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Re: how does the reservoir feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:04 pm
by tomas1
I don't believe that would be a problem although it never happened to me.
I always wished my doc had smaller hands after the fact.

Re: how does the reservoir feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:35 pm
by squirrel
I had the infrapubic method. I have never noticed or felt the reservoir. It was placed inside the same area as the bladder. Only one incision not counting the 2 stitches for the drain.

Re: how does the reservoir feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:43 pm
by brianroa7
I asked my wife and she had no idea where the reservoir is so it isn’t noticeable at all. She has certainly had a good look down there!
As far as what works happen if you vomit etc, I would say don’t worry about that at all. Lots of sutures to hold everything together if your surgeon is doing a proper job.

Re: how does the reservoir feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:11 pm
by Floridaspeedo
Penoscrotal here. No addl scars,and I don't really feel the reservoir.

Every once in a while I'll feel a little twinge in my abdomen where the reservoir is but that's it other than that it's a non-event

Re: how does the reservoir feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:31 pm
by Rider1400
YALL are all lucky, I had double hernia surgery many years ago with mesh in both sides so my surgeon told me he would be placing the resevoir just under the fascia and that it would show. We’ll it shows a bunch! About 3/4” out and about 2-1/2” by 1” oval shaped. He used the 125cc resevoir and only put 78cc of fluid in it so it could flatten out and not show as much. Also was placed directly where my pants(belt) goes so it was very sore for 3-4 weeks. I had more soreness from that than my actual implant. I worried a lot about it at first but Dr assured me it was very tough and after it grows In it wouldn’t move around at all. He was correct after 6 weeks or so I really don’t worry about it at all and have gotten used to the bulge. Thank goodness I’m not a nudist as people would think I have a growth protruding out of me… lol. If or when I have a revision I will go to Clavel in Houston and see if he can put it where it should have been but gir now I’m happy! Loving my implant!!!