Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

Postby defiant » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:21 am

Hello all,

I have made up my mind and I will be booking in with a surgeon for penile implantation in the coming months.

To help me make this decision, I decided to gain as much information from the accounts of implanted men as I could. I found that just taking positive excerpts from user feedback and writing them down as quotes was a great way to not only build my confidence in this decision but also learn a great deal.

It dawned on me whilst performing this exercise that those considering an implant might benefit from such a page going forward. It can be hard to go from one thread to another. So this, centralised thread, citing user experience, might serve other men as it has served me.

There are many less-than-positive reports as well. And it should be very clear to anyone considering an implant that there are a range of things that can go 'wrong' as it were: Pump placement, size loss, floppy heads, loss of sensation and of course the one we all fear; infection.

But what I have found in my searches is that the majority of men who undergo this procedure, young and older alike, are happy with their decisions, some ecstatic even and that this procedure is often referred to as life-saving. And it must be pointed out that it is common for people to take to the net to voice complaints whilst those who are happy tend to just get on with life. I think it speaks to the huge satisfaction rates of IPPs that the majority of posts in this section of FT are positive.

So without further ado.

I've tried to include age where it was known.

General Feedback:

- What a totally different world I'm already inhabiting! I could concentrate on my own sensations and my partners pleasure, and finally relax and feel comfortable during this most natural and pleasurable of acts.Notwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards – 29 when implanted
http://phalloboards.websitetoolbox.com/ ... ?&trail=45

- My dick just stayed hard, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. It might sound a little dramatic, but it felt like this was who I was supposed to be, like I had been reunited with a past self from another life who had always had perfect functioning, and I instantly remembered exactly how to conduct myself.Notwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards

1 year later

- I struggled with ED my entire life, and suffered from depression and very low self esteem. Finally fixed all of that at 29. I have to say it was probably the best decision of my life. I have the AMS CX. I'm the exact same size that I was before the surgery, even slightly thicker. Hard as I want for as long as I want. I love itNotwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards

- At this level (20-22) it feels completely natural. I cannot even feel there is something inside me, it feels exactly like a natural erection. Wife agrees, and says there is no way she would feel anything weird with the dick if she didn't know. As long as she doesn't grab my scrotum of course.Merrix / Franktalk

- it has truly been a success. And what surprises me is that even though I keep thinking I am through the healing, physically and mentally, things keep getting better still a year after. The huge steps were taken the first 3 months, and after 4 I thought I had reached the final result. Not so. It just keeps feeling more and more natural and the sex keeps getting better and betterMerrix / Franktalk

- Feels like a new lease on life! So happy brothers! Jackhammerdreamz / Franktalk

- It works. It works on command, it works with mere seconds of minimal effort, and it works repeatedly.caddyman23 / healthboards
https://www.healthboards.com/boards/sex ... pdate.html

- The "final product" is an erection that's hard as a metal pole. Without going into details of my VASTLY improved social life to date, I can tell you from experience now, you'll have no trouble using "mini-you" for intercourse.caddyman23 / healthboards

- Being able to enjoy sex without worrying about losing my erection has been mindblowing. But sometimes I question whether getting an implant was the right decision. It’s not reversible, so if a cure for ED comes out in 20 years’ time, I’m stuck with it. – 25 yo’s story featured in a BBC article
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/ ... 54df4ba76a

- Bill. This has been truly a wonder cure for me. I’m hornier than when I was 20 but even more capable. It is like being reborn. No more worries just get on with it and in fact wait until your partner is satisfied and then go some more. God I wish I could have done this years ago. Spikepork / Franktalk

- Dr Kramer implanted me in June of 2016 and gave me a life again. In fact I have never had a life this good. I was worried I would lose size because of the surgery ( I did not).Baseball3326 / 36 at time of implant / Franktalk

- The last 2 years Have been incredible! I have slept with over 30 women , driven cross country for 40 days, traveled to Europe, and have been able to live a life I used to dream / would die for. I can’t explain what this surgery has done for my confidence and overall well-being. I feel like a man again.... and like Dr. Kramer said no girl laughs they only love it / me when I am in bed with them..... Baseball3326 / Franktalk

- Hey guys.......implants are so damned good. For a small amount of short term discomfort the return of having a cock that works perfectly any time of the day or night is immeasurable. If you love sex and your partner does too....it’s a no brainer
Only proviso is to do your research and choose a high volume surgeon.
Smetro / Franktalk

- Everything I wanted to happen and get back has come back from having this implant, and I know its only going to get better.Cnidium / 27 at time of implant / Franktalk

- It made the relationship between my wife and me better than before E.D. began. We could do other things, but we couldn't have intercourse because I couldn't penetrate, and we missed that special "connection" between a couple.David_R / Franktalk

On Revisions:

- Future and revisions. Yes, it’s a problem doing this at a fairly young age. It means more revisions than doing it when 70 year sold. But again, what’s the option? Keep having shitty or no sex for another 30 years and wait till I am 70+ just to avoid revisions?
There’s just no way around it. If you need an implant, if you really need one, then there is really no point in waiting.
Merrix / Franktalk

- My sex life couldn’t get any worse than with ED. Revisions are typically far less painful, and in time there will be further advancements in technology and longevity. A working penis is better than a non working penis.Dustyknox / Franktalk

On Confidence:

- Of course, if I could choose, I’d have a natural working dick. But I can’t. And what I have now is the by far second best option in my opinion. I am seeing the good sides of it. I can never fail. I can go on as long as I want. It doesn’t matter if I am drunk, tired, or fucking a 90 year old toothless hag. I’ll always get it up and it will always stay up. The feeling of being able to look any woman in the eyes confidently knowing that I could fuck her like few men on the planet could is a pretty great feeling. And maybe she can tell from my confident look that I could…So I am ok with my plastic prosthetic dick. It does the job it is there to do, and it does it very well.Merrix / Franktalk

- Finally, there's a benefit of having the implant that really can't be quantified. As any of us with constant ED can attest, perhaps worse than the actual performance issue itself, is knowing that no matter what you do, how suave you are, how into the person you might be, that nature won't allow you to act on the desire, and that either the night will end in embarrasement, or else you'll have to avoid the intimacy all-together. Having the implant now and the confidence in knowing that I can pursue a "full" relationship with someone...well, IMHO, that's entirely worth the price of a few surgeries over several decades. caddyman23 / healthboards

- 1. Has your confidence come up alot since the implant, and can women be pleased with sex with one are they satisfied like the prosthesis pamplets say at 96% satisfaction or do you think its less.

Yes, without a doubt, my entire outlook on love, life and relationships has radically changed since the surgery. Where before, as you stated, I'd stopped even trying to pursue relationships (to say nothing of sex), now, knowing that both are possible, my confidence (compared to life pre-op anyway) is "through the roof." I can't speak for women (and their percentage of satisfaction) of course, but I can tell you that proper sex (just about however you'd define it) is absolutely possible with the implant, and thus far, I've gotten no complaints from my partners. - caddyman23 / healthboards

- Having the implant does instill a sense of confidence especially because I can fuck all night literally. The 3 girls have been blown away from the ability to fuck for several sessions. I would undergo surgery again to get where I am now.1Roofer / Franktalk

- But, I am definitely more confident and I can hardly remember those horrible days of frustration and depression after trying to fuck and not being able to. No more pills, no more useless psychotherapy or self-help books. And lots and lots of sex! – DM / Franktalk

- My sexual confidence has improved so much that I feel like a young man again. Sex is great, and you can give hours of pleasure to your partner – Franktalk

- In my experience, being implanted was the best mental boost of my life.Davekell / Franktalk

- Now, I can't believe my great fortune at having an implant. It has turbocharged every aspect of my being. The first surgery I ever had saved my life after I developed spontaneous massive internal bleeding. The last surgery, the implant, I regard equally as highly. I'm in a fabulous place mentally now.Davekell / Franktalk

- I am super happy. That mindset is what the implant is all about. Sure, I can only have sex with those who are willing, but having the knowledge that “I could fuck her really good, if she would let me” is a big confidence booster.TANGERINE / Franktalk

- So, for me, ED absolutely leads to depression for sure. Now that I have undergone a surgical cure for depression, I have returned to my baseline happy state. I am much more outgoing in social situations and much more engaging with women (my mind seems to think that “somehow, the women sense that I would be good in bed” as they maybe treat me slightly better now post implant). TANGERINE / Franktalk

- I am happy and loving life. I am much more productive and engaged in my work and my professional career, enjoy my job much more, enjoy my leisure time much more and am not plagued by thoughts of doubt and insecurity. Life is good and it was one of the best decisions I could have made given my situation. – avlis26 / Franktalk

General Advice for the Man with Chronic ED & advice I have found helpful

- Here’s the rub. I couldn’t perform. Other than with painful injections. Hated that. Pills stopped working. I simply couldn’t fuck. Now I can. When I want. As often as I want for as long as I want. Cum and keep going. Now ask me if I’m happy. – Franktalk User / Text Message

- Here’s my advice for you:
Does you cock work every time. No so sort it.
Stop looking for the bad cases. It’s usually nhs or old blokes of 75.
Think about the joy after the brief time of pain. Shag when you want who you want.
Is it fucking yo your brain. Yes so sort it.
How often is your cock the centre of your world. Always so sort it.
How many lives have you got. One so live it.
– Franktalk User / Text Message

- I’ve still got some good years being young left, so wanted to use them to the max. Clock is ticking, I wouldn’t want to struggle with this and just wait and suffer for the next 10 years.Pockie / Franktalk / 29

On a Partner’s Opinion / Experience & Concealment:

- Out of the 30 or so women I have slept with 2 have found out and that’s because I slept with them more than 3 or 4 times and had the intent to have some kind of relationship with them. They were very understanding and could have cared less.... one girl said “I found a 4 leaf clover “ referring to how I can do it all night /any time She would want.
My biggest problem is that they want it to much after seeing what I can do and even though my hormones are way better than they were I am still no where near where I was before propecia so sometimes I just don’t have the sex drive to do it multiple times a day..... That’s where marijuana helps me to feel “normal” in regards to sex drive.
Baseball3326 / Franktalk

- Overall I am very happy with my first bionic sexual experience. She had no idea, and it was absolutely wonderful to keep a raging hard on without worry.Dustyknox / Franktalk

- From my experiences so far, the pump and implant really aren't too big a deal for the/your partner. I started off trying to hide the thing, but after a couple ladies "stumbled" on to the pump (and so kinda ruining the moment as I had to (ahem) "stop" and explain things), like rjf1205, I've since begun to inform my partners upfront as to what I'm packin' so to speak. In "most" cases (and after their head-cocked "huh?" fades), it's noooo big deal. And those few that wereweirded out, well, screw em;' their loss.Caddyman23 / Healthboards
https://www.healthboards.com/boards/sex ... pdate.html

- I am going to chime in here too! Since being "activated" 8 weeks post surgery, I have had the pleasure of being with 3 sexual partners. 1 already new about my implant as I had discussed it with her in detail prior to committing myself to the surgery. The other two women did know until I told them. I should also preface this by saying that one of the women I told was 25 years old and the other was 34.

The 25 year old actually was amazed. She knew about Viagra and other oral dilators. if fact it was she who affectionately coined the term "bionic c*ck" with me and caused me to chuckle good naturedly. She was not weirded out in the least, but instead was quite curios. She was very interactive, wanted to know all about it, how it worked etc. For a short while, I felt like I was teaching a student and I guess I was since she is taking graduate courses part time.

The 34 year old also was not weirded out, but was more cautious. Initially she was afraid it might break. Once she relaxed a bit realized that it is quite strong, things were better then fine. Even though i never really had issues with control, Going 9 weeks without any type of sex and then having 3 beautiful women in 3 weeks was a bit much for me and I have to say, I felt like a kid again.

Since we are adults here, I will add that all of the women appreciated that I d id not go soft after orgasm. this was true even in a case when she experienced an orgasm also. She said she enjoyed the feeling of being "full" after her orgasm and that it was the first time she ever experienced that. I honestly think that I have a lot to learn about this new found "bionic c*ck". it is capable of some amazing things and it does feel great! In the wrong hands, it could be quite dangerous.
rjf1205 / Healthboards
https://www.healthboards.com/boards/sex ... pdate.html

- There are plenty of times to inflate it without her knowing. In the dark light of a room when she is turned way, while walking up the stairs behind her, when she goes to the bathroom, when you go to the bathroom, during foreplay, ect.Cnidium / Franktalk

- 1. I wake before her and inflate, 2. We are both awake and one of us goes to the bathroom, 3. Inflate during foreplay again 4. Pretend to not wake up from her advances, then inflate when she stops. There are really so many ways to do this that its not something I worry about.Cnidium / Franktalk

- I told my girlfriend last night. She was incredibly understanding and supportive. I feel lucky to have her in my life. She asked a few questions, and she thanked me for being open with her. She completely understood why I didn’t tell her initially.Dustyknox / Franktalk

- The shaft itself is very natural, you cannot tell. To be honest I am surprised no one has ever said anything. I have some regular partners and they keep on calling me… hehehe. You can really be relaxed about this. It will not be an issue!
For me, if the implant has not been an issue after multiple partners, I cannot even conceive that it might be a problem in a love relationship.
– DM / Franktalk

- My girlfriend reported that it felt incredible, and she orgasmed several times. She is very orgasmic so I'm not just tooting my horn here, but just relaying the information that even at this early stage of only partial inflation, that the implant feels great to a woman. She also said that it felt just as big, and filled her the same way it did before. - Notwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards

On Wishing They’d Done it Sooner:

- I wish I would have thought of this surgery years agojwayfield / Franktalk

- Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another. My regret is that I didn't do it sooner. radioradio / Franktalk

- Now that I have mine, I wish I had it done 10 years ago - so go with your intuition, but sooner rather than laterJohnThomas / Franktalk

- My only regret is that I did not get it done years agoJohnThomas / Franktalk

- That said, I can only speak of my own experience and I just wish I had done it years back. But hey, I have a wonderful thing now. – Franktalk User / Text Message

Main Takeaways?

- Seek out a high-volume surgeon to optimise results
- Do your research thoroughly
- If you suspect your ED to be intractable, don't procrastinate too long
- Confidence post successful implant appears to soar
- Quality of life, generally speaking, appears to increase
- You can have sex as much as you want, with whoever is willing, for as long as you want, however you want
- The opinion of others is important but overthought
- Majority of the time, it is unlikely others will know you have an implant but longer term partners will feel your pump
- Replacement surgeries are a necessary evil as it were but should not prevent you from making this decision
- This can be viewed as a life-saving procedure
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.


Re: Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:48 am

defiant wrote:Hello all,

I have made up my mind and I will be booking in with a surgeon for penile implantation in the coming months.

To help me make this decision, I decided to gain as much information from the accounts of implanted men as I could. I found that just taking positive excerpts from user feedback and writing them down as quotes was a great way to not only build my confidence in this decision but also learn a great deal.

It dawned on me whilst performing this exercise that those considering an implant might benefit from such a page going forward. It can be hard to go from one thread to another. So this, centralised thread, citing user experience, might serve other men as it has served me.

There are many less-than-positive reports as well. And it should be very clear to anyone considering an implant that there are a range of things that can go 'wrong' as it were: Pump placement, size loss, floppy heads, loss of sensation and of course the one we all fear; infection.

But what I have found in my searches is that the majority of men who undergo this procedure, young and older alike, are happy with their decisions, some ecstatic even and that this procedure is often referred to as life-saving. And it must be pointed out that it is common for people to take to the net to voice complaints whilst those who are happy tend to just get on with life. I think it speaks to the huge satisfaction rates of IPPs that the majority of posts in this section of FT are positive.

So without further ado.

I've tried to include age where it was known.

General Feedback:

- What a totally different world I'm already inhabiting! I could concentrate on my own sensations and my partners pleasure, and finally relax and feel comfortable during this most natural and pleasurable of acts.Notwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards – 29 when implanted
http://phalloboards.websitetoolbox.com/ ... ?&trail=45

- My dick just stayed hard, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. It might sound a little dramatic, but it felt like this was who I was supposed to be, like I had been reunited with a past self from another life who had always had perfect functioning, and I instantly remembered exactly how to conduct myself.Notwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards

1 year later

- I struggled with ED my entire life, and suffered from depression and very low self esteem. Finally fixed all of that at 29. I have to say it was probably the best decision of my life. I have the AMS CX. I'm the exact same size that I was before the surgery, even slightly thicker. Hard as I want for as long as I want. I love itNotwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards

- At this level (20-22) it feels completely natural. I cannot even feel there is something inside me, it feels exactly like a natural erection. Wife agrees, and says there is no way she would feel anything weird with the dick if she didn't know. As long as she doesn't grab my scrotum of course.Merrix / Franktalk

- it has truly been a success. And what surprises me is that even though I keep thinking I am through the healing, physically and mentally, things keep getting better still a year after. The huge steps were taken the first 3 months, and after 4 I thought I had reached the final result. Not so. It just keeps feeling more and more natural and the sex keeps getting better and betterMerrix / Franktalk

- Feels like a new lease on life! So happy brothers! Jackhammerdreamz / Franktalk

- It works. It works on command, it works with mere seconds of minimal effort, and it works repeatedly.caddyman23 / healthboards
https://www.healthboards.com/boards/sex ... pdate.html

- The "final product" is an erection that's hard as a metal pole. Without going into details of my VASTLY improved social life to date, I can tell you from experience now, you'll have no trouble using "mini-you" for intercourse.caddyman23 / healthboards

- Being able to enjoy sex without worrying about losing my erection has been mindblowing. But sometimes I question whether getting an implant was the right decision. It’s not reversible, so if a cure for ED comes out in 20 years’ time, I’m stuck with it. – 25 yo’s story featured in a BBC article
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/ ... 54df4ba76a

- Bill. This has been truly a wonder cure for me. I’m hornier than when I was 20 but even more capable. It is like being reborn. No more worries just get on with it and in fact wait until your partner is satisfied and then go some more. God I wish I could have done this years ago. Spikepork / Franktalk

- Dr Kramer implanted me in June of 2016 and gave me a life again. In fact I have never had a life this good. I was worried I would lose size because of the surgery ( I did not).Baseball3326 / 36 at time of implant / Franktalk

- The last 2 years Have been incredible! I have slept with over 30 women , driven cross country for 40 days, traveled to Europe, and have been able to live a life I used to dream / would die for. I can’t explain what this surgery has done for my confidence and overall well-being. I feel like a man again.... and like Dr. Kramer said no girl laughs they only love it / me when I am in bed with them..... Baseball3326 / Franktalk

- Hey guys.......implants are so damned good. For a small amount of short term discomfort the return of having a cock that works perfectly any time of the day or night is immeasurable. If you love sex and your partner does too....it’s a no brainer
Only proviso is to do your research and choose a high volume surgeon.
Smetro / Franktalk

- Everything I wanted to happen and get back has come back from having this implant, and I know its only going to get better.Cnidium / 27 at time of implant / Franktalk

- It made the relationship between my wife and me better than before E.D. began. We could do other things, but we couldn't have intercourse because I couldn't penetrate, and we missed that special "connection" between a couple.David_R / Franktalk

On Revisions:

- Future and revisions. Yes, it’s a problem doing this at a fairly young age. It means more revisions than doing it when 70 year sold. But again, what’s the option? Keep having shitty or no sex for another 30 years and wait till I am 70+ just to avoid revisions?
There’s just no way around it. If you need an implant, if you really need one, then there is really no point in waiting.
Merrix / Franktalk

- My sex life couldn’t get any worse than with ED. Revisions are typically far less painful, and in time there will be further advancements in technology and longevity. A working penis is better than a non working penis.Dustyknox / Franktalk

On Confidence:

- Of course, if I could choose, I’d have a natural working dick. But I can’t. And what I have now is the by far second best option in my opinion. I am seeing the good sides of it. I can never fail. I can go on as long as I want. It doesn’t matter if I am drunk, tired, or fucking a 90 year old toothless hag. I’ll always get it up and it will always stay up. The feeling of being able to look any woman in the eyes confidently knowing that I could fuck her like few men on the planet could is a pretty great feeling. And maybe she can tell from my confident look that I could…So I am ok with my plastic prosthetic dick. It does the job it is there to do, and it does it very well.Merrix / Franktalk

- Finally, there's a benefit of having the implant that really can't be quantified. As any of us with constant ED can attest, perhaps worse than the actual performance issue itself, is knowing that no matter what you do, how suave you are, how into the person you might be, that nature won't allow you to act on the desire, and that either the night will end in embarrasement, or else you'll have to avoid the intimacy all-together. Having the implant now and the confidence in knowing that I can pursue a "full" relationship with someone...well, IMHO, that's entirely worth the price of a few surgeries over several decades. caddyman23 / healthboards

- 1. Has your confidence come up alot since the implant, and can women be pleased with sex with one are they satisfied like the prosthesis pamplets say at 96% satisfaction or do you think its less.

Yes, without a doubt, my entire outlook on love, life and relationships has radically changed since the surgery. Where before, as you stated, I'd stopped even trying to pursue relationships (to say nothing of sex), now, knowing that both are possible, my confidence (compared to life pre-op anyway) is "through the roof." I can't speak for women (and their percentage of satisfaction) of course, but I can tell you that proper sex (just about however you'd define it) is absolutely possible with the implant, and thus far, I've gotten no complaints from my partners. - caddyman23 / healthboards

- Having the implant does instill a sense of confidence especially because I can fuck all night literally. The 3 girls have been blown away from the ability to fuck for several sessions. I would undergo surgery again to get where I am now.1Roofer / Franktalk

- But, I am definitely more confident and I can hardly remember those horrible days of frustration and depression after trying to fuck and not being able to. No more pills, no more useless psychotherapy or self-help books. And lots and lots of sex! – DM / Franktalk

- My sexual confidence has improved so much that I feel like a young man again. Sex is great, and you can give hours of pleasure to your partner – Franktalk

- In my experience, being implanted was the best mental boost of my life.Davekell / Franktalk

- Now, I can't believe my great fortune at having an implant. It has turbocharged every aspect of my being. The first surgery I ever had saved my life after I developed spontaneous massive internal bleeding. The last surgery, the implant, I regard equally as highly. I'm in a fabulous place mentally now.Davekell / Franktalk

- I am super happy. That mindset is what the implant is all about. Sure, I can only have sex with those who are willing, but having the knowledge that “I could fuck her really good, if she would let me” is a big confidence booster.TANGERINE / Franktalk

- So, for me, ED absolutely leads to depression for sure. Now that I have undergone a surgical cure for depression, I have returned to my baseline happy state. I am much more outgoing in social situations and much more engaging with women (my mind seems to think that “somehow, the women sense that I would be good in bed” as they maybe treat me slightly better now post implant). TANGERINE / Franktalk

- I am happy and loving life. I am much more productive and engaged in my work and my professional career, enjoy my job much more, enjoy my leisure time much more and am not plagued by thoughts of doubt and insecurity. Life is good and it was one of the best decisions I could have made given my situation. – avlis26 / Franktalk

General Advice for the Man with Chronic ED & advice I have found helpful

- Here’s the rub. I couldn’t perform. Other than with painful injections. Hated that. Pills stopped working. I simply couldn’t fuck. Now I can. When I want. As often as I want for as long as I want. Cum and keep going. Now ask me if I’m happy. – Franktalk User / Text Message

- Here’s my advice for you:
Does you cock work every time. No so sort it.
Stop looking for the bad cases. It’s usually nhs or old blokes of 75.
Think about the joy after the brief time of pain. Shag when you want who you want.
Is it fucking yo your brain. Yes so sort it.
How often is your cock the centre of your world. Always so sort it.
How many lives have you got. One so live it.
– Franktalk User / Text Message

- I’ve still got some good years being young left, so wanted to use them to the max. Clock is ticking, I wouldn’t want to struggle with this and just wait and suffer for the next 10 years.Pockie / Franktalk / 29

On a Partner’s Opinion / Experience & Concealment:

- Out of the 30 or so women I have slept with 2 have found out and that’s because I slept with them more than 3 or 4 times and had the intent to have some kind of relationship with them. They were very understanding and could have cared less.... one girl said “I found a 4 leaf clover “ referring to how I can do it all night /any time She would want.
My biggest problem is that they want it to much after seeing what I can do and even though my hormones are way better than they were I am still no where near where I was before propecia so sometimes I just don’t have the sex drive to do it multiple times a day..... That’s where marijuana helps me to feel “normal” in regards to sex drive.
Baseball3326 / Franktalk

- Overall I am very happy with my first bionic sexual experience. She had no idea, and it was absolutely wonderful to keep a raging hard on without worry.Dustyknox / Franktalk

- From my experiences so far, the pump and implant really aren't too big a deal for the/your partner. I started off trying to hide the thing, but after a couple ladies "stumbled" on to the pump (and so kinda ruining the moment as I had to (ahem) "stop" and explain things), like rjf1205, I've since begun to inform my partners upfront as to what I'm packin' so to speak. In "most" cases (and after their head-cocked "huh?" fades), it's noooo big deal. And those few that wereweirded out, well, screw em;' their loss.Caddyman23 / Healthboards
https://www.healthboards.com/boards/sex ... pdate.html

- I am going to chime in here too! Since being "activated" 8 weeks post surgery, I have had the pleasure of being with 3 sexual partners. 1 already new about my implant as I had discussed it with her in detail prior to committing myself to the surgery. The other two women did know until I told them. I should also preface this by saying that one of the women I told was 25 years old and the other was 34.

The 25 year old actually was amazed. She knew about Viagra and other oral dilators. if fact it was she who affectionately coined the term "bionic c*ck" with me and caused me to chuckle good naturedly. She was not weirded out in the least, but instead was quite curios. She was very interactive, wanted to know all about it, how it worked etc. For a short while, I felt like I was teaching a student and I guess I was since she is taking graduate courses part time.

The 34 year old also was not weirded out, but was more cautious. Initially she was afraid it might break. Once she relaxed a bit realized that it is quite strong, things were better then fine. Even though i never really had issues with control, Going 9 weeks without any type of sex and then having 3 beautiful women in 3 weeks was a bit much for me and I have to say, I felt like a kid again.

Since we are adults here, I will add that all of the women appreciated that I d id not go soft after orgasm. this was true even in a case when she experienced an orgasm also. She said she enjoyed the feeling of being "full" after her orgasm and that it was the first time she ever experienced that. I honestly think that I have a lot to learn about this new found "bionic c*ck". it is capable of some amazing things and it does feel great! In the wrong hands, it could be quite dangerous.
rjf1205 / Healthboards
https://www.healthboards.com/boards/sex ... pdate.html

- There are plenty of times to inflate it without her knowing. In the dark light of a room when she is turned way, while walking up the stairs behind her, when she goes to the bathroom, when you go to the bathroom, during foreplay, ect.Cnidium / Franktalk

- 1. I wake before her and inflate, 2. We are both awake and one of us goes to the bathroom, 3. Inflate during foreplay again 4. Pretend to not wake up from her advances, then inflate when she stops. There are really so many ways to do this that its not something I worry about.Cnidium / Franktalk

- I told my girlfriend last night. She was incredibly understanding and supportive. I feel lucky to have her in my life. She asked a few questions, and she thanked me for being open with her. She completely understood why I didn’t tell her initially.Dustyknox / Franktalk

- The shaft itself is very natural, you cannot tell. To be honest I am surprised no one has ever said anything. I have some regular partners and they keep on calling me… hehehe. You can really be relaxed about this. It will not be an issue!
For me, if the implant has not been an issue after multiple partners, I cannot even conceive that it might be a problem in a love relationship.
– DM / Franktalk

- My girlfriend reported that it felt incredible, and she orgasmed several times. She is very orgasmic so I'm not just tooting my horn here, but just relaying the information that even at this early stage of only partial inflation, that the implant feels great to a woman. She also said that it felt just as big, and filled her the same way it did before. - Notwhatiusedtobe / Phalloboards

On Wishing They’d Done it Sooner:

- I wish I would have thought of this surgery years agojwayfield / Franktalk

- Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another. My regret is that I didn't do it sooner. radioradio / Franktalk

- Now that I have mine, I wish I had it done 10 years ago - so go with your intuition, but sooner rather than laterJohnThomas / Franktalk

- My only regret is that I did not get it done years agoJohnThomas / Franktalk

- That said, I can only speak of my own experience and I just wish I had done it years back. But hey, I have a wonderful thing now. – Franktalk User / Text Message

Main Takeaways?

- Seek out a high-volume surgeon to optimise results
- Do your research thoroughly
- If you suspect your ED to be intractable, don't procrastinate too long
- Confidence post successful implant appears to soar
- Quality of life, generally speaking, appears to increase
- You can have sex as much as you want, with whoever is willing, for as long as you want, however you want
- The opinion of others is important but overthought
- Majority of the time, it is unlikely others will know you have an implant but longer term partners will feel your pump
- Replacement surgeries are a necessary evil as it were but should not prevent you from making this decision
- This can be viewed as a life-saving procedure

What a great idea.... only problem with it is now everybody is going to be in competition with each other to see if you pick their quote over somebody else's. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The one GREAT BIG THING that must be taken into account is this... You have ED. Your dick doesn't work anymore. You can't sexually please your mate any more. You might lose size. You may die on the table. etc, etc, etc. If you don't have the surgery, you will have ED for the rest of your life. Taking that into account, and considering that all the risks are pretty rare, is there really a huge decision here?

Congratulations on your decision... maybe you can give it to yourself for Christmas?? You will not regret this decision. Please be sure and keep your brothers updated on your condition, details of your implant, edit your signature and consider posting before and after pics. Great news.. congrats again. :)


Posts: 76
Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:27 pm

Re: Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

Postby purcelldds » Mon Nov 26, 2018 12:51 pm

Thanks for doing this post! What a great service to those of us considering the procedure. It was really encouraging to see all of the positivity and drives home the point of the truly great benefits. Certainly beats the alternative as Larry pointed out. I’m scheduled to get my stocking stuffer fixed as a Christmas present this year and this was exactly what I needed to read!
55 years old, fit, healthy, married. Mild to mod ED 3 years. Peyronies for one year, history of trauma/penile fracture. Pills no longer working well. Implanted by Dr Eid with a 22cm Titan on 12/19/2018. Started cycling day 4. Sex on day 24.

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

Postby defiant » Mon Nov 26, 2018 1:32 pm

I'm glad you guys liked it and I hope that others will find it of some use, too!

And yes I know that what you're saying makes sense Larry but for someone who does have some function left, albeit a fairly lacklustre amount that requires max doses of pills to rouse, it is quite a big decision. One with huge implications.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.


Re: Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:20 pm

purcelldds wrote:Defiant,
Thanks for doing this post! What a great service to those of us considering the procedure. It was really encouraging to see all of the positivity and drives home the point of the truly great benefits. Certainly beats the alternative as Larry pointed out. I’m scheduled to get my stocking stuffer fixed as a Christmas present this year and this was exactly what I needed to read!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Lost Sheep
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Re: Positive Quotes from Implanted Men

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:50 pm

Thank you for taking the (considerable) time to find and create the links to those quotes.

As one who has tasked myself with similar posts in the past, I know how much effort you devoted to this for the betterment of your forum-mates here.

One note of encouragement is that women are AMAZINGLY supportive of a man who takes charge of his sexuality and its betterment. Many women I have communicated with have expressed admiration for my courage in admitting to E.D. in personals ads I placed. Some volunteered to venture on my journey from impotence to potency even BEFORE I was implanted. And BEFORE I composed the following:

As I composed Personals Ads, I had some drafts that included these (or paraphrasings of these)

I no longer have the nagging question of "Will I be hard enough to satisfy her?" (Not to mention the distracting question in HER mind, "Will HE stay hard long enough for me to have even ONE orgasm?" Both questions are now answered by a resounding (and potentially repetitive) enthusiastic "YES!"

I can now stay erect inside you indefinitely. The anxiety, 'Will I stay hard?' is gone (also YOUR question, 'Will HE stay hard'); sex can be carefree, spontaneous and playful as ever you wished; also long-lasting.

A fuller excerpt of one ad is this:

During disappointing decades of slowly progressing erectile dysfunction (E.D.), the joy of sex was clouded by the nagging anxiety of the questions, "Will I stay hard long enough to please her?" then, "Will I get hard enough to enter her?" and ultimately the near certainty, "You will not even GET hard.".

That NEAR certainty is actually more painful than full certainty.

Not to mention the anxiety in the back of YOUR mind, "Will HE stay hard long enough for me to have even ONE orgasm?"

What should have been a fulfilling and transcendent experience became an unrewarding, unnerving trial, overcast by a cold shadow. Sex was devoid of the joy it deserved and my lovers were deprived of many orgasms, a debt I feel deeply.

Slowly, I came to terms with my condition and took action to fix it.

All that anxiety is gone now. The question, "Will HE stay hard?" has an assured answer of, "Yes!". What remains, however,is the anxiety I feel as an out-of-practice man. I desire a good woman's help re-learning what good sex can bring to a couple.

I cannot claim that I deserve now to have the fulfillment I missed (and missed out on giving) in the past. But I do want to try. It may be selfish, but I long once again to see the look in a woman's eyes that says, "Come be with me. I am happy to have you. You bring me joy."

I don't just want to have sex; I want to have GOOD sex for BOTH of us. I believe orgasmic sex is a blessing to humankind and should be enjoyed as thoroughly as possible. That was the point of putting myself through the treatment for my impotence.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
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Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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