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Postby isnip2000 » Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:26 pm

I was scheduled for an implant Feb 7, 2012. I have been on this site collecting data and experiences and asking questions that concerned sensations post implant. I also had a definite concern re the loss of size and the fact that the glans would not engorge as before implant.
After reading the posts this morning re loss of size I called my doctor and fortunately was able to speak directly to him. Dr R Wang at MD Anderson.
I asked him about the glans not being engorged and how that affected sensation. He said that if I have sensation now that would not change. The main difference I would notice is that on penetration there would not be that ‘great’ feeling that I was used to.
I asked him about loss of size. He said 50% of all implants result in loss of length. He said that it depends on how each individual penis reacts to surgery in such areas as scaring and tissue reaction to the implants. He said that normally the larger the penis prior to surgery the more length was normally lost. He said he had a patient with 7 plus inches lose up to 2 inches. The smaller penises usually loose much less. (That is me @ 4.5 erect) He said the normal loss was about 1/3 inch, but again each case was different. The girth is usually maintained or increased because of the expanding cylinders.
He said that he could not increase anyone’s size but he tries hard to maximize the size of the implant so that as much size as possible was retained. He had planned to use the AMS LXG for me because it can actually continually expand the penis b a ck to the original size. He said if he put in one that was too large for the penis it would eventually wear through the glans and protrude necessitating removal and perhaps loss of any ability for replacement.
He advised me that if I was very concerned about loss of length and I could have intercourse with the trimix or vacuum device to cancel the surgery. He repeated that if loss of size caused me a lot of anxiety that he would recommend not proceeding with surgery.
I was very glad Dr Wang talked frankly about the probable outcome would be the loss of length. Even the 1.5 to 2.5 CM would be more than I would be willing to loose given my much less than average length starting point. I talked with my wife and she said ‘honey size has never been a problem for me, you say you are very short but it has always been enough for me. I love you, not just your penis. It is still your decision but I had rather have you healthy and not depressed about something like the size of your penis that anything else. Then she laughed and said, I don’t suppose I should say- it’s no big deal, should I?.
74 years old-married to high school sweetheart for 56 years- 4 children-4 grand children-2 great-grands-
Prostate CA Feb 2010- so far still 0 psa-

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Postby madmax » Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:14 am

wow that is something to have an implant Dr named WANG...let me say that yes you will loose some length but as I ask all guys that have your question..say you do end up with 4 inches...you say you have a loving wife..well that is worth all the money in the world..my wife loves me and size does not matter to her...believe me if you cant get it up now but you do have implant done..you will only be a few pumps from a full erection from hell..believe me you will be able to work wonders with your penis no matter what size it is...make love to her with your voice and your hands and kiss and caress her body..touch her all over..tell her how much she means to you..kiss and suck her body..and by the time you are ready to enter her she wont care what size it is neither will you...it will be wonderful..I can make love now like I was 17 again...hope this helps you and please ask me any question you may have and I will do my best to answer them...P.S. I pump mine up twice a day and stroke it to keep it loobed on the inside and I have gained almost half an inch back..and thinking that is all I will gain but what the hey..let the good times roll...good luck..I give an implant 2 thumbs up and with a Dr named WANG how could it go wrong

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Postby isnip2000 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:15 am

Max- i agree with you completely- My wife and i can enjoy just being together- the pump, while not the best is still working well and at 75 we had to ask ourselves if it was the real upside (no pun intended) really worth the overall risk. We have NOT ruled out an implant- I see Dr Wang in June and my prostate surgeron in April and will discuss it further with them then. Another factor is blood pressure. Mine has always been perfect until about the first of this year and now it tracks on the high side. Until we find out the cause my primary care physician advised me to postpone any surgery.

So while an implant is not completely ruled out the schedule has been moved out there in the probably not too distant future.
Thanks to you and others on this site i am far better informed to make decisions than ever before.
74 years old-married to high school sweetheart for 56 years- 4 children-4 grand children-2 great-grands-
Prostate CA Feb 2010- so far still 0 psa-

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Postby barfinkl1 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:50 pm

isnip...I think your post was very sincere and heartfelt. I hope you'll be able to revisit the implant when your other medical questions are resolved. Your wife sounds like a wonderful lady. Stay well and best wishes.
Age 63 married 41 years...2 kids and 2 grandkids. Had robotic RP in Apr 2008. Negative PSA since then. Suffered ED initially from Type II diabetes and then the RP. Had AMS700 LGX implant on 7 Nov 11.

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Postby Dave48003 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:07 pm


First of all, let me state that the decision has to be yours and you have to be comfortable with it. I was very concerned about sensation (and loss of it), losing the ability to have the glans engorge (and the associated sensation) and finally loss of size. I came to be comfortable with the sensation issue, and I have to tell you I believe what I was told to be true. Is it (sensation) the same? NO. It is different, but it is still very good.
Glans engorgement has started to come back. You have probably read that the penis is more oval after the implant. Some of that is the lack of engorgement along the bottom which also supplies blood to the head. Mine is coming back. I can pump up and hold my penis in one hand, while massaging the glans with the other. As I do that, I feel sexual arousal and the area around the urethra along the bottom begins to swell, my penis starts getting more round (and even thicker). That same blood is also entering the head and the glans are becoming more firm. My wife also can detect this when I am inside her, she can feel me swell as I get near ejaculation.
Size, every guy's fear. I admit, I am larger than you are, but I was very concerned about loss of length in particular. A few months ago, I was about 1/4" shorter than before surgery, but my wife will tell you I felt bigger than I ever did. I could also feel myself "reaching" places in her I had not reached before. I attribute this to the fact that the bionic penis does not compress in length or width near as much as a normal penis, especially one that doesn't get as hard as it once used to. You might have 7 inches in free space, but when you stuff it in, like pushing on a rope, you lose some length. It was absolutely not a problem, I was very content. Since then, I have gained back the 1/4" and I'm the same as before surgery. But my point is, I think that the loss of 1/4" or even 1/2" will not be detected by your partner because of the "rope" factor.

If you decide to consider this further, I'd be glad to get on the phone with you or on skype and show you what I'm talking about. Heck, if your in the area, I'll show you in person. But, you and only you have to make that decision. :)

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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