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Re: Extending the life of my AMS implant?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:57 pm
by Gt1956
Some rambling thoughts. Use it as if it is a normal penis. If you pass on an encounter because you're trying to save your implant, don't. Once a chance passes you can't go back in time to get it. I don't have any specific information but I'm fairly certain that insurance companies look at a replacement differently than the first installation. A replacement has fewer hoops to jump through in my thinking. Maybe a better way to say it is like a new car. To let it sit & not use it is kind of foolish. It ages & deteriorates just sitting in the garage. No need to abuse the car or the implant. But merely use them as they are designed to be used.

Re: Extending the life of my AMS implant?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:13 am
by WindWizard
Greg1956 wrote:I guess since we don't have the scientific data you are really looking for the best advice I can offer is this.

1. My wife and I get full enjoyment from sex with the implant pumped to about 75-80% of maximum inflation. We do this because it is the most comfortable for both of us, but it also means fewer pumps which equals less wear on the pump.

2. I can masturbate to orgasm without any inflation, but get more enjoyment from it with at least 5 pumps. Again, the less you are using the pump and squeezing the fluid from your cylinders, the longer it SHOULD last.

Thank you very much Greg!

I hadn't thought about minimally pumping when masturbating or using less pumps during sex, but your reasoning seems sound, it should contribute to an overall longer implant lifetime.

Thanks for this advice! I'll apply it!

Re: Extending the life of my AMS implant?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:27 pm
by Greg1956
You are very welcome