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Re: Doctor Hakky Atlanta

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:20 am
by Urz14me
I too am a patient of Dr Hakky I have nothing to say but positive things about him and his staff. I walked into in office over a year ago with ED and Low testosterone issues. He systematically put me through all of the tests and options over the year to get me where I needed to be (I trust we all know what they are) …fast forward… with the end result being an implant.

I received my implant Mar 27th 18 and it was text book perfect, his office did all of the work with my insurance company, the best implant was recommended, top notice follow up Etc. Heck I love the fact since day 1 he gave me his email to ask any questions about anything and he normally answers within a couple of hours, yes even weekends and after hours. So in short I am happy I put my dick in the hands of Dr. Hakky … Wait! What?

Re: Doctor Hakky Atlanta

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:46 am
by jelquinginjury
What is the total price of the surgery with him?
Those who have had an operation with him, you have lost length or have the same length? floppy glans?

Which type of implants usually use more Titan or AMS?

Re: Doctor Hakky Atlanta

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:31 pm
by Anonymous3

Re: Doctor Hakky Atlanta

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:57 pm
by Hawkman
I have watched a lot of surgeries by Dr. Eid, Dr. Kramer, and several others. This is the first I have seen a drain left in place. I am also used to seeing a verticle incision on the midline of the scrotum rather than a horizontal incision. I guess the worst is maybe a somewhat more visible scar. Any thoughts?

Re: Doctor Hakky Atlanta

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:02 pm
by nbriley
I had a double transplant and Dr Hakky did an ultrasound to determine where the organs were and where to put the resovoir and he did the deglove surgery and at the 6 month stage I have no scars, can’t even tell I’ve had surgery plus my recovery was fast with little scarring, I even impressed Dr Hakky, everyone is different but I’m so happy I had this done and the results are impressive

Re: Doctor Hakky Atlanta

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:04 pm
by nbriley
Meant to say little bruising, I have no scars