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Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:44 pm
by crazyjoe
Well put 2435 — I hadn’t thought of it that way — we’re not bending natural erections, just tubes…it’s only our tissues that are causing some resistance but it’s those tissues that need to be broken up to straighten and lengthen — do I have that right or am I over simplifying?

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:49 pm
by 2435tjklAS
I don't think I'm the one to ask but sounds about right to me, though I don't entirely get the tissue thing. Had to watch it again and he says our tissues scarred down by ED. So by "pushing the limits" of this implant and bending it we "push on our own tissues."

I don't think he really explains why it's a good idea to push on our tissues, does anyone know? Is this same as the jelqing people say about creating micro-tears in the tissue?

Either way I'm still gonna do it and take the doctor's word for it but I'm not positive.

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:29 pm
by Elyrev
Pau1pau1 wrote:How long before you should start the bending exercises . I’m 3 days in and it feels too sore to mess with

Everyone heals differently, although I think nobody wants to mess with it much for the first couple of weeks at least. If it is currently in pain you won’t want to mess with it and if you are not experiencing pain for the moment you might want to enjoy the moment. After 2-3 weeks you should be able to. I am 8 weeks out now and it is too aggressive for me to bend it when fully inflated, that hurts just to try. However I am doing it not inflated and partially inflated and will work up to doing it fully inflated when the pain gets less. I think the premise is the cylinders are kind of like a rubber band, the more you mess with it the more stretched out they get, so I think doing the exercise even partially inflated helps and stretches your tissue too.

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:31 pm
by Canthetnosleep
Okay so you inflate hold base then try to bend your penis in each direction, your not bending at base but somewhere in the middle while you hold the base?

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:08 am
by crazyjoe
Sounds exactly right. If you haven’t watched Perito’s video at the beginning of this thread, I would recommend it.

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:53 am
by LookingUp
Great post. Thanks for the link and comments.


Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:45 am
by crazyjoe
I have started a new “twist” on this exercise that is producing even better results for me: holding the base, I twirl the shaft around like a propeller keeping it bent down as far as I can through the circles. I find that after twirling it a number of times I am able to pump in more juice. Then I repeat that again and can pump in even more juice, and so on about through about 5 cycles. After each cycle I find I can pump even more juice.
Am surmising that the twirling breaks down more tissues than just up, down, left, right at least I think that is what’s happening. At any rate, I am getting larger erections.
Will appreciate opinions re this “twist” :)

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:29 am
by navy6587
All...interesting, all the "cock calisthenics" going on here. Reminded me of my 1965 Navy Boot Camp exercises with/ without a rifle. :lol: After watching the Perito video and trying it, even though I'm over 3years out, I found my Titan Touch pump unresponsive. Could not pump up any more and the button would not depress! Uh oh...was I to be left with a permanent erection? Some would consider this a 'non-problem' but I did not. After much manipulation, pressing and more twisting of cylinders and my pump, I finally got the deflate button to work. Phew!!! All y'all who need it, go right ahead and continue with Perito's MTP episode. My exercise days for Big Tim (as my wife calls him) is over. I'm very happy with what I have and what I can do with him.


Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:14 am
by Floridaspeedo
But does this exercise work as well for Colopast as it does for AMS? I understand AMS can expand in length but I didn't think Coloplast could.

I know Perrito prefers Coloplast though.

Re: Lengthening exercise that works for me!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 9:13 pm
by 2435tjklAS
crazyjoe wrote:I have started a new “twist” on this exercise that is producing even better results for me: holding the base, I twirl the shaft around like a propeller keeping it bent down as far as I can through the circles. I find that after twirling it a number of times I am able to pump in more juice. Then I repeat that again and can pump in even more juice, and so on about through about 5 cycles. After each cycle I find I can pump even more juice.
Am surmising that the twirling breaks down more tissues than just up, down, left, right at least I think that is what’s happening. At any rate, I am getting larger erections.
Will appreciate opinions re this “twist” :)

I think this excellent advice. I'm getting good measurements too. Just propeller the shit out of it, lol. Also, it's pretty fun. :)

Nice work.