32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby frank66665 » Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:01 am

Increase pde5s, use all options including injections, an implant is not better than pde5s if they work even at high doses, or injections, pde5s worked for me like you, but I was stubborn, as you are now, it's the ED that brings you into depression, to the point of convincing yourself that with the implant you will solve everything, nothing could be further from the truth, the implant is another pain in the ass, different, but still a pain in the ass, when not it will work more then yes take it, now keep it for the last option, the implant is the last option!
56, ED since 2010, pills work but not always and well, trt in progress improved but not so much, myocardial infarction january 2016, new stent september 2016, hypertension, venous on 1/23/23 titan one touch 22, no rte dottor Gabriele Antonini Italia

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Time2Change » Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:37 am

When my ED started, Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis all worked well.

But over the years, they lost their effectiveness. I can relate to your description of how sex goes for you now. The last several years of my ED before I got my implant, I couldn't either get hard or stay hard for sex with a combination of pills and a cock ring. And I could only hope to maintain a hard on in certain positions and by my wife and I only moving in certain ways. It was awful.

You're maxing out on the prescribed dosage of pills and it's not doing the job. It may be time for an implant.

You should be aware that, as a young man, who sounds like you would be using the implant a lot, that it may fail at some point. My doctor has a theory that younger men and men with bigger implants have higher failure rates because they are inflating and deflating more.

I knew as soon as I learned about the implant that I needed it. But it was presented to me by my urologist. Ultimately, it's your choice, but I do think you should discuss it with a urologist who has experience with implant surgery.
55; ED for 22+ years; Coloplast Titan implant on 10/26/20; Dr. Martin Gross; Happy to share my experiences in private messages

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Sakabato » Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:29 pm

Thanks everyone for your replies. Im aware this isnt a joke or a decision to take lightly, so i do appreciate every bit of insight i can get.

Time2Change wrote:When my ED started, Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis all worked well.

But over the years, they lost their effectiveness. I can relate to your description of how sex goes for you now. The last several years of my ED before I got my implant, I couldn't either get hard or stay hard for sex with a combination of pills and a cock ring. And I could only hope to maintain a hard on in certain positions and by my wife and I only moving in certain ways. It was awful.

You're maxing out on the prescribed dosage of pills and it's not doing the job. It may be time for an implant.

You should be aware that, as a young man, who sounds like you would be using the implant a lot, that it may fail at some point. My doctor has a theory that younger men and men with bigger implants have higher failure rates because they are inflating and deflating more.

I knew as soon as I learned about the implant that I needed it. But it was presented to me by my urologist. Ultimately, it's your choice, but I do think you should discuss it with a urologist who has experience with implant surgery.

Yeah, im aware that the experiences from a man on his 30s and a man on his 60s are VERY different when it comes to implant use, so i try to take every positive experiences here lightly. But same for the negative ones, i imagine that most people with good quality implants wont come here to talk about their experiences and instead will just go live their lifes out there, but on the other hand people with bad/negative experiences will come here seeking for advice or simply to vent.

I do believe i would be using it a lot, and not sure about how my sizing would be but im currently 7x6, so i guess id be going with the larger sizing.

I did have a good one hour talk with Dr. Clavell a year ago and i basically told him the same things that ive posted in this thread, and he was pretty relunctant on both his medical and his personal opinion, which are that an implant would greatly improve my life quality. He doesnt strike me as the type of Dr. to just say anything in order to sell you on the implant, so that made me feel more comfortable.

The way i see it, if i got it right now and made it to 40 before it malfunctioned, and i used it the way i expect it to use it, then that would be an amazing result.

Another thing that its worth mentioning here is that i dont see myself settling down or marrying TBH, used to want that but nowadays, as of 2023, i dont think the whole monogamous marriage thing is such a good idea. I understand most guys in here are significantly older than me, but perhaps guys my age or younger will understand me a bit more on this one, i dont see much marriage material, nor much incentive to restrict myself having so many options to just one woman for the rest of my life, right now it probably would take an unicorn for me to consider that.

If i married a girl and said fuk it im becoming monogamous, i think i could make it work for a few more years as i am right now, just relying on pills, timing, tricks etc, and worst case scenario well, shes your wife for a reason, aint gonna leave for a failed encounter every once in a while, but since that isnt the case, implant makes a bit more sense.

That way i can freely and boldly approach or talk to women fully knowing that i can get the job done right there and then and enjoy the experience 100% as opposed to wondering every second what the hell is going to happen once the touching starts. That way i also know that id be able to satisfy both the woman and myself going as long as we both want, im not trying to be a marathon-like porn star or anything, i appreciate a good quickie here and there when the instincts take over, but a quickie EVERY single time? lol no.

So i guess the only doubt i have right now is how different the feeling of an implant is. Im not worried about having to explain to women about the extra thing on my balls, i can always make up some bullshit story about how i broke my dick on a wild encounter before or something, and i dont think id be as obvious as me pumping it up right in front of the girl while shes sitting there watching me awkwardly, i imagine there are some strategies and ways to do it to make it seem natural, but the one thing is how it feels. Would a woman be able to feel the tubes? Would she notice the difference when giving a blowjob?

Thats one of my biggest doubts right now other than the obvious potential malfunctions

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Franklin22 » Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:11 pm

I’m going to offer you some advice. I’ve struggled with ED most of my life. I used pills to get through my 30s. Some successful sexual encounters, some not. Always timing it with viagra though.

I found franktalk and did a ton of research. I decided implant was the best route for me. I had trouble with the pills and injections.
I’m a little over 3 months post op. The good news I’m ED free. I’ve successfully had sex 3xs with same girl and she hasn’t noticed or mentioned anything. She also has told me how much she has enjoyed it.
Here’s the negative. If you continue to see someone she will wonder why you always have to pee before and right after everytime. Sooner or later she will find out, and honestly I’d want to tell someone if you were dating long term as it is difficult to hide with having to pump before.
Also, I havent been able to orgasm, and quite frankly I don’t even feel close to it. Lastly, while I’m having sex because the erection is mechanical the animalistic feeling of sex just isn’t the same because I’m not sure if I’m turned on or if my dick is just there.
I also am having trouble with the idea if I do too much running or workout too hard I could break this thing.

So far the implant has delivered on what I wanted to accomplish. Deliver good results in bed.
I’m a little concerned about the sexual enjoyment from our side considering the lowered sensation.
I hope this gets better with time.
Having a pump in your sack is a pretty big commitment just make sure you 100% are ready to do it. If I knew viagra would still deliver for me 100% I wouldn’t have got implant.
For my situation currently, it seems like it was the right move. Just some things to consider.
42 distal corporal fibrosis., Have used viagra, Cialis, and injections. Implanted 7-12-23 apart of the #Clavellnation
22 cm

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby wunhunglo » Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:44 pm

Yeah. I’m 57 and would never marry again. I like having women I’ve never had before. I think monogamy goes against our natural instincts. So, if you get the implant I suspect it will be like opening Pandora’s box….Love and sex are not the same. That said, I would NOT get the implant if pills work. You may still need to take pills after the implant to engorge your shaft and glans…
Implanted April 9th 2021(age 55) by Dr. Eid w/ 24 cm Titan
Activated Day 3; minimal swelling and discomfort for 3-4 weeks
Preop injection size: 17 cms length (slight press) & 15 1/2 cm girth
Post up w/max inflation: 17 cm length 14 cm girth

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Old Guy » Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:35 am

OK, an old man's opinion. At any age if you can't get or maintain an erection good enough to have sex it's time to find options. Pills are ok if they work, but sometimes bring on side effects that can be unpleasant. Injections are ok too if they work, but using that method takes some planning. Not really good for that surprise hook up. After getting the implant you will lose sensation for a while until everything heals, but it guarantees you can perform. Took me around 6 months to regain the sensations and have engorgement of the glans. Things will continue to get better for the first year, and beyond.
Hiding the implant is easy, pumping up is where you might need some stealth tricks. Bottom line is no matter if the female knows or not you can give her the best sex of her life. She won't be able to tell what's in your dick other than a good time.
So, maybe you'd get 10-15 years out of the initial implant. What will the future hold as far as progress on implants? Probably better models and improved surgical techniques. That's the chance you have to take to decide if it's time.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Craigohbig » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:23 am

Sakabato wrote:Yeah, i think im over it, cant focus on other areas of life when im anxious 90% of the time about getting it up.

So ive been dealing with ED for 10 years now, i strongly assume that its because of finasteride, but at this point its irrelevant now. That plus the psychological and emotional effects of feeling uncapable, of course may make it 10x worse.

Now, when i say i can achieve erections on 90% of the time, that is of course with the use of drugs, and is still a hassle to keep it up, switch positions, if my heart rate gets slightly fast (as in going too hard or too fast on certain positions) i lose the erection, if i get a text and i get distracted i lose the erection, if im not constantly stimulated, i lose the erection, etc. I know everyone here knows the feeling, everyone goes trough that phase of feeing in constant combat with your own mind/dick.

I am able to achieve penetration the vast majority of the time, but still, thats not good sex to me, since i have to be constantly stimulated in order to keep the erection, which more often than not results in me eyaculating way too fast, since im scared to take a small break because i know the erection will go. So im always on the edge of cumming to keep the erection.

Since im young, and highly attractive and successful (im not bragging, wouldnt be wise for a guy with ED to go around bragging about superficial stuff like that), i do have my fair number of encounters with gorgeous young women. However, i struggle when it comes to intimacy because i know for a fact that i cant compete with most guys that these women meet.

Now you may say its not healthy for me to compare myself, but im simply being realistic, i cant keep up with them. Im comparing myself to even my old pre-finasteride self, i remember i could go easily 3-4 times in a 2-3 hour session, i remember cumming fast on the first two times and then let myself go on the 3rd one and go hard and fast for a long time. I could go for hours (as many young healthy men here could go im assuming), and i just know that the women i meet nowadays are used to that, and i cant really live the life i want and have the type of relationships i want with women if i cant perform on the bedroom. May seem shallow but thats how i really see it.

My last bad experience was last night with my GF. Shes a gorgeous super fit 23 year old, the type of woman that makes guys boldly stare (btw guys if any of you does that, please dont btw, its uncomfortable, just a FYI), anyway she was giving me a handjob/blowjob, my cock was 100% hard, i had 100mg of sildenafil in me so no surprise, but suddenly it just went away. Like just randomly, maybe she stroke it for a few seconds in a weird way or something and the erection flew to the next country.

So shes on her knees stroking and sucking on a chubby dick, but the crazy thing is that since it still felt good, i was on the edge of cumming. I know all of you guys have experienced this before, you arent hard, but still you feel like you could cum anyway, thats some embarassing shit aint it? No 23 year old gorgeous babe should ever experience having a limp dick just jizzing all over the place like a garden hose. So obviously the session ended there, had one of those awkward "what happened" talks, i went to the gym then we tried again right before sleeping and this time it went smoothly.

But you guys get the point. Do i have a sex life? Yes. Could i keep going like this for 10 more years? Possibly yes. Would that be a satisfactory sex life? Hell no.

The amount of women i dont approach because my insecurity is way too high. The way i want to live my life and how i want to connect with women does not align with how my sexual performance is. The way i see it is, why wait 10-20 years when i wont even be able to use it as much as right now when im in my prime? Why live anxious 10-20 more years and beat myself up after bad/mediocre encounters, if i could solve it now?

I can pay out of pocket. I can mentally endure any bad experiences due to the surgery, i can pay for revisions out of pocket if necessary. I realize that some see implants as a last resort, but if things go well, isnt it worth it? Id be going to a top surgeon btw.

I know this post is a bit too much but im just venting a bit too TBH

I’m mostly in the “do it now” camp. The only hesitation I would have is the fact that these implants aren’t great tech right now…but we all presume they will be soon
42 ED for 9 years vl after a fall. Pre implant 8 1/4 bp x 6 1/8 ish
Clavell titan 26+1 rte…post op very excited: 8 5/8” x 6 1/4” (7” base)
Starting to lose some length

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby CigareVolant » Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:18 pm

Craigohbig wrote:I’m mostly in the “do it now” camp. The only hesitation I would have is the fact that these implants aren’t great tech right now…but we all presume they will be soon

I'm in the "do it now" camp, and I do not presume that the tech will improve much soon. I mean, I hear people talking about electric pumps with an app to control them, but that stuff just scares me. Have you ever seen photos of what happens when a phone battery goes bad? The thing swells up with smoke coming out. And they want me to put that in my groin? And of course, lithium battery life goes way down after two or three years. How often will I need a revision? I've seen people argue that pacemakers work just fine for years, but that is just a tiny blip to stimulate the nerves in your heart, nothing like the power needed to run a mechanical pump.

I mean, I'm sure they will upgrade the materials periodically, and maybe improve the manual pump a little, but honestly, I'm fine with everything just how it is.
Implanted June, 2022 by Dr. Karpman. 22cm Titan with 1.5cm RTE.

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Gt1956 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:07 pm

CigareVolant wrote:
Craigohbig wrote:I’m mostly in the “do it now” camp. The only hesitation I would have is the fact that these implants aren’t great tech right now…but we all presume they will be soon

I'm in the "do it now" camp, and I do not presume that the tech will improve much soon. I mean, I hear people talking about electric pumps with an app to control them, but that stuff just scares me. Have you ever seen photos of what happens when a phone battery goes bad? The thing swells up with smoke coming out. And they want me to put that in my groin? And of course, lithium battery life goes way down after two or three years. How often will I need a revision? I've seen people argue that pacemakers work just fine for years, but that is just a tiny blip to stimulate the nerves in your heart, nothing like the power needed to run a mechanical pump.
I mean, I'm sure they will upgrade the materials periodically, and maybe improve the manual pump a little, but honestly, I'm fine with everything just how it is.

I agree with you. Waiting for that magically over the horizon implant is wishing at the wishing well level stuff in my opinion.

Whatever this future implant is will take time. Time for trials, FDA approval, training of the surgeons, & making enough of them to fill the supply chain. They won't be falling out of the sky all at once.

Now lets talk about the financial side of them. Insurance companies are notoriously known to pinch pennies. They will push back against any price increase. Despite what we feel emotionally, insurance companies are the true consumers of implants. They do the approvals & write the checks. Only a few men do the self pay route. Speaking of self pay? Anybody dare guess how much the price will go up for self payers?
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: 32 y/o here, saying f**k it and going for implant (even if it still functions most of the time)

Postby Reggieman » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:56 pm

I would check out injections before getting an implant. Bimix or trimix work differently that pills. If you are a good candidate for the injections you will find that the medications don't care if you or anxious or not. You will get an erection no matter what your mood. Now for physical reasons some guys are not good candidates. Contact a urologist that specializes in men's sexual health. Ask around for a reputable doctor that is not just trying to sell you something. In Northern California I went to the UCSF urologists that specialize E.D. and treatment. Search this forum for additional information on all the treatments. There is a wealth of experience from straight shooters in these pages.
Retired. R.P. 2016. Bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Now use .15cc of Bimix twice weekly & anorgasmia, moderately incontinent. Wife no longer interested so go solo with Electro-stim using Erostek ET-312. Now am Type 2 diabetic.

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