New Implant Journey

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: New Implant Journey

Postby purcelldds » Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:31 pm

Day 3:
So Day 3 has passed and it was interesting. Larry, I was able to remove catheter with no problem. I had very clear written instructions and diagrams. Just suck the air out of the balloon and pull it out. Easiest task so far!
After pulling the catheter, I unbandaged and did the big reveal. I was surprised to see that I had a pretty firm 3 o'clock erection. The shaft wider than the glans. Could feel some lumps and bumps from the cylinders. Scrotum tight with the pump behind the testicles. No significant bruising or visible swelling. Nice clean incision line with easily visible stitches for me to remove in two weeks. I could probably have sex with the thing as is but it is still bendable but very hard to point down from base. I'm peeing normally and can get the pee in the toilet however.
I took a shower to just clean up after 3 days. Shortly after, I took a hot bath for 40 minutes. I started to explore. Can easily feel the pump and can locate the deflate button which is kind of behind and between the testicles, but it's kind of up there a bit getting into uncomfortable territory when I started squeezing on it. I thought maybe there is some fluid in the cylinders so before pumping up maybe I can hit deflate and squeeze a little out. The hard part is getting my finger on the opposite side of the deflate button, it's super tender and afterwards made my scrotum feel like it was on fire. So, for today I figured I'd leave it at that. Made some progress getting the lay of the land down there.
After that experience I had some questions/concerns so I texted the good Dr Eid. Within 5 minutes I had a very nice and thorough reply. The "erection" is edema and swelling and he left the cylinders empty, I didn't have an auto inflation. It is normal for the pump to be hard as a rock right now. Just continue hot baths and master the deflate button before inflating.
I'm sure some of these things are familiar to the many brothers that have gone before me. My biggest concern is that my scrotum will loosen up and I have enough room in there as I have a small scrotum to begin with. I feels like the pump is almost in the perineal area. I don't have much hang down there. Hopefully I didn't bruise myself too badly to make it hard for me tomorrow.
Overall, managing pretty well considering. It's early in the game with a long way to go.
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: New Implant Journey

Postby purcelldds » Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:31 pm

Day 4:
CYCLING SUCCESS!!! In the hot bath tonight, I located the deflate button, pushed it with my right index finger and thumb opposing, squeezed my shaft and it deflated from where I was left post operatively. Confident that I could deflate, I used a washcloth for grip, grabbed the bulb with my right thumb and index finger and pumped. Got some good pumps, at least halfway, for 15-20 pumps until I had a nice straight erection with no folds or bumps. Held it there for a few minutes, didn't really hurt, then deflated fully and pumped up again. Did this a total of three times. I definitely could have pumped some more but didn't want to push it the first time. I just wanted to make sure I could do it without getting myself into any trouble.
With that accomplished, tomorrow I will start to push the envelop a little more and hold it for longer. Without getting too confident, I can say that was almost easy. Way easier than I expected and my scrotum is a little sore but not on fire like yesterday. I am excited and optimistic. I can do this and its only going to get better!!
I have followed doctors orders to the letter both pre and post op. Also, I can't believe how little swelling I have and virtually no bruising. It's incredible. From what I have seen to this point Dr Eid is a true master. Not just surgically but also in his patient management and relationship skills. I feel truly fortunate.
The only "negative' is the feel of the penis in the deflated state. It has all kinds of kinks and such from the cylinders and it is "squeaky" feeling from the plastic in the cylinders. I realize that will improve with time but just an observation.
Also, there was definitely some fluid in those cylinders post op because I've got it much more deflated now.
My stated goal from the start was to document from pre op to post op and beyond. I will start taking and posting pics tomorrow, along with measurements, now that I feel confident that I can cycle. I will also try to write my posts in a more standardized format so it will be easy to follow progress.
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings!
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.


Re: New Implant Journey

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 9:20 am

Dave52 wrote:It’s a bit funny taking it out but not painful surprising how long it is but oh what a relief to pee on your own. When your in the tub at first use a wash cloth to hold everything in place when you first pump it greatly reduces the chance of a slip causing the pump to go flying into one on the neighbors. Things are still quite sensitive at day three but the master plumber Dr. Eid makes a very small incision and there isn’t much swelling. Go slow the first few days the scrotum needs to toughen up that takes a while.

Hey Dave.. did you find that the first half dozen pee's burned like crazy, and the started feeling better after that?? :)


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Re: New Implant Journey

Postby Dave52 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 9:34 am

The first time it was a bit different but not burning after that I don't remember it being uncomfortable. That could be because the catheter was very uncomfortable for me so much so I removed it early .
Born 52
Prostatectomy 6/1/18
Viagra worked before RRP
Trimix painful Bimix both Ineffective
Titan 20CM 1CM RTE
10/26/18 Dr.Eid

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Re: New Implant Journey

Postby purcelldds » Mon Dec 24, 2018 1:47 pm

Likewise, no issues after the catheter came out. I was expecting to get that burning uncomfortable feeling but fortunately I didn't. All the plumbing seems to be working fine thank goodness.
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.


Re: New Implant Journey

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 5:15 pm

purcelldds wrote:Likewise, no issues after the catheter came out. I was expecting to get that burning uncomfortable feeling but fortunately I didn't. All the plumbing seems to be working fine thank goodness.

WOW... I wish I had the luck you guys had. Mine burned like a mother @#$%&$ for like 3 days.


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Re: New Implant Journey

Postby purcelldds » Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:54 pm

There is always some irony and humor to be found in any situation. Today marks the one week milestone since my surgery. Generally when I'm in the tub soaking and inflating I have music streaming to pass the time. As I was pumping the implant up today, the song "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie came on, appropriate. A couple of minutes later after I'm inflated I hear the line "Know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain" from the song "Easy Like Sunday Morning" by Lionel Ritchie. Finally after 20 minutes as I'm ready to hit the deflate button after max inflation the song "You Make a Grown Man Cry" by the Stones comes on! Felt like crying but I just had to laugh!
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.


Re: New Implant Journey

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:40 am

purcelldds wrote:There is always some irony and humor to be found in any situation. Today marks the one week milestone since my surgery. Generally when I'm in the tub soaking and inflating I have music streaming to pass the time. As I was pumping the implant up today, the song "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie came on, appropriate. A couple of minutes later after I'm inflated I hear the line "Know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain" from the song "Easy Like Sunday Morning" by Lionel Ritchie. Finally after 20 minutes as I'm ready to hit the deflate button after max inflation the song "You Make a Grown Man Cry" by the Stones comes on! Felt like crying but I just had to laugh!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posts: 76
Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: New Implant Journey

Postby purcelldds » Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:06 pm

Day 8- Observations at one week post op

Well I'm over a week past implantation now so I thought I would try to organize some thoughts and observations. I started cycling in hot baths on day 4 and have done so twice per day since.

SIZE: This of course is always the biggest concern right? I presently have post op measurements of 6 in length and 5 1/8 in girth. This compares to 6.5 x 5 1/2 in pre-op. The post op measurement is with no arousal, actually the opposite of arousal due to discomfort. The pre-op best measurements were after VED manual pumping and masturbating to porn and measuring at peak. This would not be a realistic assessment of my size during actual intercourse.

SHAPE: My erect penis is very straight and hard. At present I haven't experienced it in an "aroused" state. The erect penis is wider and flatter compared to pre-op. I don't have the prominent urethral belly during erection. This is either due to the spongiosum surrounding urethra not engorging or the urethra is being squeezed between the inflated cylinders. Ideally, I'm hoping to get some blood flow/engorgement of the spongiosum and glans during sexual arousal later in the healing process.
The flaccid penis is more of a concern at this point. It's at about 3:30 which I expect to change over time as previously discussed above. I can definitely feel the folds inside the shaft and it hangs to the left from the base. I can feel the tubing as it goes into the reservoir as I am very lean. It's almost as if the reservoir and tubing have kind of pushed the base of the penis to the right so it comes off my body at a weird angle. I can feel a slight buldge at the reservoir and it is still tender. When fully deflated the penis feels plastic and "squeaky" when I manipulate it. Also, my urine stream is different, sometimes turbulent and weaker, like the cylinder folds are causing constrictions and irregularities inside the urethra.
I am keeping the penis pointed up. It naturally bends about 1/3 the way up from the base. It wants to bend and hang left but I'm trying to keep it up.
There is no bruising or visible swelling- hard to believe I had surgery a week ago, one would never know aside from he stitches

PUMP: The pump sits behind the testicles in the bottom of my scrotum. I have a small, tight scrotum and the pump is larger than either testicle (thanks to testosterone therapy, plus I never really had big balls to start with). However, it is accessible without too much trouble. The base of the pump sits kind of back towards perineum and it leans forward so that the stalk where the tubing and deflate button are a little more forward kind of under and between the testicles. I can easily access the deflate button as it is more less to the front. It's a little difficult getting my opposing finger on the depression opposite the deflate button as it pointing slightly backward and is in a little more tender area. Aside from the soreness, inflating and deflating isn't too difficult and I expect with time the soreness will decrease, the pump with soften, hopefully my scrotum will be a bit more accommodating and it will just get easier over time.
The deflate button to date pretty much requires me to compress it the whole time while I squeeze the shaft. It hurts. When I get a what I think is the best deflate I can, my penis looks deformed. I hit the pump again to "reset" the valve. It still seems like I get just a little fluid back in the penis afterward because its not as deformed. I'm taking Alibabas advice and trying to squeeze the perineum area as well.

PAIN: I have not experienced what I would call severe pain during any part of this. No more than a 4 or 5 out of 10 at worse. It's just been a general sense of soreness, discomfort, pressure and awareness. Days 5 and 6 were a bit more uncomfortable as I started getting more active. I have still been resting most times and haven't been going out doing things. The most severe pain is during cycling. That can get up in the 8/10 range. I have kept pain meds to a minimum, mostly relying on 600mg of Ibuprofen and 1000mg Tylenol a few times a day. I have taken narcotics prior to getting into tub for cycling. The shaft and tip of my penis and scrotum around pump are sore but only in that dull achy, annoying kind of way. Today, day 8, is the least painful day so far.

CYCLING: Twice per day. 40 minute baths. I have been getting 30-32 pumps in max. Hard to quantify because they have been partial pumps but this morning I was definitely able to get fuller squeezes per pump. Pumping until I can't squeeze anymore. During the last couple of minutes before deflate doing a couple of "top off" pumps to make sure I'm at max. Pain tolerance is a limiting factor, feels like my dick is going to explode. I have to keep telling myself this is only the first week. I feel fortunate to be able to have started cycling so early. Each day I will try to do a little more than the previous day.

PSYCHOLOGY: Basically how do I feel about everything emotionally? I haven't had any outright, WTF have I done freak out moments but I definitely have those moments where I still can't believe I have done this and question whether is was the right decision. When you first feel the penis deflated it is very apparent that things will never be the same again. Initially it feels so artificial and strange. Struggling though the pain of cycling is hard. But when in inflated it is obvious that I will have a very functional and hard penis. My wife has been incredibly supportive and positive with this. I have maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. My two biggest concerns are:

1. Will my wife enjoy having sex with me and my new dick. I just hope she isn't "disappointed" in it. I love pleasing her more than anything. I know its going to work for me, I just hope it works for her. My own conclusion in this, thinking ahead, is that she loves me and not just my dick. It's how confident I am about myself, and my abilities, that turn her on the most. I can rock her world in so many ways, intercourse is the just the icing on the cake. But I intend on icing that cake well!

2. How this device interferes with daily activities, that is work and gym. I thing I'll be ok at work. May have to make some modifications on my sitting and positioning for a bit but not too worried there. My biggest concern is the gym. I am an avid Crossfitter which, if you know nothing about it, is one of the most intense workout programs on the planet. So much of it involves core, squatting, hip drive etc. I fear that I may not be able to do many of the movements necessary due mostly to the pump in the scrotum and the reservoir in the pubic area. This would be the most devastating thing of all for me. Regardless, I'm not even thinking of trying to work out for a minimum of 4 weeks, likely 6 weeks. It's a tough call as to whether which is more important to me, sex or the gym. They actually are the two pillars of my mental and physical self esteem.

Looking forward, next milestones are continuing to cycle and improve pumping with hopefully a gradual decrease in pain. Suture removal in one week, I'll do myself. And then that magical day 21, will I be ready to attempt sex. That's a whole two weeks away, eternity, but will be here in the blink of an eye, so I will just worry about tomorrow, one day at a time. Overall, I'm very pleased to be where I am at only one week post-op!
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.


Re: New Implant Journey

Postby Larry10625 » Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:09 am

purcelldds wrote:Day 8- Observations at one week post op

Well I'm over a week past implantation now so I thought I would try to organize some thoughts and observations. I started cycling in hot baths on day 4 and have done so twice per day since.

SIZE: This of course is always the biggest concern right? I presently have post op measurements of 6 in length and 5 1/8 in girth. This compares to 6.5 x 5 1/2 in pre-op. The post op measurement is with no arousal, actually the opposite of arousal due to discomfort. The pre-op best measurements were after VED manual pumping and masturbating to porn and measuring at peak. This would not be a realistic assessment of my size during actual intercourse.

SHAPE: My erect penis is very straight and hard. At present I haven't experienced it in an "aroused" state. The erect penis is wider and flatter compared to pre-op. I don't have the prominent urethral belly during erection. This is either due to the spongiosum surrounding urethra not engorging or the urethra is being squeezed between the inflated cylinders. Ideally, I'm hoping to get some blood flow/engorgement of the spongiosum and glans during sexual arousal later in the healing process.
The flaccid penis is more of a concern at this point. It's at about 3:30 which I expect to change over time as previously discussed above. I can definitely feel the folds inside the shaft and it hangs to the left from the base. I can feel the tubing as it goes into the reservoir as I am very lean. It's almost as if the reservoir and tubing have kind of pushed the base of the penis to the right so it comes off my body at a weird angle. I can feel a slight buldge at the reservoir and it is still tender. When fully deflated the penis feels plastic and "squeaky" when I manipulate it. Also, my urine stream is different, sometimes turbulent and weaker, like the cylinder folds are causing constrictions and irregularities inside the urethra.
I am keeping the penis pointed up. It naturally bends about 1/3 the way up from the base. It wants to bend and hang left but I'm trying to keep it up.
There is no bruising or visible swelling- hard to believe I had surgery a week ago, one would never know aside from he stitches

PUMP: The pump sits behind the testicles in the bottom of my scrotum. I have a small, tight scrotum and the pump is larger than either testicle (thanks to testosterone therapy, plus I never really had big balls to start with). However, it is accessible without too much trouble. The base of the pump sits kind of back towards perineum and it leans forward so that the stalk where the tubing and deflate button are a little more forward kind of under and between the testicles. I can easily access the deflate button as it is more less to the front. It's a little difficult getting my opposing finger on the depression opposite the deflate button as it pointing slightly backward and is in a little more tender area. Aside from the soreness, inflating and deflating isn't too difficult and I expect with time the soreness will decrease, the pump with soften, hopefully my scrotum will be a bit more accommodating and it will just get easier over time.
The deflate button to date pretty much requires me to compress it the whole time while I squeeze the shaft. It hurts. When I get a what I think is the best deflate I can, my penis looks deformed. I hit the pump again to "reset" the valve. It still seems like I get just a little fluid back in the penis afterward because its not as deformed. I'm taking Alibabas advice and trying to squeeze the perineum area as well.

PAIN: I have not experienced what I would call severe pain during any part of this. No more than a 4 or 5 out of 10 at worse. It's just been a general sense of soreness, discomfort, pressure and awareness. Days 5 and 6 were a bit more uncomfortable as I started getting more active. I have still been resting most times and haven't been going out doing things. The most severe pain is during cycling. That can get up in the 8/10 range. I have kept pain meds to a minimum, mostly relying on 600mg of Ibuprofen and 1000mg Tylenol a few times a day. I have taken narcotics prior to getting into tub for cycling. The shaft and tip of my penis and scrotum around pump are sore but only in that dull achy, annoying kind of way. Today, day 8, is the least painful day so far.

CYCLING: Twice per day. 40 minute baths. I have been getting 30-32 pumps in max. Hard to quantify because they have been partial pumps but this morning I was definitely able to get fuller squeezes per pump. Pumping until I can't squeeze anymore. During the last couple of minutes before deflate doing a couple of "top off" pumps to make sure I'm at max. Pain tolerance is a limiting factor, feels like my dick is going to explode. I have to keep telling myself this is only the first week. I feel fortunate to be able to have started cycling so early. Each day I will try to do a little more than the previous day.

PSYCHOLOGY: Basically how do I feel about everything emotionally? I haven't had any outright, WTF have I done freak out moments but I definitely have those moments where I still can't believe I have done this and question whether is was the right decision. When you first feel the penis deflated it is very apparent that things will never be the same again. Initially it feels so artificial and strange. Struggling though the pain of cycling is hard. But when in inflated it is obvious that I will have a very functional and hard penis. My wife has been incredibly supportive and positive with this. I have maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. My two biggest concerns are:

1. Will my wife enjoy having sex with me and my new dick. I just hope she isn't "disappointed" in it. I love pleasing her more than anything. I know its going to work for me, I just hope it works for her. My own conclusion in this, thinking ahead, is that she loves me and not just my dick. It's how confident I am about myself, and my abilities, that turn her on the most. I can rock her world in so many ways, intercourse is the just the icing on the cake. But I intend on icing that cake well!

2. How this device interferes with daily activities, that is work and gym. I thing I'll be ok at work. May have to make some modifications on my sitting and positioning for a bit but not too worried there. My biggest concern is the gym. I am an avid Crossfitter which, if you know nothing about it, is one of the most intense workout programs on the planet. So much of it involves core, squatting, hip drive etc. I fear that I may not be able to do many of the movements necessary due mostly to the pump in the scrotum and the reservoir in the pubic area. This would be the most devastating thing of all for me. Regardless, I'm not even thinking of trying to work out for a minimum of 4 weeks, likely 6 weeks. It's a tough call as to whether which is more important to me, sex or the gym. They actually are the two pillars of my mental and physical self esteem.

Looking forward, next milestones are continuing to cycle and improve pumping with hopefully a gradual decrease in pain. Suture removal in one week, I'll do myself. And then that magical day 21, will I be ready to attempt sex. That's a whole two weeks away, eternity, but will be here in the blink of an eye, so I will just worry about tomorrow, one day at a time. Overall, I'm very pleased to be where I am at only one week post-op!

You and your wife are going to be so happy, you will wanna screw the surgeon. :D


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