Decided against implant - well wife did

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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby LookingUp » Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:36 pm

On my 3rd Wife....

Only two thoughts....

One. Don't get Married.

Two. If you do, it's way cheaper to keep the first one.

More $$$ for a new dick and Girlfriends later in life.

ED 26 years. 1995->Pills->Shots->Implant penoscrotal Implanted Feb2021, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal, 100cc reservoir. Looking forward to revision with a better Doctor.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:56 pm

LookingUp wrote:One. Don't get Married.

Been there, done that.
LookingUp wrote:Two. If you do, it's way cheaper to keep the first one.

Yep. You don't change horses in the middle of the stream. But you need to pick your horse carefully in the first place. Unfortunately, picking the right horse requires wisdom which is usually in short supply when we are young.

Good decisions come from wisdom.
Wisdom comes from experience.
Experience comes from bad decisions.

LookingUp wrote:More $$$ for a new dick and Girlfriends later in life.

Yep. Except that right now, my girlfriend provides all the different ways of enjoying my new dick than ever I have desired.

Happy me. (Or just dumb lucky me.) :D :D :D :D :D
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby TANGERINE » Mon Dec 30, 2019 7:42 pm

here is what i think:

keep the implant on your radar and keep looking at insurance plans with regards to coverage of the implant. You can work with the front desk of Dr Karpman as they will know the nuances of insurance pay regarding the procedures. As your life situation changes, and your job situations changes insurance, you might find an insurance option that covers the implant --- maybe (my employer provided private insurance blue shield PPO did cover the implant back in 2017)

it is true that a young mother will prioritize her decisions to protect her : children--home--husband
in that order (this is analagous to the marines who are sworn to protect: god--country--corps in that order). The implant represents a threat to her home and children since an impotent male will never stray and have an affair -- this is an attractive feature to her. A fully restored bionic male who is young might have troubles staying faithful given the supernatural bionic capabilities. Instinctively, she likely knows this, thus she has nixed the implant (though , on the other hand, maybe it is that the 20 grand is just too much money for your family to handle at this young age?).

Also, implant surgery is indeed significant medical surgery with complications, so she might not want to "roll the dice of complications" at this tender age with young children.

Just my thoughts.

My advice: as above, keep the implant on your radar, keep looking for insurance options so that the price will maybe come down.
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby andrew1959nj » Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:48 am

My first reaction is that is such BS!!!!! Women are constantly touting it's their body and no one can tell them what they can have done to it (abortion) and that society should pay for it. That is a two-way street. If she has a high sex drive and you can't satisfy her the way she wants it, she is likely to cheat on you and emasculate you in the process. Don't let her rob you of your health. I had severe ED for years and it contributed to several failed relationships. My current partner has a very hot body but has no libido due to a hysterectomy 5 years ago and declined hormone therapy. Our finances are separate but when I decided to get my implant, she said that I was doing it for me not her.

It is great having a cock again and it has boosted my confidence in everything even my job. It's more than just sex, and if your wife doesn't understand that, she needs to see a therapist, one who isn't a femenazi though! LOL
60 years old. MS and Severe ED 10+ years. Pills and injections never worked well. Implanted 5/16/2019 by Dr. Sadeghi. Titan 20cm + 2cm RTE.

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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby Greg1956 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:25 am

I am sorry it did not work out as you wanted it to. Finances are important, but mental and emotional health are too. You mentioned not sharing your real feelings with your wife. For your own good I hope you will find a way to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. If you don’t it could become easy to be resentful and let it drive a wedge between you. If you can have an open conversation now and tell her you know it is not the ideal time so you will put it on the back burner, at least she will know how important it is to you.

I had ED for over 30 years, caused by a severe Venous Leak. It went undiagnosed even though I went to many doctors and felt I did everything I could to get help. Until I was finally diagnosed my wife and I learned to work around my problem and still have a meaningful love life. I hope you will be able to figure out how to make that happen too.

Wishing you all the best.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby vajim1 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:59 am

I have not read on what methods you have tried to get an erection, I have tried everything and they all failed to get it up and stay up for more than a minute.
My wife did not want me to do it but know she loves my new hard cock again.
You should try every possible way to get it up, VED and a cock ring, pills and shots.
I think something should help, if not se other methods ie. oral, dildo (strap on) to make the wife happy. Your method of release can vary also.
Yes there may be new treatments coming in the near future also, so don't give up. :D
76 year old fart. Prostate removed Oct. 9, 2017,Psa 30 days after .15 next Psa .2. 37 Radiation treatments for recurrent cancer, 1 year out Psa .033 ZERO ERECTIONS, implanted Sept 5 2019 Dr. Lentz Duke Raleigh N.C. Titan 22cm.

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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby ViaSwiss » Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:23 pm

You guys are great. And funny. Thanks for the input. My wife comes from a previous marriage to a guy who was borderline sexually abusive and sex was all he cared about. So for her, there are things she cares about more than sex. Add to that we have $20-30k in lawyer/court debt due to this ex-husband (sociopath). So our money can be more well spent. This first time we talked about it, I thought it would cost $5-7k TOPS. Next time, it was up to $20k due to my insurance not covering it. Now, I dont even have insurance (opted on none this year).

I am definitely keeping the implant in mind (hence me checking in on the forum) and I suspect unless their is some new cure it will happen within the next 5-8 years.

Age 37. Venous Leakage & Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) since age 18.
Original Implant | June 25, 2021 | 20cm Titan w 1.5cm & 1cm RTEs
Revision | November 16, 2021 | 26cm | Dr. Hakky

Lost Sheep
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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:56 pm

ViaSwiss wrote:You guys are great. And funny. Thanks for the input. My wife comes from a previous marriage to a guy who was borderline sexually abusive and sex was all he cared about. So for her, there are things she cares about more than sex. Add to that we have $20-30k in lawyer/court debt due to this ex-husband (sociopath). So our money can be more well spent. This first time we talked about it, I thought it would cost $5-7k TOPS. Next time, it was up to $20k due to my insurance not covering it. Now, I dont even have insurance (opted on none this year).

I am definitely keeping the implant in mind (hence me checking in on the forum) and I suspect unless their is some new cure it will happen within the next 5-8 years.


It should not be necessary to wait that long. Find an insurance carrier who will cover an implant and opt for that policy (or policy rider), wait out the "pre-existing condition" deferral period and go for it. The increase in premium costs will likely be far less than the $5 to $7 thousand your budget can tolerate. Get a policy with very small co-pay and deductible. Financial planning pays off!

Of course, discuss this with your wife beforehand and get her completely on board. Having experience with a sexually abusive sociopath will likely make her both skittish and sympathetic to how men handle their sexual conditions. (See my p.s. comment) If she is sympathetic to you and, most importantly, recognizes that sex has COMPLETELY DIFFERENT meanings to a "normal" man vs a sociopath or Narcissist, she very likely will have her misgivings allayed and be more supportive (even eager) to support the effort to fix your penis. The attraction of having GOOD sex with the man she has chosen to be with after having BAD sex with a colossal mistake of a husband will be undeniable.

p.s. (On a side note, for a landlord-tenant issue I am having, a friend of mine recommended to me I read the blogging of a self-admitted Narcissist, H. G. Tudor) VERY enlightening.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby peyroniesjr » Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:58 pm

Hi ViaSwiss,

Here's my thoughts, you are still young couple. Your wife may come around, but it may take time.

God bless your new baby, they are a lot of work & I tellll till you this after having 4 children. Blood is thicker than water, your wife's main concern is your new born & she will do anything for that baby. Having a newborn or a child is a big expense, I want to say more now than when I was your age, but still annual income is different now than years ago. But I want to say things are out of wack.

Now how things changed for me:

I had surgery to remove my prostate on 4/1/2019 & since have not been able to have intercourse. My wife & I thought this we would be able to live with this & just knowing the cancer was gone was going to be okay.

My wife is legally blind, & one day I told her that she didn't understand how I felt. Well that opened pandora's box. Needless to say a big argument.

Believe me, I realize that her condition is getting worse & I made the mistake of saying that she didn't have a penis. I tried to compare going blind & having a limp penis. Her eyes are on her mind & mine when & if it going to get much worse. When I told her that I wanted an implant, it was like you want this now, she was thinking that Xiaflex was going to solve my peyronies & that Viagra was going to still going work. She didn't want me to get an operation just for her. She couldn't understand what I was feeling & I explained how I felt etc.

Well now almost 10 months latter, I am going to have an implant, because she misses having intimacy with me. She came around, as well with time, your wife may come around.

Give her time, again you are at an early stage of your life, do what you have to do, as to not lose elasticity (length).

As they say happy wife, happy life. The guys have given you many great thoughts.

I wish you the very best!

Implant Titan 2/21/2020 / 67 yrs / Married 44 yrs /ED / Peyronies 70 degrees - Xiaflex/ Low T / & RALP 4/1/2019 (Nerve Sparing)

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Re: Decided against implant - well wife did

Postby indusvalley » Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:41 pm

I am your age and divorced (no kids) and I want to chime in to say something. Sexual health is important for your mental well being. Make sure it’s not something you end up resenting her for. I am from Pakistan, a developing country so I didn’t have money too. What did I do? I sold one of my property land so I can have money to get implanted by the best surgeon in the world, Dr Kramer, around $24K total for everything. I realized what’s the point of earning money and having assets when my own life is miserable. My point is, life is short, delay it for now but talk to your wife so she can come around to this idea. Tell her how important this is to you. In the meantime, work hard and save up some money but definitely get an implant if you’re impotent and nothing else is working.
A young guy in his early 30s from South Asia. Implanted Titan 22cm by Dr. Tariq Hakky in Atlanta (Dec 2020). Amazing doctor! No pain during recovery. My size is 5.75” x 4.6” which is better than pre-OP size of 5.6” x 4.5”. Hoping to gain more in future.

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