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Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:21 am
by jump.ship
Lost Sheep wrote: My intention was to indicate that a sexual partner (man or woman) who is so superficial as to reject another human being as a companion/friend/lover just because of a physical feature is "not worth having around".

Lost Sheep

I just don't think you have people that are superficial pitted against everyone else. We all make judgements based on internal, unconscious processes that we have no control over.

The implant will be significant to some. But trivial and irrelevant for, I think, the vast majority of people. We don't need to feel defensive about this is all I am saying really.

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:24 am
by jump.ship
LeRoastBeef wrote:I agree, it's hard to see things in shades of grey when you're emotional. Some will love, some hate, some won't be that bothered as long as it works well enough.

Having said that, and not wanting to go off on a tangent....
I plan to have sex with say 100 people over the next year.

Honestly! Holy shit lol. I always thought that there would be more sex if women had the same drive as men. Haha. Well good for you if you can get it. I don't think i would have the energy, and i'm younger than you!

Lol. Perhaps this is the fantasy number that will motivate me to get through the operation!

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:46 am
by beachbum
I cant tell you what women think about an implant or for that manner what men think. I can see your concern about it. But to me thats really not who the implant is for. It's for YOU. Anyone else that likes it is a bonus. If you have or are getting an implant then it means your dick isn't working. Or as was said earlier, its broke and you got it fixed. And as far as confidence goes you should be very confident because now you have a working dick that will last as long as you need/want it to.
If someone is turned off by my implant, then thats their problem or choice, how ever you look at it. You took a big step in correcting a problem, so be proud of it.
Just my thoughts

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:03 am
by Aemill
I am 25 and discussed this issue with my female psychiatrist/andrologist. She told me not to tell the girl in the beginning. Because women like to be desired and wanted and if you tell them that your erection is artificial it will send the girl into rumination spinwheel and she will focus on this somewhat flaw that might lead to break up. Of course the older the woman is, the less superficial she will be and she will take it with ease.

My plan/advice if I plan to have a longterm relationship is to show her that you can function sexually as any man and you are responsive to touch and can orgasm. Then tell her that you are bionic, that you can feel everything but there are some parts of your penis that are prosthetic.

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:29 am
by Skier123
Here's what it comes down to guys: Would you rather have to explain why you can't get hard enough long enough to satisfy her no matter how hard you try? Or would you rather have to explain why you are a waaaaaay better lover than any guy she has ever or will ever be with?

I'll take option #2 every damn time.

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:18 pm
by jfruedam
I'm going to be brutally honest with you guys, because at this point I really don't care anymore. I am 30, and for the first yesterday on New Year's Eve I kissed someone, not lying. We kissed for about three hours, we cuddled, we caressed each other, but it never moved to sex, she just didn't want to. I just felt relief at that point...and I just thought to myself, who the fuck finds relief on the fact that a beautiful woman laying in the bed with you doesn't want sex? That's when I realized how seriously is this ED going to affect me, and how much it will keep consuming me now that I have decided I want to start dating (have opened a couple of the infamous dating apps). It completely spoiled what should have been an amazing experience to me because I just felt afraid at some point she could feel horny and wanting to make move.

I was afraid of a beautiful woman wanting to have sex with me. Let that sink in. That has really stuck on my head for the last hours.

This is just adding to all the issues I already face: Clinical Depression, Body Dysmorphia...I don't know how to handle things anymore. Why couldn't I have at least this little piece of normality in my life? I feel cursed, scared, and I don't really know if I have the necessary strength to overcome this and move pass it.

Sorry for the rant.

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:36 pm
by jump.ship
Aemill wrote:I am 25 and discussed this issue with my female psychiatrist/andrologist. She told me not to tell the girl in the beginning. Because women like to be desired and wanted and if you tell them that your erection is artificial it will send the girl into rumination spinwheel and she will focus on this somewhat flaw that might lead to break up.

This is exactly it. Sharing too much or off loading about anything early on in a relationship is a bad idea, if it can be avoided.

The beauty of the implant is that you can go incognito. This allows the relationship to develop as normal without the need to drag your personal medical issues into the first date. You can get on with connecting through humor, or music, or whatever. My erectile dysfunction journey will be the last thing I'll want to be mulling over at this stage.

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:55 pm
by jump.ship
jfruedam wrote:This is just adding to all the issues I already face: Clinical Depression, Body Dysmorphia...I don't know how to handle things anymore. Why couldn't I have at least this little piece of normality in my life? I feel cursed, scared, and I don't really know if I have the necessary strength to overcome this and move pass it.

Sorry for the rant.

I have many other issues too my friend. In fact, I see my ED not as a disease in itself, but as a symptom of another wider disease. I always thought that I could take any other symptom but this one. Why couldn't I just have this "little piece of normality" as you say. It fucking sucks. I was dealt a bad hand, and the added ED made it a brutal hand.

If I am to point out the obvious from your post, its that you spent three hours kissing someone, so you are clearly desirable to someone. The Clinical Depression and Body Dysmorphia you will need to professional help with. But the ED is, in my view, a fully treatable issue. A cure exists. It's not like cancer. It's a disease thats been beaten. Sorting out your ED is therefore a practical issue of gaining access to treatment.

If you don't see this or don't have the strength to pursue it, then your issue is wider than the ED itself. You need to be in the right place before the issue becomes clear and manageable. Then the treatment becomes extremely exciting. I feel like the most privileged person in the world that I'm about to get this new dick. But five years ago - prior to spending three years in therapy - I would have felt closer to what you're feeling now.

I can't comment on your other issues, but honestly, this ED thing is tied up. Good treatment exists.

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:06 pm
by SpiritWhirl
you know im having the same thoughts. i went on an app and just started telling girls. here are some of the responses ive got

Re: What do young women think about implants?  

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:15 pm
by jfruedam
SpiritWhirl wrote:you know im having the same thoughts. i went on an app and just started telling girls. here are some of the responses ive got

Oh man, that's an awesome experiment. Keep it going and share the results with us if you can. Kudos my man. The first conversations are not readable thought, what did they say?