would be rough.

I also knew the person who followed up with my questions from the doctors office on 11/27 and told me I could go to work the day after the procedure was full of fodder.

Sorry for the venting

Why is my pee orange?

Anyone have 2 cuts? I have one for the pump and cylinders below the penis and one for the reservoir on the right, beltline?

From what I can tell, she also went through the inguinal canal with tubes. Why the second cut to bury the reservoir? Interesting.

4rest :) from Southern WV, 61 ED off and on since 2016, Severe currently and Coloplast Titan implanted on December 4 2023. Feel free to in box me.

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Re: Today has come 12/4/23

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:27 am

Whew! Reading this, i feel only gratitude that i wasn’t catherized. Curious about that belt-line incision. Never heard of that whatsoever on this forum. Please relate her rational once you’ve had a chance to speak to her.

As others have said, it will only get better. Reminds me of a saying i heard (WC Fields?):

“I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day!”.

It only gets better. 11 months postop here. Where you are now with those plaguing doubts seems like a dream now.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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