Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

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London lad
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Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby London lad » Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:00 pm

I am Day 8 after surgery. I've been trying to understand “Scar Tissue” (I put it in inverted commas as I’m not yet much familiar with the term – only just read up a bit about it).

Since the op, my flaccid penis points out to the right* – which I’ve tried not to pay too much attention on at this very early stage of healing.

*(Not sure what the inflated penis is like as haven’t starting cycling yet).

However, I notice that when I try pointing my penis to the left-direction (thereby stretching the balls on the right-hand-side) I feel a pain in the balls where it is being stretched (as pinpointed by the red circle in the attached Photo 1). I don’t feel any pain in my balls if I point the penis in the opposite direction though (to the right).

I also notice that there is more pain generally on the right-hand-side of the balls than the left.

I wonder if this pain/difficulty-to-stretch-left is due to “Scar Tissue” that may have formed where the red circle is? Reason I guess this is because it is a stretchy kind of pain I feel.

Anyone know about this Scar Tissue thing? Does Scar Tissue form over the course of days or of weeks after the operation?

I wondered if anything can be done at this early stage to reverse or break down this Scar Tissue (e.g. might keeping my penis pointed out to the left help counter-act this problem?

P.S. Immediately after the procedure I was wearing a catheter for 2 days which pointed my penis to the right (as shown in the 2nd photo) – which might be my guess on where this pointing-right originated from.
Photo 2.jpg
Photo 2.jpg (102.12 KiB) Viewed 2011 times
Photo 1.jpg
Photo 1.jpg (56.66 KiB) Viewed 2011 times
37yo. Implanted for 1st time in 2018 with Titan. I’ve had ED my whole life, & was born with Phimosis & Congenital Downward Curvature - both of which corrected in 2009 (with Nesbitt's & Circumcision). ED remained until 2018 implant.

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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby ED2013 » Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:19 pm

You are very early in the healing process. Having pain in different places down there is completely normal. I wouldn’t worry at all.

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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby Dave52 » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:54 pm

London Lad
What you are discribing is the same thing as I went through three weeks ago only I was on the left do you know what side the reservoir was installed? It could be the reason if it was on your right or it could just be a fold in the cylinder on that side you won’t be able to tell for sure till you inflate. There is a whole long section on here about pseudo capsule and it’s formation you can also Google penis pseudo capsule there is a ton of Information on line on that topic. When are you going to start cycling ?
Born 52
Prostatectomy 6/1/18
Viagra worked before RRP
Trimix painful Bimix both Ineffective
Titan 20CM 1CM RTE
10/26/18 Dr.Eid

London lad
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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby London lad » Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:34 pm

I haven't tried cycling yet - the doctor did try but the post-op pain is still too much (inflating feels okay, but deflating feels very painful because of where the deflate-valve is located deep within the balls.

Is the reservoir not located above the bladder?.. this was my impression looking at the attached diagram of a Titan implant. My pain is being felt within the balls - so don't think it's due to the reservoir.

Thanks for the pointer to pseudo capsules - aka "coffin effect" - I just found some past articles which I've read up on. It seems to me that many of these variables, other than choice of surgeon themself, seems to come down to just luck. One can only hope for the surgeon to get it right and hope for the best.

For example, the plan wasn't for me to wear the catheter for 2.5 days after, and I knew it wasn't the most ideal thing for it to be pointing to one side of the bed. But when I pointed this out to the doctor straight after, they seemed not to think it was at all an issue. So I can only hope they were correct about this. Another variable was keeping the penis at only 50% erection (and not anything higher) straight after the op - this is how they usually do it at the hospital I had it done at (which does do a high volume of implants each year) - so guess I'm not in much a position to argue against how they usually do the operation.

I was reading about how the earliness of starting cycling is another variable in this "coffin effect". Ideally, I would have liked to start cycling by now - but practically the pain is still way too much to start yet.
Diagram of Titan implant.png
Diagram of Titan implant.png (221.31 KiB) Viewed 1915 times
37yo. Implanted for 1st time in 2018 with Titan. I’ve had ED my whole life, & was born with Phimosis & Congenital Downward Curvature - both of which corrected in 2009 (with Nesbitt's & Circumcision). ED remained until 2018 implant.

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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby ED2013 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:03 pm

Yes, cycle as soon or as much as the pain will let you. I’m sure the pain will get better soon and you’ll be able to pump. You might even want to try taking a pain pill before cycling. Just make sure your doc gives the ok to cycle. Here’s something to think about “coffin effect”. There have been instances where a patient had it, and Dr Eid was able to “blast through it” by pumping the implant vigorously. These involved a titan. So I would say at this point, heal up and cycle whenever it becomes less painful. You’ll be fine.

London lad
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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby London lad » Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:22 pm

Painkiller wise I think I'm maxed out - paracetamol, codeine and ibuprofen I'm on. Don't think there's any more that my doctor would tell me to take.

Does anyone use any sort of topical anaesthetic cream on the balls before pumping (I'm not saying I would recommend this - I'm not a medical professional!!) It's just an idea that sprang to mind as I have some lying around the house. I would obviously talk to my doctor about it first though before thinking of using it. Just wondered if there's anyone out there that does already use topical anaesthetic cream and if it works?
37yo. Implanted for 1st time in 2018 with Titan. I’ve had ED my whole life, & was born with Phimosis & Congenital Downward Curvature - both of which corrected in 2009 (with Nesbitt's & Circumcision). ED remained until 2018 implant.

London lad
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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby London lad » Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:08 pm

ED2013 - interested to read about this "blast through" concept. Guessing this wouldn't be an easy or always possible thing - as guessing there's only so much structural-strength Titan cylinders have in being able to power through any already-formed scar tissues. Imagine it would also be really painful - do you know if Dr. Eid did it on these patients with/without use of anaesthetic (local or general)?
37yo. Implanted for 1st time in 2018 with Titan. I’ve had ED my whole life, & was born with Phimosis & Congenital Downward Curvature - both of which corrected in 2009 (with Nesbitt's & Circumcision). ED remained until 2018 implant.

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Re: Over what timespan does Scar Tissue form post-op? (And can it be reversed)?

Postby DougAnd » Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:50 pm

Hey London Lad,
My ancestor left there in 1635 for America. You look very bruised but that varies person to person. It is imperative that you keep your penis perfectly straight during the crucial first 2 weeks. They should never have had your catheter bending you like that. Your skin is scarring daily and also your cylinders have memory. Do not wait until it's too late to get things straight. I had no choice and now have a permanent left bend. The left side of my penis' skin has shrunk and the right side has stretched out.
The AMS video says to tape your penis straight against your body.
Not sure why your balls are involved with your crooked penis. That must have something to do with your pump placement. I hope your uro has not attached your pump to your penis like mine did. I'm going in next Tuesday to get it moved into my scrotum where it belongs. But it could also be the tubes going into your cylinders the one side being nearer to your pump than the other. If that's the problem it will cure itself.
Just keep it as straight as possible for at least the first 2 weeks. I untaped mine to pee but it did me no good because my cylinder tips were uneven. Became permanently crooked anyway. Hope you have a better result.
Good luck
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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