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Re: Basic questions...

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:11 am
by Old Guy
corporatestiff wrote:Thanks for the feedback. Lots to think about. I still have two teenagers at home which will add greatly to the awkward factor if I proceed. Also, as far as I know, no PD. I've always had the downward curve. I don't believe it ever changed much if at all, and never caused any trouble for me or my partners.

Each of us heal differently so that factor is my experience. I am a healthy male, no medical issues other than migraines. But my recovery was one of the few that don't heal quickly unfortunately. I drove on day 4 but it made me hurt for a week. Hopefully even with your medical history you'll heal quickly if you decide to go through with an implant.

My kids were all moved out when I had mine done, but my excuse for the surgery was a growth on a testicle. That was enough that none of them asked any more questions. (3 boys, one girl)

Re: Basic questions...

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:53 am
by Lost Sheep
corporatestiff wrote:
Old Guy wrote: Expect to spend a few weeks or more laying on the couch until healed.

So if I read this correctly, I'm looking at potentially several weeks of missed work to recover from this surgery? That's probably a deal breaker if that's the case :(

The first three days are crucial. Stay horizontal, reduce welling by whatever means works, etc. Anything you do to exacerbate the trauma of surgery will extend your recovery time and anything you do to help heal will shorten your recovery time. As Old Guy reported, doing too much will hurt you and I attest it will delay your return to normal activities.

I took three weeks off, but could have returned after one week, part-time. Sitting up would have been uncomfortable and made blood pool in my lower body. Also, I was 75% inflated. I took the third week just to pamper myself - I had the leave time available.