Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby sogwap » Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:38 pm

Anatomical suicide wrote:I didn't have any alternative apart from suicide which, by the way, is still in my head 24 hours a day.
The aspect that I'd like to share and outline is that AFTER surgery NOTHING changed as for the way I think, conceive thinks and consider myself. I was born with a crippling disability which has prevented me since day one from having erections and thus a normal, fulfilling sexual life that the vast majority of the guys of my age have without being even aware of it. A true, severe venous leakage is not a clinical issue or a treatable condition. Is a crippling disability whose onset can EASILY lead the individuals suffering from it to an indescribable dimension in which the end of your existence becomes a relentless desire. The only one crossing your mind. All the rest ceases to exist.
The implant in my case wasn't life-changing.

Serious question: What defines you as a man?

Of 1000's of men I have known and have met over my lifetime. I have only been with one guy that I saw their erect penis in action that was my sibling brother in my preteen years playing with ourself. I've seen plenty of naked men & women in porn, but I dont know a single one of those "men" from Adam. Honestly no on gives a shit.
As far as women, I have only been sexual with three woman. The first I couldnt get an erection to save my life. The second woman (who I married) turn out to be a lesbian, who was never interested in (any) mans erection. And the third my better wife at age 50+, who we now have a decent sex life after finding Trimix. No other woman in the world have no clue what my erect penis looks like.
Again my question, What defines you as a man?
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Wiggles123 » Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:22 am

Anatomical - I think this boils down to the fact that you enjoy complaining and really don't want to give that up. You have decided to be a victim, and seem to love the drama and attention of it. Grow up and decide to make something of yourself.

Many of us on here have dealt with ED as well as many other maladies. No life is as easy as you think others are. Your focus is on the wrong thing. Glass half full or half empty. You decide. Stop whining.

I personally decide to focus on the positive, to make every day about the ones I love, and to move forward.
AMS700 CX 21cm with 3 RTE 4-2019 by Dr Natale - failed 5-2021. Revision 6-2021 with issue (scrotal hematoma and infection). Dr. Ryan Terlecki revision 3-28-2022 (AMS700 CX 21cm with 1.5cm RTE). Cylinder failure at 18 months. 24cm AMS700 CX 11-29-2023.

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby TwoStep » Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:03 am

I'm guessing the unspoken understanding is that the "superpower" thing is a joking coping mechanism not meant to be taken literally. I think there's often misunderstandings because some people feel best surrounded by positivity while some people get put off if the positivity seems exaggerated. There's big regional/cultural differences when it comes to this.

Anyway i think it's very possible that over time you can use the implant to spend less mental energy on this issue because as your function is now predictable.

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby 25yearsold » Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:45 am

Anatomical suicide wrote:I often read here on Franktalk enthusiastic post where the implant is described as a life-changing choice able to bring back not only a functioning penis but even a stable psychological and mental condition previously devastated by the erectile dysfunction.
The reason why i got surgery was the same reason why other individuals decide to get a prosthesis implanted due to a missing ability; a leg prosthesis gives you the ability to run or even walk again. A harm prosthesis gives you the ability to hold a pen, drive, hug and do things you couldn't do before going for such surgery.
It's all about being able to do something you couldn't do because of a persistent disability.
The only aim I had when I took the plunge was to be able to perform, sexually speaking, in someway. Since pills didn't work, VED was ridiculous and, given my age, injection weren't even an option I was forced to get a 3 piece installed between my legs at 27. I didn't have any alternative apart from suicide which, by the way, is still in my head 24 hours a day.
I don't want to concentrate my attention on the recovery, on the surgery itself or on what I've been gone and going through to deal with such cataclysm at 27 as if ED weren't enough.
Those are secondary elements.
The aspect that I'd like to share and outline is that AFTER surgery NOTHING changed as for the way I think, conceive thinks and consider myself. I was born with a crippling disability which has prevented me since day one from having erections and thus a normal, fulfilling sexual life that the vast majority of the guys of my age have without being even aware of it. A true, severe venous leakage is not a clinical issue or a treatable condition. Is a crippling disability whose onset can EASILY lead the individuals suffering from it to an indescribable dimension in which the end of your existence becomes a relentless desire. The only one crossing your mind. All the rest ceases to exist.
The implant in my case wasn't life-changing. I didn't expect it to be so. Neither did i expect it to transform or cancel the whole of traumatic experiences I lived in the past due to a genetic disorder that took completely and irreversibly away my manhood, my self-esteem, my entire existence as a - supposed - man.
Two silicon cylinders and a bulb cannot restore a manhood which has never existed. I'll always be a biological failure, a freak of nature as well as a victim of the genetic lottery. I lost it.
Since I'm and I'll be until the end all the aforementioned the implant is a consequence of it, not a solution to it. It's the tragic conclusion of a traumatic sequence of predetermined occurrences.
Being able to perform keeps being the only and unique reason behind the choice of getting this kind of surgery. Let alone how. But for the rest, at least in my case, my modus pensandi hasn't been altered and with high probability will never be.
I've never been a man, i don't feel like it right now with a fake dick and I'm realistic enough to consider a penile prosthesis at the age of 27 a condemnation rather than the superpower described here.
Or maybe I have a slightly different conception of superpower.

Anatomical suicide wrote:
España1980 wrote:but your prosthesis works well or not?

I've already started using it. But I was addressing other topics in this thread.

As a young man who has same mindset pre-implant (depressive&suicidal), may I ask you having same mental attitude after surgery caused by something that went wrong in surgery? Or the implant did not meet your expectations? (Sensation wise or feeling artificial) Or everything went smooth, sex is good, masturbation is same, yet having implant at such a young age is what is making you depressed? I am not judgmental, I know I will end up with an implant eventually (if I manage to find a doctor who doesnt think it is all in my head), I am wondering if an implant can be a solution for my depression&anxiety&loss of will to live if surgery goes well


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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby snowerhood » Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:59 am

Cnidium wrote:Got my implant at 27. My mindset is very different than yours. I wake up everyday feeling like a champion. Not because of the implant itself, but because I know that, no matter what happens in life, I can and will find the best answer for it. Going through peyronies and the road up to an implant helped develop me in a way that now allows me to tackle all other problems in life.

I understand why you feel the way you do, but I also know that its all about mindset. You don't need to be a victim of your circumstance. You can be a true unit of a man if you want to be.

Just want to express my agreement with you. I'm on the start/middle of this road of struggle, sometimes it's hard and depressing, but sometimes it feels like school of life, you learn to overcome such a big challenges, losses. When you finish this race, everything start to feel possible for you, because you managed to change your attitude, your mindset in a way when you treat your problems as a randomized debafs that everyone in the world has. You learn to look wider and gain some kind of wisdom. Life challenges bring the new philosophy to your life
22 y.o. Chronic pelvic pain i guess and VL after COVID. May-Thurner syndrome? Venous insufficiency? idk...

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby FreddyFree » Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:06 am

Anatomical suicide wrote:
España1980 wrote:but your prosthesis works well or not?

I've already started using it. But I was addressing other topics in this thread.

Instead of addressing the men on this forum, you should be talking to a therapist or life coach. If some men feel like they have a superpower because of the implant, that’s what they feel.

What’s your superpower?
AMS 700 CX 18cm. x 12mm. With 3cm. RTEs. 10/10/18

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby merrix » Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:10 am

Anatomical suicide wrote:I often read here on Franktalk enthusiastic post where the implant is described as a life-changing choice able to bring back not only a functioning penis but even a stable psychological and mental condition previously devastated by the erectile dysfunction.
The reason why i got surgery was the same reason why other individuals decide to get a prosthesis implanted due to a missing ability; a leg prosthesis gives you the ability to run or even walk again. A harm prosthesis gives you the ability to hold a pen, drive, hug and do things you couldn't do before going for such surgery.
It's all about being able to do something you couldn't do because of a persistent disability.
The only aim I had when I took the plunge was to be able to perform, sexually speaking, in someway. Since pills didn't work, VED was ridiculous and, given my age, injection weren't even an option I was forced to get a 3 piece installed between my legs at 27. I didn't have any alternative apart from suicide which, by the way, is still in my head 24 hours a day.
I don't want to concentrate my attention on the recovery, on the surgery itself or on what I've been gone and going through to deal with such cataclysm at 27 as if ED weren't enough.
Those are secondary elements.
The aspect that I'd like to share and outline is that AFTER surgery NOTHING changed as for the way I think, conceive thinks and consider myself. I was born with a crippling disability which has prevented me since day one from having erections and thus a normal, fulfilling sexual life that the vast majority of the guys of my age have without being even aware of it. A true, severe venous leakage is not a clinical issue or a treatable condition. Is a crippling disability whose onset can EASILY lead the individuals suffering from it to an indescribable dimension in which the end of your existence becomes a relentless desire. The only one crossing your mind. All the rest ceases to exist.
The implant in my case wasn't life-changing. I didn't expect it to be so. Neither did i expect it to transform or cancel the whole of traumatic experiences I lived in the past due to a genetic disorder that took completely and irreversibly away my manhood, my self-esteem, my entire existence as a - supposed - man.
Two silicon cylinders and a bulb cannot restore a manhood which has never existed. I'll always be a biological failure, a freak of nature as well as a victim of the genetic lottery. I lost it.
Since I'm and I'll be until the end all the aforementioned the implant is a consequence of it, not a solution to it. It's the tragic conclusion of a traumatic sequence of predetermined occurrences.
Being able to perform keeps being the only and unique reason behind the choice of getting this kind of surgery. Let alone how. But for the rest, at least in my case, my modus pensandi hasn't been altered and with high probability will never be.
I've never been a man, i don't feel like it right now with a fake dick and I'm realistic enough to consider a penile prosthesis at the age of 27 a condemnation rather than the superpower described here.
Or maybe I have a slightly different conception of superpower.

Obviously you are not feeling good. You did get some tough response here, which I principally agree with. You are not the only one with ED and you are definitely not the only one with serious health issues around here. If I remember right, there is as an example a member here who is blind, in a wheelchair and with ED forcing him to get implanted. Just as a benchmark.

I have, just like you, had a VL since forever. Well maybe not forever, I remember having longlasting erections as a young kid. Perhaps 10-12 years old. But once I even started to masturbate and making out with girls, I knew something was not right. My erections just wouldn't stay hard.
So I have lived with this shit forever as well. Always having the risk of embarrassment when having sex with a girl. Always could have been feeling like a lesser man, like a freak, like whatever.
And I have been writing numerous times in My Journal her on FT (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6010) that just getting an implant won't necessarily fix the mental problem of being impotent. If someone wanted to, chose to, or could not avoid it, he could easily continue to feel like an impotent freak. Like being cursed. Instead of feeling shit about not having a proper erection when needed, he could feel like a freak with a plastic dick. And the curse, the feeling of "why did this have to happen to me" could easily still be there after an implant.
I guess you put a face on that picture I painted. You exemplified that theory.

That goes for every medical fix though I guess. If you crush your knee in a motorcycle accident and need a knee implant, you could still curse that your new knee doesn't work as well as the old natural one, you could still feel shit about the bad luck that struck you. Even having your vision reduced and needing glasses could use the same reasoning.
Yes, tough shit. That's what it's like. Nobody ever said a knee implant would be as good as, and making people as happy as when having their natural knee. Nobody said wearing glasses to be able to read the menu at a restaurant would be as good as not needing any glasses.

But fact is now we need this shit. We need those glasses or those dick implants. Not saying that an implant in my dick is at the same planet as glasses, but still.

Regarding your extremely negative view of life...
That's how you feel, yes. Not sure anybody here can change that, and I am not even trying actually. But I am still going to write this. If you are not interested or receptive, maybe someone else is. This is a forum for implants, and discussing implants is what we do here.

I don't know why your situation would be any worse than mine. We both had ED for life. I am older than you, but that's even worse for me. I had to live with that shit from puberty till I was in my forties. You fixed it at 27. At 27 I still could not have a reliable erection. Not for another 15 years or so, till I got implanted.
Being implanted at 27 is still better than what I had - being impotent at 27.
But I didn't dig a hole for myself and jumped down feeling sorry for myself.
Maybe I felt a bit sorry for myself, but I went on with my life. I did the best I could, just as I would have if my dick would have worked as it should.
I had the best sex I could. I used pills, cock rings. I adjusted my behaviour in bed. I was fast and furious so to say. High friction from penetration till ejaculation to avoid my crap dick going down. Preferred to be an egoistic lover than to be hung out as an impotent bastard.
But despite that style, I had plenty of failures, plenty of shitty moments.
They hurt, they made me feel like crap every time. But I never let that stop me from living my life, from being the best version I could make of myself.

Now, being implanted, yes of course I can still feel life has been unfair. Why would I be hit by this VL crap. Why me? There is no answer to that question. People get hit by all sorts of medical issues. Probably many more than you think. Because just as people on the street don't know you're implanted, you don't know that people on the street have cancer, diabetes, dementia, parkinson's disease, a plastic bag on their stomach where their shit comes out, a speaking disorder, depression, severe back pain - or whatever.
And honestly, your curse could at least be partially fixed. The function is there. You can use your dick to fuck. You literally restored function. As with every medical fix, it won't be as good as the original, but you restored the basic function. Millions of people can't.
I honestly don't think your mental state is what it is only because of your dick. If so, then why aren't all men around here depressed? Why ain't I? I have had exactly the same shit as you have had, only for twice as long time as you. All the same, I just had to suffer twice as long, twice as many times.
You need to get out of that zone in some way. I was never a big fan of therapists, I always thought I could steer my life through whatever shit was dumped at me.
If you cannot, then you should try to talk to someone who can help you change your view.
Because unless you have a truckload of other issues, you don't really place yourself that low on the list of suckers with shitty health issues.

You have an attitude problem which far exceeds your health problems. You could live a fantastic life with your implanted dick if you wanted to, or if you would allow yourself to.
I do, and plenty of others do. I hate the fact that I was cursed by VL. But I get on with my shit and I think my implant is a fantastic solution to that problem. It lets me have sex, and it lets me get on with my life.

The "I am not a man" BS is just that. BS. As someone wrote here, nobody you meet knows you have a VL, an implant, and that you used to be impotent. Plenty of people you meet, whom you consider to be "real men" probably have an issue with their dicks. You can't see that. So the perception that you are not a man is in your head. It's not a fact, it's not out there as a law of nature. You decide what kind of a man you are. Your position on the scale of manlihood, the definition and perception by others, are there for the taking. It's all up to you. And maybe fucking around, one new partner every weekend, won't be as convenient with an implant as with a working natural dick. But being a man, manliness, is not defined by how many women you fuck. Plenty of fucking losers in this world have fucked dozens of women. And plenty of real men have fucked a handful. Any idiot can find another idiot to have sex with. That's not related to being a man.
You can have sex with as many women as your charm, your personality, your fishing waters, allow you. It's not because of your implant.
I have had sex with women outside my marriage. Never once has my implant stopped me, never once has it made that sex poor. Lack of deeper feelings, too much alcohol, my conscience - all of them did sometimes make that sex poor. But never my implant.
So maybe I should take that back, about the unconvenience of having one night stands with an implant. It actually worked really good for me. Occasionally someone noticed something in my scrotum. But never did it lead to problem, awkward discussion. And never ever did it prevent the sex from happening. So go ahead. Fuck around if you think that is the definition of a man.
Or you skip that route, date women you are interested in. Find your life partner eventually, and get on with your life as a man.
The implant does not restrict your life's potential. You do. Or you don't. That's your choice.
Last edited by merrix on Fri Sep 30, 2022 7:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby FMLFML85 » Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:48 am

Anatomical suicide wrote:
España1980 wrote:but your prosthesis works well or not?

I've already started using it. But I was addressing other topics in this thread.

Why can’t you let other people be happy. Just because you hate yourself and devalue yourself doesn’t give you the right to put other people down. I have a implant and I use a colostomy bag. There’s a bit of intestine hanging from my stomach that shits constantly into a bag. It’s ugly weird and freakish but I still live my life. I’m young too. Yes many men here see the implant as a super power. Get over yourself.

Anatomical suicide
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Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2021 7:20 am

Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Anatomical suicide » Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:20 am

merrix wrote:
Anatomical suicide wrote:I often read here on Franktalk enthusiastic post where the implant is described as a life-changing choice able to bring back not only a functioning penis but even a stable psychological and mental condition previously devastated by the erectile dysfunction.
The reason why i got surgery was the same reason why other individuals decide to get a prosthesis implanted due to a missing ability; a leg prosthesis gives you the ability to run or even walk again. A harm prosthesis gives you the ability to hold a pen, drive, hug and do things you couldn't do before going for such surgery.
It's all about being able to do something you couldn't do because of a persistent disability.
The only aim I had when I took the plunge was to be able to perform, sexually speaking, in someway. Since pills didn't work, VED was ridiculous and, given my age, injection weren't even an option I was forced to get a 3 piece installed between my legs at 27. I didn't have any alternative apart from suicide which, by the way, is still in my head 24 hours a day.
I don't want to concentrate my attention on the recovery, on the surgery itself or on what I've been gone and going through to deal with such cataclysm at 27 as if ED weren't enough.
Those are secondary elements.
The aspect that I'd like to share and outline is that AFTER surgery NOTHING changed as for the way I think, conceive thinks and consider myself. I was born with a crippling disability which has prevented me since day one from having erections and thus a normal, fulfilling sexual life that the vast majority of the guys of my age have without being even aware of it. A true, severe venous leakage is not a clinical issue or a treatable condition. Is a crippling disability whose onset can EASILY lead the individuals suffering from it to an indescribable dimension in which the end of your existence becomes a relentless desire. The only one crossing your mind. All the rest ceases to exist.
The implant in my case wasn't life-changing. I didn't expect it to be so. Neither did i expect it to transform or cancel the whole of traumatic experiences I lived in the past due to a genetic disorder that took completely and irreversibly away my manhood, my self-esteem, my entire existence as a - supposed - man.
Two silicon cylinders and a bulb cannot restore a manhood which has never existed. I'll always be a biological failure, a freak of nature as well as a victim of the genetic lottery. I lost it.
Since I'm and I'll be until the end all the aforementioned the implant is a consequence of it, not a solution to it. It's the tragic conclusion of a traumatic sequence of predetermined occurrences.
Being able to perform keeps being the only and unique reason behind the choice of getting this kind of surgery. Let alone how. But for the rest, at least in my case, my modus pensandi hasn't been altered and with high probability will never be.
I've never been a man, i don't feel like it right now with a fake dick and I'm realistic enough to consider a penile prosthesis at the age of 27 a condemnation rather than the superpower described here.
Or maybe I have a slightly different conception of superpower.

Obviously you are not feeling good. You did get some tough response here, which I principally agree with. You are not the only one with ED and you are definitely not the only one with serious health issues around here. If I remember right, there is as an example a member here who is blind, in a wheelchair and with ED forcing him to get implanted. Just as a benchmark.

I have, just like you, had a VL since forever. Well maybe not forever, I remember having longlasting erections as a young kid. Perhaps 10-12 years old. But once I even started to masturbate and making out with girls, I knew something was not right. My erections just wouldn't stay hard.
So I have lived with this shit forever as well. Always having the risk of embarrassment when having sex with a girl. Always could have been feeling like a lesser man, like a freak, like whatever.
And I have been writing numerous times in My Journal her on FT (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6010) that just getting an implant won't necessarily fix the mental problem of being impotent. If someone wanted to, chose to, or could not avoid it, he could easily continue to feel like an impotent freak. Like being cursed. Instead of feeling shit about not having a proper erection when needed, he could feel like a freak with a plastic dick. And the curse, the feeling of "why did this have to happen to me" could easily still be there after an implant.
I guess you put a face on that picture I painted. You exemplified that theory.

That goes for every medical fix though I guess. If you crush your knee in a motorcycle accident and need a knee implant, you could still curse that your new knee doesn't work as well as the old natural one, you could still feel shit about the bad luck that struck you. Even having your vision reduced and needing glasses could use the same reasoning.
Yes, tough shit. That's what it's like. Nobody ever said a knee implant would be as good as, and making people as happy as when having their natural knee. Nobody said wearing glasses to be able to read the menu at a restaurant would be as good as not needing any glasses.

But fact is now we need this shit. We need those glasses or those dick implants. Not saying that an implant in my dick is at the same planet as glasses, but still.

Regarding your extremely negative view of life...
That's how you feel, yes. Not sure anybody here can change that, and I am not even trying actually. But I am still going to write this. If you are not interested or receptive, maybe someone else is. This is a forum for implants, and discussing implants is what we do here.

I don't know why your situation would be any worse than mine. We both had ED for life. I am older than you, but that's even worse for me. I had to live with that shit from puberty till I was in my forties. You fixed it at 27. At 27 I still could not have a reliable erection. Not for another 15 years or so, till I got implanted.
Being implanted at 27 is still better than what I had - being impotent at 27.
But I didn't dig a hole for myself and jumped down feeling sorry for myself.
Maybe I felt a bit sorry for myself, but I went on with my life. I did the best I could, just as I would have if my dick would have worked as it should.
I had the best sex I could. I used pills, cock rings. I adjusted my behaviour in bed. I was fast and furious so to say. High friction from penetration till ejaculation to avoid my crap dick going down. Preferred to be an egoistic lover than to be hung out as an impotent bastard.
But despite that style, I had plenty of failures, plenty of shitty moments.
They hurt, they made me feel like crap every time. But I never let that stop me from living my life, from being the best version I could make of myself.

Now, being implanted, yes of course I can still feel life has been unfair. Why would I be hit by this VL crap. Why me? There is no answer to that question. People get hit by all sorts of medical issues. Probably many more than you think. Because just as people on the street don't know you're implanted, you don't know that people on the street have cancer, diabetes, dementia, parkinson's disease, a plastic bag on their stomach where their shit comes out, a speaking disorder, depression, severe back pain - or whatever.
And honestly, your curse could at least be partially fixed. The function is there. You can use your dick to fuck. You literally restored function. As with every medical fix, it won't be as good as the original, but you restored the basic function. Millions of people can't.
I honestly don't think your mental state is what it is only because of your dick. If so, then why aren't all men around here depressed? Why ain't I? I have had exactly the same shit as you have had, only for twice as long time as you. All the same, I just had to suffer twice as long, twice as many times.
You need to get out of that zone in some way. I was never a big fan of therapists, I always thought I could steer my life through whatever shit was dumped at me.
If you cannot, then you should try to talk to someone who can help you change your view.
Because unless you have a truckload of other issues, you don't really place yourself that low on the list of suckers with shitty health issues.

You have an attitude problem which far exceeds your health problems. You could live a fantastic life with your implanted dick if you wanted to, or if you would allow yourself to.
I do, and plenty of others do. I hate the fact that I was cursed by VL. But I get on with my shit and I think my implant is a fantastic solution to that problem. It lets me have sex, and it lets me get on with my life.

The "I am not a man" BS is just that. BS. As someone wrote here, nobody you meet knows you have a VL, an implant, and that you used to be impotent. Plenty of people you meet, whom you consider to be "real men" probably have an issue with their dicks. You can't see that. So the perception that you are not a man is in your head. It's not a fact, it's not out there as a law of nature. You decide what kind of a man you are. Your position on the scale of manlihood, the definition and perception by others, are there for the taking. It's all up to you. And maybe fucking around, one new partner every weekend, won't be as convenient with an implant as with a working natural dick. But being a man, manliness, is not defined by how many women you fuck. Plenty of fucking losers in this world have fucked dozens of women. And plenty of real men have fucked a handful. Any idiot can find another idiot to have sex with. That's not related to being a man.
You can have sex with as many women as your charm, your personality, your fishing waters, allow you. It's not because of your implant.
I have had sex with women outside my marriage. Never once has my implant stopped me, never once has it made that sex poor. Lack of deeper feelings, too much alcohol, my conscience - all of them did sometimes make that sex poor. But never my implant.
So maybe I should take that back, about the unconvenience of having one night stands with an implant. It actually worked really good for me. Occasionally someone noticed something in my scrotum. But never did it lead to problem, awkward discussion. And never ever did it prevent the sex from happening. So go ahead. Fuck around if you think that is the definition of a man.
Or you skip that route, date women you are interested in. Find your life partner eventually, and get on with your life as a man.
The implant does not restrict your life's potential. You do. Or you don't. That's your choice.

In any part of my previous message I've made a comparison between my condition and someone else's. You did. There are blind individuals, people sitting on a wheelchair, men or women with a pancreatic cancer or whatever you could possibly imagine. SO WHAT? Every health condition, mental issue, state of phisical or psychological sufference has to be contextualised. A missing finger, under certain circumstances, can be perceived as a tragedy, even leads to suicide.
The individual perception of a phisical impairment and the pain which comes along with it are subjective and, again, strictly related to the existential whole of contingencies and circumstances under which they manifest themselves. You don't know mine, you don't know me.
A victim, according at least to the italian vocabulary, is a living being who gets damaged by other living beings or exterior occurrences out of its control. Therefore, yes: I'm a victim. Many of us are and there's nothing wrong to be it. Especially when that's a fact. Since I stick to the facts and not to inexistent empirical dimensions i'll keep considering myself a victim. In the same way I'll keep seeing the severe genetic venous leakage that's been haunting me since the day I was born as a cataclysm. That's another fact. I've never been able to have sex or even a proper erection allowing to do so even at the highest PDE5 dosages or with every combination of them.
I'm not going to explain how such condition at this degree of severity can demolish every single aspect of a young guy's existence. I'd sound overdramatic to all of you or perhaps I'd sound overdramatic to some users who show what to me looks like an overenthusiastic approach to complex problematics.
Merrix stated that i "used to be impotent". Wrong. I'm still impotent. Surgery doesn't give me back any function. It destroyed it irreversibly. That's another fact.
The same Merrix added that surgery in specific case doesn't bring psychological changes: your mindset rests the same. You still feel as doomed, condemned. You still identify yourself as an emasculated individual and thus a failure. He's correct: I'm one of those cases and I just want to testify that, again, IN MY CASE, two silicon cylinders haven't changed my mindset, transformed the way I conceive my existential issues or my attitude.
Impotence is still there and will always be. That's an incontestabile truth and an artificially induced erection at 27 cannot sweeten the resulting thoughts which are the consequence of it.
It's my case and it doesn't have to be anyone's nor it doesn't necessarily relate to yours.
I've shared an experience and had the absolute right to do so.
You can be happy, over the moon, positive. You can even get inebriated with your half full glass and see surgery as a life-changing miracle.
I'd like to, but I don't and I won't.
The ability to have sexual encounters is the benefit i got from surgery and it's not something to underestimate. That's for sure. It was the only reason why it had it.
Nonetheless, as for the rest i'm exactly the same and i didn't expect a Titan to eradicate twenty seven years of profound shame and humiliations lived because of a condition which is still there.
Thanks to Merrix and to the guys who have been able to articulate a different point of view without acting as cry babies reluctant to accept the existence of diverging experiences.
I'm done.

Posts: 289
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:14 pm

Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:10 pm

It's a pity that one of the few buddy who could give an opinion about Ralph and giving more information to European buddies just decided to rant.

You ranted before the surgery and you rant after. You couldn't fuck before you could after. At least it's what you said. For me he relevant information is that you're not ranting because of the surgery. Which is something that could actually happens and scare a lot of men.

You did everything you could for your dick. Now you'd better off seeking medical assistance for your disistimia because with that mood sex won't be funny no matter what.

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