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Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 10:52 am
by nerdynerd
Thanks for the advice, guys!

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:26 pm
by strongagain
My wife said you are neither gay nor young - just let it grow, it looks 'wilder'…

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:46 pm
by Zoso22
We (wife & I) keep our genitals smooth, we prefer to floss after brush teeth, not will performing oil, I don’t care how old we get. Picking pubs out of your teeth like your at a corn on the Cobb eating contest is not our bag.

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:02 pm
by SquadCaptain74
HappyAgain wrote:I use a razor and shave shaft and balls with no problem.

same. I don't think there is much to worry about. Just take it slow and easy!

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:25 am
by CigareVolant
I don't really get the concern. Once everything is healed, the implant is deep inside you. If a slight nick on your scrotal skin is dangerous, then a nick anywhere on your body ought to be equally dangerous. The blood flows all around, you know. :D

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:02 am
by stephen54
October26 wrote:No problem with trimming but if that is the direction you go, consider laser hair removal. It great.

There are extremely effective home lasers now - take a look at the Tria. It takes a little patience and repetition of treatments during different times/phases of hair growth, but it absolutely works. My wife was motivated to try this route even though, after years of shaving, she had shaving mostly down to a science and rarely had nicks or razor burn or any irritation, and she was shaving everything off for years. Realistically it took a year or a little more with her methodically using the Tria to get her to the point where her results mimicked a fresh, baby-smooth shave. Sometimes some hairs can reappear but they are so fine you almost can't even see them. When that happens she treats them with the laser and in time that's the end of those hairs. Paid I think $550. Well worth it if baby smooth is what you want.

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:09 pm
by Floridaspeedo
I tried shaving while I was soft and ended up nicking myself. Was panicked about an infection but nothing has happened.

What I have learned is I can use a razor if I'm fully pumped up then it's easier

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:14 pm
by Floridaspeedo
I tried shaving while I was soft and ended up nicking myself. Was panicked about an infection but nothing has happened.

What I have learned is I can use a razor if I'm fully pumped up then it's easier

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:28 pm
by HappyAgain
I found this on Amazon. 10 minutes after I apply I shower, wipe with washcloth and it’s perfect. Used to shave, this is cheaper and easier

Re: pubic hair trimming/depilatory after implant?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 4:05 pm
by Txagq8
I’m very old school, born in the 1960s, kind of a “I like Ike” guy who misses tail fins on cars, cigarette commercials on TV, and when there were only two genders.

So no, I don’t shave my chest, crotch, or underarms. As it is I have enough Native American ancestry in my gene pool to where my body hair is far from what I’d like. Sasquatch would be my role model.

That being said, I would warn about cream depilatories anytime. When the box says @not for use in the genital area” take them at their word.

After the twins were born my wife and I decided I needed a vasectomy. I got on the Army hospital’s wait list. After six months of hearing nothing I called to find out what the deal was. At some point they’d just deleted my name for no reason,

So after gnawing on the doctor I got him to agree to call me next time they had a no-show, I could be at hospital in 10 maybe 15 minutes.

I did have to agree to stay prepped ie shaven and he promised he’d get me in within the week. So rather than rely on shaving Sunday and having to deal with stubble on Thursday, after PT (physical training) on Monday I slathered everything down monday before my shower.

They called me Tuesday at 11 am. Yes,everything was still red. Very red. Fire engine red. Red and burning hot enough that aircraft with thermal sensors could have used me as a navigational aid. All that for a procedure less complex than a hangnail.

I’m gonna keep my pubes. But if I did decide to manscape, I’ve decided to burn the hair off with a welding torch before I’d use a depilatory .