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Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:01 pm
by JH2007
random255 wrote:Well I went from moderately annoyed to reasonably terrified. I don't know what I can do on a Saturday, I'm leaving some appointment requests. I really don't know how to pick a good doctor, I thought I'd selected an implant expert for this whole thing and clearly something isn't right.

I would try Kramer or eid if you are on east coast that isn’t normal

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:34 pm
by David_R
Oh brother, your story brought tears to my eyes. I am so, so sorry that you had to go through all of this shit (which has not stopped yet). Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers that things get (1) better soon and (2) easier and less painful. :( Please keep us updated.

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 9:25 pm
by Snoozdoc
Hoping that you made it over to University Hospital today and are somehow on a better path.

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:25 pm
by random255
Tomorrow is a follow-up appointment with the Dr's office that been doing all of the work so far. Nothing surgical planned and it's scheduled at 3:45 PM, I believe their office closes at 4 PM so I don't know exactly what they want to do other than ask how it's going.

Speaking of how it's going, here's the latest update:

I've been in the OR one more time with the Dr, for the purpose of removing the Foley Catheter (the one that goes down your penis) and replacing it with a Superpubic Catheter. That part went well and has been a huge relief, as all four ER trips revolved around intense pain which I felt was something like pressure in the scrotum which I could not relieve with the catheter. New catheter is way better. Although, you know, I'm 38 and I'm currently in my office wearing baggy pants hoping no one notices the odd shape of a bag of urine attached to my leg.

The Dr was going to patch up my urethra while I was under, but that didn't happen. I'm unclear exactly why. Whatever the reason, somethings really bad.

The urine has been red from time to time as it's mixed with a bit of blood, I was told to expect that.

Here's the bad: My scrotum is in a constant state of leaking urine directly out of the stitches. The Dr specifically said he was going to reinforce the stitches because I had this problem when he did the first surgery. When I'm actively using the bathroom the urine comes out much faster.

I finally decided to gently masturbate last night. First time in a month or months, don't know how I made it that long. When I orgasmed, my cum came DIRECTLY out thru my balls. Like, a spoonfull or two. So, I have pee, blood, and urine, all going directly thru my stitches on my testicles. The stitches which he was supposed to have just gone back over. Which brings me to my next problem...

So, I mentioned that after the first surgery I the tubing for the devices came outside of my body, and then eventually I could see a little inside my testicles. Well, that is happening again. Only now it's more at the base of the penis, on the far side near my scrotum. It's a vertical split, and so it's like my penis is now detached from the base of my body. I'll upload a pic of it right after this post, it's easier if you just see it. I'm so sorry in advance to anyone who sees the pic unaware. Anyway, I can see inside my body, and again, I can see the tubes from the pump just like I could after the first surgery.

So, follow-up tomorrow so the Dr can learn everything new going on. But I'm also going to the followup to sign release forms for my medical records. I've got four different second opinions and/or replacement doctor meetings scheduled. I'm going to go to all of them, but the soonest one isn't until Oct 31st. The rest are Nov into December.

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:32 pm
by random255



Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:03 pm
by regor1965
Yes this is very wrong. You are going to get an infection if you don't get this taken care of quickly. You got to get this closed up. When you masturbated it came through your urethra from your prostrate and went through the same cut into your scrotum.

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:23 pm
by random255
regor1965 wrote:You got to get this closed up.

Complete agree. The same problem with it opening up happened after the first surgery in May (although it took months before it opened, and it was nothing like this).

Then, the second surgery happened four weeks ago, and almost immediately it looked like this. Then last week I was in the OR to get this closed up. Literally, last week. But when I woke up from anesthesia, it wasn't "closed up" and I was leaking urine immediately.

What can cause this to be so hard to get closed and stay closed?

Three things

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:25 pm
by Lost Sheep
DOCUMENT EVERYTHING! (You are doing a pretty good job already, but be extremely thorough and take names of everyone you talk to with time and date).

YOUR SURGEON NEEDS A SANITY CHECK (leaving a patient with an open wound, especially in such a delicate part of one's anatomy is unconscionable. Note, I am not a medical professional.)


My prayers are with you.

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:50 pm
by tomas1
Holy shit, it sounds like you're in Bangladesh.
None of this is normal and your doc should be fired or worse.

How the hell will closing the stitches help anything?
Won't that just mean everything will end up in your scrotum?

Somehow, you have to get to a real doctor asap.
I think I'm gonna be sick

Re: Things seem very wrong, I need a sanity check.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:22 pm
by Snoozdoc
I’m guessing that they were afraid to close this at the risk of trapping infection inside and causing a Fournier’s gangrene. What I simply cannot understand is how you arent in a hospital getting IV abxs round the clock, and taking out all foreign materials.