My Journey Thus far.......

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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My Journey Thus far.......

Postby Minnesota » Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:04 pm

Hello everybody-
I live in Minnesota and was diagnosed about 6 months ago with "Natural ED". For those of you who do not know the difference is when the word Natural is involved, it means that an erection cannot be abtained because of a flaw in the body at birth. So being 20 years old and having to deal with ED has not been fun, but I do believe it has changed me for the better. It has made me the person I am today and look at social situations in a much different view. Sure after all the locker room talk with fellow hockey players has left me silent when sex topics come up, but it was all encouragement to talk to my doctor.
I talked to my doctor finally about whats going on, after being confused through teen years. It has been a process for 6 months or so and I just went through implant surgery on September 16th, 2009. I had my surgery done at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Down there I was a patient of Ajay Nehra, the ED specialist at Mayo. He knows his stuff thats for sure. He told me that he does 4-6 impant surgerys at least 4 days of the week. Over one year that is alot of implants! So in other words I had no fear of his ability to perform a good implant surgery. After many visits down to Mayo and many tests, the implant was the way to go. I went through needles after needles being poked where no man every needs a needle poked. No solution presented itself and I knew I would be getting surgery sooner or later.
I chose sooner. The surgery went well and I am on week 3 today of recovering. Things are going well (except for a little cabin fever and not being able to workout or lift weights) and I am healing. There has been alot of things going on with healing that they do not tell you at the hospitol so I have called many times so ease myself of confusion.
This is a problem that has been on my mind since puberty and is always on the back burner. You have no idea how much sex comes into social life until you cant actually have it!
I hope others post their success with their implants, expecially those who have had years of relief from having one.
Diagnosed with ED at age of 19, Implanted with Coloplast Titan at age 20. Now 34 (2023)
Titan failed 09/2020, replaced on 10/2/2020 by Kolher @ Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

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Location: about 50 miles north of Cleveland, OH

Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby BrokenArrow » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:41 pm

Sorry to hear you're going through ED at such a young age. I think most of the posters here are post prostate cancer treatment survivors...myself included. However, we share your interest in achieving what many take for granted.

Hope your implant goes (has gone) well and it works well. It is something that I may be asking you for advice on someday, so stick around and let us know how you progress.

Thanks for posting.
Age 54.
Open RRP in May of 2009. Gleason at biopsy, 3+3. Gleason after surgery, 3+4 with extra-prostatic extension. Stage III cancer. No incontinence issues. ED issues. Trimix for 5 months. Now, levitra alone is working at 10 mG.

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Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby Paul-Mod » Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:56 pm

Wow, what a story. Thanks for posting. While most of the guys on here are PCa graduates, I'm hoping that more and more guys with ED not related to PCa will gradually start showing up. Your story will certainly give encouragement to guys. Is it activated now? working well? how does it work?

Worried Guy
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Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby Worried Guy » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:27 pm

Thanks for your post. I'm also a graduate of the Da Vinci school of Prostate surgery and am 11 weeks post op. I still have no activity there. If nothing happens by a year from now I might be looking at this site to see how you are doing. Please check in periodically.
Age 56, Gleason 3+4, BX 7/12 up to 70%, PSA 23 at DX May '09.
RP by DaVinci on July 21, '09 Both nerves gone. Incontinent.
Sling installed 1/2011 Works great. Now to fix ED.

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Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby ptowncp84 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:42 am

Could you give us a 3 month update about your implant?

I have been dealin with E.D. since I was 20 years old. Mine all started after coming off the acne drug accutane.
I have tried pills, injections, with no sucess. I have seen numerous docs and they have run test to diagnose me with venous leak, were blood comes in just as fast as it goes out. I have been really thinking about having the implant, but is just a really hard decision because I have heard negatives and positives about the implant.

Houston TX

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Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby Minnesota » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:04 pm

Here is my update! Sorry I have not kept everyone informed of my results!

It works! My ED has been cured by a Penile 3 piece Implant.

After recovering for about 8-9 weeks, everything works well. Those 8-9 weeks were very slow. When the doctors put the implant in, they inflate the device about 30% or so. This being said, those weeks of recovering you will actually have an erection for. Being that this was the first erection I had ever had, it wasnt too bad.
Then I went to my follow up with the doctor about 8 weeks after the surgery. This was a very uneasy visit because the doctors has their way with me :? They deflated and inflated the device fully. After dealing with a tender penis for 8 weeks, it does not feel good to have a doctor squeeze it until deflated. Then the doctor had me inflate the device to 100%. Ouch! This pain was probably the worst I had have since the surgery. The stretching of the skin from the device was very painful and I could not leave it deflated for very long. This was slightly disappointing because I was ready to go and had to wait before using in the bedroom after I had practiced inflating and deflating and the pain from stretching went away. Now remember I have never had an erection from birth, so my skin was never stretched ever!
Since then I have finally been able to achieve and erection and had intercourse. There has been NO lifestyle changes for me. I am still able to be a physically active 20 year old. I play paintball, am a ice hockey goalie, life weights, and work out every day! I am limited to nothing because of this implant and would not look back!
On the negative side My penis does look different when deflated..but the only one who sees it is my girlfriend so whats it matter!
Diagnosed with ED at age of 19, Implanted with Coloplast Titan at age 20. Now 34 (2023)
Titan failed 09/2020, replaced on 10/2/2020 by Kolher @ Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:17 am

Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby ptowncp84 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:49 pm

Congrats on such a sucessfull outcome.
I have read that alot of people lose length with a implant, can you tell if the implant made you lose length?
What kind of name and model implant did you recieve?

Thats really encouraging news that you can remain physical with a implant. Do you have any type of pain when playing these physical activities?

With me also being young, and I no that im going to have to have a implant sooner or later, what is a females perspective about the implant.

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Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby fredgermanholes » Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:30 pm

great to hear the implant works for you. I would like to know how girls in 20's react when realize you have an implant?

I'm asking because I'm 36 and I have my meeting next week in order to schedule my implant.

Ohh what implant did you got? Ams or Titan? What about the final size?

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Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:32 pm

Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby Minnesota » Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:33 pm

I would like everyone know I appologize for the lack of grammer on some of my posts, my keyboard skills cannot keep up with my thoughts!

Anyway the only girl that has seen my implant is my girlfriend who was there from the beginning of testing. She notices no difference at all! She is just happy that the missing piece of our relationship is filled!

I recieved the "Titan Coloplast 3-piece inflatible device". My doctor chose to give me this one because of its durability. This pump is a little more difficult to deflate, but once you learn its a breeze! I can inflate and deflate in seconds. There are easier pumps out there to deflate (push of a button types), but mine needs to be squeezed on both sides of pump. Some implants are made for older men who have little hand strength.
Here is a direct link to the kind mine is. ... 62002C8723
Diagnosed with ED at age of 19, Implanted with Coloplast Titan at age 20. Now 34 (2023)
Titan failed 09/2020, replaced on 10/2/2020 by Kolher @ Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:40 am

Re: My Journey Thus far.......

Postby fredgermanholes » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:46 am

Would you mind share what was the finale size of you? I have hear many cases where TITAN even that it has better material than AMS, the final size is shorter.

If you want you can send me the answer in a private message (In case you dont wanna share it in public)

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