The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:20 am

Hi all,

Personally, I'm in the worst place, mentally, I've ever been in my life. I am very seriously considering implant surgery. Therefore, I am doing my research. Extensive research. I will not be beaten by this.

I would like to ask the implanted among us an exhaustive list of questions that hopefully can serve as a good guide and user-feedback form for those of us considering implantation surgery.

It is a HUGE decision, one with many ramifications, good, bad and ugly (potentially). Therefore, I would like to be as fully armed as I can be with all pertinent information and it is my hope that those with the implant can use these questions to give the fullest and most honest assessment of their device and the impact it has had upon them, their sex lives and wider lives.

Thank you.

Please feel free to copy and paste responses in this thread. Knowledge is power.

1) - How long do 'most' implants last? I know this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question. Most things I read tend to hint at a decade.

2) - As I am from the UK, I only have access to one implant specialist. A Dr David Ralph. However, he is not the best of the best. Would it be prudent for me to seek the best possible option in the world, that being Dr Eid or Dr Kramer in the US?

3) Indeed, would you advise anyone from anywhere in the world to seek the very best or would local implant specialists suffice?

4) - If one were to travel to the US, would that mean all future revisions would have to be completed by the same surgeon? This cost outlay begins to make one shudder.

5) - Being (just about) 34, I would most likely require at least 4 revisions in my life (were I to live a normal lifespan). By the 4th, would my penis not be at risk of being completely demolished?

6) Would you advise against those on the younger side getting implanted?

7) - How do you go about inflating when you are about to have sex/foreplay with someone? I would imagine this vastly depends upon who you are having sex with. If it is a long term partner, the will likely know and then I'm sure there are all kinds of fun ways to inflate? But what about at the beginning of relationships or one-night-stands?

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?

10) - On the topic of mechanical failure (end of implant lifespan), typically, how long might it take from day 1 of failure until revision completion? Weeks, months?

11) - During that period of being out-of-action, does this time spent without erections not have a terrible impact upon mood, the state of one's relationship and psyche?

12) - How long does a successful revision take to heal and be ready for action?

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with.

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless).

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example?

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size.

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please.

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis?

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one).

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant?

21) Is there a risk an implant surgery could be so botched or encounter catastrophic circumstance that you lose any hope of being implanted thus losing ALL erectile function.

22) - Are you happy?

Thank you, so much, guys and to anyone who answers these questions. I really hope this can form some kind of comprehensive user-feedback form for those considering this journey.

We are stronger together. United in brotherhood. Fortified by knowledge.

37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

Posts: 531
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Location: Texas

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby DaveKell » Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:21 am

defiant wrote:Hi all,

Personally, I'm in the worst place, mentally, I've ever been in my life. I am very seriously considering implant surgery. Therefore, I am doing my research. Extensive research. I will not be beaten by this.
Note that I'm not at a point myself to address the previous questions.

I would like to ask the implanted among us an exhaustive list of questions that hopefully can serve as a good guide and user-feedback form for those of us considering implantation surgery.

It is a HUGE decision, one with many ramifications, good, bad and ugly (potentially). Therefore, I would like to be as fully armed as I can be with all pertinent information and it is my hope that those with the implant can use these questions to give the fullest and most honest assessment of their device and the impact it has had upon them, their sex lives and wider lives.

Thank you.

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another. In my experience, being implanted was the best mental boost of my life. Make sure you are accepting of the fact that you will carry hardware in your body that will feel alien to you at first. It only took me about a month to accept this as my new normal. Acceptance was largely a result of the wonderful performance capability I achieved right off.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?I've wondered about this myself. I will be asking my doctor at my first appointment with him next month.

10) - On the topic of mechanical failure (end of implant lifespan), typically, how long might it take from day 1 of failure until revision completion? Weeks, months?Same as reply above.

11) - During that period of being out-of-action, does this time spent without erections not have a terrible impact upon mood, the state of one's relationship and psyche?Here I think you're worrying too much. I'm certain that once having been implanted, and the knowledge of your new capability, the wait for a revision wouldn't be all that mentally taxing.

12) - How long does a successful revision take to heal and be ready for action? I've seen this covered by others in comments. Most of them said a revision tends to heal faster.

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with. In my case it went a very long way towards restoring a stalled out relationship. Being able to make love successfully without worrying about ED is the best feeling ever for both partners.

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless). Does it ever!!! I've commented I'll never again try to get the urinal closest to the corner in a public rest room again! Proud to whip this baby out.

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example? I had been working out 4 days a week before my implant for over 2 years. No issues at all with resuming full activities at the gym after 5 weeks.

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size. It seems my girth is less than before. As far as length, I got the northern European ancestry short end of the stick anyway. However, my new length is incredibly satisfactory. After all, it's not the size of the boat, rather the motion in the ocean.

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please. My ability to cum wasn't affected in the least. I think age has an impact on volume, but all in all, I couldn't be happier with it now.

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis? I did at first as I'm sure everyone does. It only stands to reason. Why wouldn't you? I'm now over 4 months from the implant and only notice it when bending forward to put on socks and shoes. It's a pleasant reminder now though and not in the least uncomfortable.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one). Sex is only one aspect of a relationship. Since sex has been totally restored and then some, I have a lot of work to do on rebuilding a relationship that waned due to my mental decline with being impotent. I'm getting there. One big thing for me is my newfound confidence talking to other women. I routinely chat up strangers now whereas before I never would. I'm not looking, but it's great to have the confidence if I ever was!

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant? If you can't tell by now, I've commented before there aren't enough adequate adjectives in the English language to convey how thrilled I am with the implant. My sexual capability is so vastly enhanced now with abilities I didn't have as a much younger guy. If I was as good in my 20's as I am in my early 60's I'd have amassed a whole harem of women at my beck and call.

21) Is there a risk an implant surgery could be so botched or encounter catastrophic circumstance that you lose any hope of being implanted thus losing ALL erectile function. Any surgery carries risk. Implants however are overwhelmingly safe bets. The infection rates are infinitesmal as well. Nothing to worry about if you follow after care directions.

22) - Are you happy? I am complete.

Thank you, so much, guys and to anyone who answers these questions. I really hope this can form some kind of comprehensive user-feedback form for those considering this journey.

We are stronger together. United in brotherhood. Fortified by knowledge.


You mentioned in your first sentence being in a bad place mentally. I was too. I was totally defeated insofar as feeling like a man anymore. I had been suicidal over it years ago until grandkids came along I adore. My own father killed himself and I remembered how we ended up hating him for it. That's all that kept me from checking out. Now, I can't believe my great fortune at having an implant. It has turbocharged every aspect of my being. The first surgery I ever had saved my life after I developed spontaneous massive internal bleeding. The last surgery, the implant, I regard equally as highly. I'm in a fabulous place mentally now. Best of luck to you my friend!!!
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:53 pm

Thank you for that!

That was so informative. I’m glad it’s been so beneficial for you.

I hope others share their insights.

DaveKell wrote:
defiant wrote:Hi all,

Personally, I'm in the worst place, mentally, I've ever been in my life. I am very seriously considering implant surgery. Therefore, I am doing my research. Extensive research. I will not be beaten by this.
Note that I'm not at a point myself to address the previous questions.

I would like to ask the implanted among us an exhaustive list of questions that hopefully can serve as a good guide and user-feedback form for those of us considering implantation surgery.

It is a HUGE decision, one with many ramifications, good, bad and ugly (potentially). Therefore, I would like to be as fully armed as I can be with all pertinent information and it is my hope that those with the implant can use these questions to give the fullest and most honest assessment of their device and the impact it has had upon them, their sex lives and wider lives.

Thank you.

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another. In my experience, being implanted was the best mental boost of my life. Make sure you are accepting of the fact that you will carry hardware in your body that will feel alien to you at first. It only took me about a month to accept this as my new normal. Acceptance was largely a result of the wonderful performance capability I achieved right off.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?I've wondered about this myself. I will be asking my doctor at my first appointment with him next month.

10) - On the topic of mechanical failure (end of implant lifespan), typically, how long might it take from day 1 of failure until revision completion? Weeks, months?Same as reply above.

11) - During that period of being out-of-action, does this time spent without erections not have a terrible impact upon mood, the state of one's relationship and psyche?Here I think you're worrying too much. I'm certain that once having been implanted, and the knowledge of your new capability, the wait for a revision wouldn't be all that mentally taxing.

12) - How long does a successful revision take to heal and be ready for action? I've seen this covered by others in comments. Most of them said a revision tends to heal faster.

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with. In my case it went a very long way towards restoring a stalled out relationship. Being able to make love successfully without worrying about ED is the best feeling ever for both partners.

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless). Does it ever!!! I've commented I'll never again try to get the urinal closest to the corner in a public rest room again! Proud to whip this baby out.

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example? I had been working out 4 days a week before my implant for over 2 years. No issues at all with resuming full activities at the gym after 5 weeks.

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size. It seems my girth is less than before. As far as length, I got the northern European ancestry short end of the stick anyway. However, my new length is incredibly satisfactory. After all, it's not the size of the boat, rather the motion in the ocean.

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please. My ability to cum wasn't affected in the least. I think age has an impact on volume, but all in all, I couldn't be happier with it now.

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis? I did at first as I'm sure everyone does. It only stands to reason. Why wouldn't you? I'm now over 4 months from the implant and only notice it when bending forward to put on socks and shoes. It's a pleasant reminder now though and not in the least uncomfortable.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one). Sex is only one aspect of a relationship. Since sex has been totally restored and then some, I have a lot of work to do on rebuilding a relationship that waned due to my mental decline with being impotent. I'm getting there. One big thing for me is my newfound confidence talking to other women. I routinely chat up strangers now whereas before I never would. I'm not looking, but it's great to have the confidence if I ever was!

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant? If you can't tell by now, I've commented before there aren't enough adequate adjectives in the English language to convey how thrilled I am with the implant. My sexual capability is so vastly enhanced now with abilities I didn't have as a much younger guy. If I was as good in my 20's as I am in my early 60's I'd have amassed a whole harem of women at my beck and call.

21) Is there a risk an implant surgery could be so botched or encounter catastrophic circumstance that you lose any hope of being implanted thus losing ALL erectile function. Any surgery carries risk. Implants however are overwhelmingly safe bets. The infection rates are infinitesmal as well. Nothing to worry about if you follow after care directions.

22) - Are you happy? I am complete.

Thank you, so much, guys and to anyone who answers these questions. I really hope this can form some kind of comprehensive user-feedback form for those considering this journey.

We are stronger together. United in brotherhood. Fortified by knowledge.


You mentioned in your first sentence being in a bad place mentally. I was too. I was totally defeated insofar as feeling like a man anymore. I had been suicidal over it years ago until grandkids came along I adore. My own father killed himself and I remembered how we ended up hating him for it. That's all that kept me from checking out. Now, I can't believe my great fortune at having an implant. It has turbocharged every aspect of my being. The first surgery I ever had saved my life after I developed spontaneous massive internal bleeding. The last surgery, the implant, I regard equally as highly. I'm in a fabulous place mentally now. Best of luck to you my friend!!!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

Posts: 1012
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:44 pm
Location: Philly Burbs

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby radioradio » Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:30 pm

defiant wrote:Hi all,

Personally, I'm in the worst place, mentally, I've ever been in my life. I am very seriously considering implant surgery. Therefore, I am doing my research. Extensive research. I will not be beaten by this.

I would like to ask the implanted among us an exhaustive list of questions that hopefully can serve as a good guide and user-feedback form for those of us considering implantation surgery.

It is a HUGE decision, one with many ramifications, good, bad and ugly (potentially). Therefore, I would like to be as fully armed as I can be with all pertinent information and it is my hope that those with the implant can use these questions to give the fullest and most honest assessment of their device and the impact it has had upon them, their sex lives and wider lives.

Thank you.

Please feel free to copy and paste responses in this thread. Knowledge is power.


First, DaveKell's responses are right on. He has a wonderful perspective and outlook. Second, Depression sucks. First hand experience and the loss of my son to manic depression makes me very concerned about your being in the worst place ever. An implant won't cure depression, but it can be a step in helping you get healthier.

1) - How long do 'most' implants last? I know this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question. Most things I read tend to hint at a decade.I don't know,
but I'm hoping it lasts as long as I do.

2) - As I am from the UK, I only have access to one implant specialist. A Dr David Ralph. However, he is not the best of the best. Would it be prudent for me to seek the best possible option in the world, that being Dr Eid or Dr Kramer in the US? Can't answer. There are lots and lots of docs who are excellent.And a trip to America would add $$$ between the self pay for the procedure, travel accomodations, etc.

3) Indeed, would you advise anyone from anywhere in the world to seek the very best or would local implant specialists suffice? I think just avoid the part-timers. You're doing research -- hopefully you'll get some input about your UK doc.

4) - If one were to travel to the US, would that mean all future revisions would have to be completed by the same surgeon? This cost outlay begins to make one shudder.

5) - Being (just about) 34, I would most likely require at least 4 revisions in my life (were I to live a normal lifespan). By the 4th, would my penis not be at risk of being completely demolished?

6) Would you advise against those on the younger side getting implanted? No. I could make the argument that its more important for younger guys than older guys.

7) - How do you go about inflating when you are about to have sex/foreplay with someone? I would imagine this vastly depends upon who you are having sex with. If it is a long term partner, the will likely know and then I'm sure there are all kinds of fun ways to inflate? But what about at the beginning of relationships or one-night-stands?
I get a little pumped up before-hand (making sure the valve is set for inflation and then maybe 4 pumps. During foreplay I just give it a few more pumps 3 or 4 times.

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another. My regret is that I didn't do it sooner.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?Don't know, don't want to find out.

10) - On the topic of mechanical failure (end of implant lifespan), typically, how long might it take from day 1 of failure until revision completion? Weeks, months?Don't know, don't want to find out.

11) - During that period of being out-of-action, does this time spent without erections not have a terrible impact upon mood, the state of one's relationship and psyche?Don't know, but I would think after experiencing a working dick,
you'd just look forward to the recovery.

12) - How long does a successful revision take to heal and be ready for action?I'll find out.... I'm having a revision in 12 days. Havong the pump re-positioned (actully will get a new pump, and have to break that in.

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with.My wife was a bit weirded out, but now that we're having the best sex in 38 years, she's ok with it. ;)

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless).Absolutely! :o

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example?No problem.

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size.Hard to say. I lost both to the prostatectomy. I've regained some and will most likely get it all back. Girth is smaller, with slight progress so far.

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please.Sensation is a mixed bag. It was sensitive in an uncomfortable way, but that's gone. I still have some loss of sensation on my shaft,
but getting better. I have difficulty climaxing.

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis?Constantly, no. Occaisionally, yes.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one).Tremendous, largely because I no longer have performance anxiety or PE, the hidden barriers to intimacy that developed over the years are disappearing. Actually, the biggest challenge is how to find our new normal. We're not kids anymore, and we've been through a lot of trauma combined with the slow strains of ED. We're sort of re-inventing our relationship.

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant? Yes. Even though the pump is too high. If it couldn't be fixed, I'd still be so much better than before.

21) Is there a risk an implant surgery could be so botched or encounter catastrophic circumstance that you lose any hope of being implanted thus losing ALL erectile function.Extremely unlikely, I think.

22) - Are you happy?YES

PM me any time.

Bob 2.3

Thank you, so much, guys and to anyone who answers these questions. I really hope this can form some kind of comprehensive user-feedback form for those considering this journey.

We are stronger together. United in brotherhood. Fortified by knowledge.

Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

Posts: 2145
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:03 pm

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby David_R » Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:51 pm

[I have only answered the questions that I had an answer for.]

defiant wrote:1) - How long do 'most' implants last? I know this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question. Most things I read tend to hint at a decade.
I have been told that usually it is around 10 years.

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another.
I feel no regret and am only happy that I had it done.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?
I tried to inflate one day and it didn't work. After visiting my urologist, he suggested a replacement.

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless).
Definitely. I went from being a grower (more than doubling when going from soft to hard) to being a show-er (soft/uninflated it is not much shorter than when hard/inflated). :D

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size.
With regular inflating I regained my original (meaning pre-prostatectomy) length first and then not so long ago I regained my original girth as well. :D

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please.
My sensitivity has not changed, being just as good as it was before I had E.D., and the fact that my penis is hard makes it feel even better! :D

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis?
I am not aware of my implant, do not feel it in my penis. In fact, the only time I feel it at all is when I'm holding my penis to pee.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one).
It made the relationship between my wife and me better than before E.D. began. We could do other things, but we couldn't have intercourse because I couldn't penetrate, and we missed that special "connection" between a couple. We have that back again! :D

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant?
Oh yes, in case you didn't guess from my answers above. :D

22) - Are you happy?

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:44 am

Thank you so much for your replies, guys!

You've been super informative thus far.

I'm really hoping that more of our bionic brothers can add to this and as such, give as much, 'centralised' implant information to the rest of us.

Hoping for more of the implanted to contribute! Thanks in advance.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby merrix » Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:02 am

2, 3
Personally I travelled literally to the opposite side of the planet to do it with Eid. At the time, my shortlist was Eid, Kramer and Perito. Coincidences (or rather Eid’s fast response time) made me decide for Eid. Today I am very glad that I chose Eid.
I say get the best doc you possibly can. I would never ever let travelling, staying away in hotels, etc stop me from picking the best. The only thing would be money. I was lucky not to have that limitation. If you have a limitation based on money, then that’s how it is and you must accept it. So let me say then that get the absolutely best doc your finances allows. But don't save on your implant doc and then spend the money on a new fancier kitchen... Then you can't blame your finance anymore. Just your priorities.

No. Any implant doctor would be able to do it. But my reasoning in 2,3 above still holds. Maybe even more so for a revision, since risks are higher with revision than virgin surgery.


I would say age has nothing to do with it. How bad your ED is has everything to do with it. If you can’t have sex and it is negatively impacting your life, then an implant is as excellent a solution if you’re 30 as if you’re 70.

With wife, this is not really an issue. Even though I don’t really like to do it in front of her, I still could. But mostly I just do it in the shower before sex.
With other women, shorter relations, Same thing really. In the shower/WC before, or just preparing with whatever level you can possibly inflate to and keep in your pants. Then finishing during foreplay.

Never. It hurted pretty badly right after surgery, and I was even scared that I had an infection for various reasons. Check ‘My Journal’ for details. But even then, before I knew there was no inflation, I never regret anything. I took the decision based on thorough research. I knew the risk. To say that I would regret it just because I was unlucky would be silly. Regret is for not having done the homework. Not for falling victim of a calculated minimal risk. Same goes for the future. Should my implant fail tomorrow, I still wouldn’t regret anything,

Don’t know, but would guess both options can be possible.

Depends on how quick your doctor is to schedule you.

Since it hasn’t happened to me, I don’t know. But I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem. I’d just be pissed that I had the bad luck of having implant failure and needing to go through the surgery and recovery again. But that’s it.

Normally shorter than a virgin implant surgery. But infection risk is higher.

Women who notices something won’t understand it’s an implant. They will just feel a foreign object in the scrotum during a thorough blow/hand job. But just saying “I had an accident before and needed surgery. Don’t worry”, works well.

Approx 15 cm vs 10 cm. So very much larger.

No problem. As I have said many times before, I lift some decent weights and have not backed off one tiny little bit after implant. Deadlifting 180 kg (400 lbs) for 5 reps, squatting 130 kg (290 lbs) for 15 reps. No problem at all.
Also playing decent level of tennis (5.0 NTRP) and doing some boxing.

No. On the contrary, my erect dick is longer now than my best day before surgery on Viagra/Cialis. Not much, but still longer. 17.5 cm vs 16,5 cm (6.9” vs 6.5”). Girth is marginally larger as well. 14.3 cm vs 14.0 cm (5.6” vs 5.5”).

Sensitivity now compared to a good Viagra erection is same. But sensitivity now compared to a shitty semi-erection, which often was all I got before, is better. It is easier to enjoy and get orgasm with a hard dick than a soft dick.

No. I basically never notice it’s there except for when I inflate it for sex.

OF course, positive. Sex is important in a relationship and this has turned half-assed sex to great sex. Also the feeling of being able to satisfy my partner is great. It is not nice knowing that she knows my dick is crap and that she knows other men could fuck her a million times better. Now that’s not the case anymore. If I am not a good lover today, there are no excuses. It’s all up to me. My dick will never fail.

Yes. I think I got the best results one can possibly get. I think I used the best doc in the world. I also think I got the best possible implant one can get. A Titan without RTEs.

Yes this can happen, but it is rare of course. Looking at the top docs’ statistics, They have an inflation rate of <0.5%. Out of those a few percent can’t be saved. They end up with a completely destroyed penis. With all natural erection ability gone and no implant either. A shrunken little inch long dead piece of skin. But that happens to only a few of those 1 in 200 who gets the infection in the first place. A risk worth taking. If backing out of highly beneficial surgery for such low risk of fatal consequences, nobody would do any surgery on this planet.

Yes. But I was overall happy with my life before surgery as well. Life is more than having a hard dick. But this was the icing on the cake for me. I am very happy.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 442
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:21 pm

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby warrenw » Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:13 pm

merrix, thanks for a great post. Just the boost I needed before seeing Eid in under two weeks.
Implant - Dr Eid 12/2017, Titan Touch 20/21cm no RTE, 125cc reservoir

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:39 pm

Thanks so much, Merrix,

I have only one question - You say that it would only be noticeable if she were really going at it, whether by hand or mouth. Why is that? If you feel hard enough, do you begin to feel the tubing? Is this to say that it feels abnormal at a certain point?


merrix wrote:2, 3
Personally I travelled literally to the opposite side of the planet to do it with Eid. At the time, my shortlist was Eid, Kramer and Perito. Coincidences (or rather Eid’s fast response time) made me decide for Eid. Today I am very glad that I chose Eid.
I say get the best doc you possibly can. I would never ever let travelling, staying away in hotels, etc stop me from picking the best. The only thing would be money. I was lucky not to have that limitation. If you have a limitation based on money, then that’s how it is and you must accept it. So let me say then that get the absolutely best doc your finances allows. But don't save on your implant doc and then spend the money on a new fancier kitchen... Then you can't blame your finance anymore. Just your priorities.

No. Any implant doctor would be able to do it. But my reasoning in 2,3 above still holds. Maybe even more so for a revision, since risks are higher with revision than virgin surgery.


I would say age has nothing to do with it. How bad your ED is has everything to do with it. If you can’t have sex and it is negatively impacting your life, then an implant is as excellent a solution if you’re 30 as if you’re 70.

With wife, this is not really an issue. Even though I don’t really like to do it in front of her, I still could. But mostly I just do it in the shower before sex.
With other women, shorter relations, Same thing really. In the shower/WC before, or just preparing with whatever level you can possibly inflate to and keep in your pants. Then finishing during foreplay.

Never. It hurted pretty badly right after surgery, and I was even scared that I had an infection for various reasons. Check ‘My Journal’ for details. But even then, before I knew there was no inflation, I never regret anything. I took the decision based on thorough research. I knew the risk. To say that I would regret it just because I was unlucky would be silly. Regret is for not having done the homework. Not for falling victim of a calculated minimal risk. Same goes for the future. Should my implant fail tomorrow, I still wouldn’t regret anything,

Don’t know, but would guess both options can be possible.

Depends on how quick your doctor is to schedule you.

Since it hasn’t happened to me, I don’t know. But I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem. I’d just be pissed that I had the bad luck of having implant failure and needing to go through the surgery and recovery again. But that’s it.

Normally shorter than a virgin implant surgery. But infection risk is higher.

Women who notices something won’t understand it’s an implant. They will just feel a foreign object in the scrotum during a thorough blow/hand job. But just saying “I had an accident before and needed surgery. Don’t worry”, works well.

Approx 15 cm vs 10 cm. So very much larger.

No problem. As I have said many times before, I lift some decent weights and have not backed off one tiny little bit after implant. Deadlifting 180 kg (400 lbs) for 5 reps, squatting 130 kg (290 lbs) for 15 reps. No problem at all.
Also playing decent level of tennis (5.0 NTRP) and doing some boxing.

No. On the contrary, my erect dick is longer now than my best day before surgery on Viagra/Cialis. Not much, but still longer. 17.5 cm vs 16,5 cm (6.9” vs 6.5”). Girth is marginally larger as well. 14.3 cm vs 14.0 cm (5.6” vs 5.5”).

Sensitivity now compared to a good Viagra erection is same. But sensitivity now compared to a shitty semi-erection, which often was all I got before, is better. It is easier to enjoy and get orgasm with a hard dick than a soft dick.

No. I basically never notice it’s there except for when I inflate it for sex.

OF course, positive. Sex is important in a relationship and this has turned half-assed sex to great sex. Also the feeling of being able to satisfy my partner is great. It is not nice knowing that she knows my dick is crap and that she knows other men could fuck her a million times better. Now that’s not the case anymore. If I am not a good lover today, there are no excuses. It’s all up to me. My dick will never fail.

Yes. I think I got the best results one can possibly get. I think I used the best doc in the world. I also think I got the best possible implant one can get. A Titan without RTEs.

Yes this can happen, but it is rare of course. Looking at the top docs’ statistics, They have an inflation rate of <0.5%. Out of those a few percent can’t be saved. They end up with a completely destroyed penis. With all natural erection ability gone and no implant either. A shrunken little inch long dead piece of skin. But that happens to only a few of those 1 in 200 who gets the infection in the first place. A risk worth taking. If backing out of highly beneficial surgery for such low risk of fatal consequences, nobody would do any surgery on this planet.

Yes. But I was overall happy with my life before surgery as well. Life is more than having a hard dick. But this was the icing on the cake for me. I am very happy.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby merrix » Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:08 pm

defiant wrote:Thanks so much, Merrix,

I have only one question - You say that it would only be noticeable if she were really going at it, whether by hand or mouth. Why is that? If you feel hard enough, do you begin to feel the tubing? Is this to say that it feels abnormal at a certain point?


This has been debated here forever. There are people here who claim they have had sex several times weekly for months with the same partner without her noticing.
I say that is possible. But to make it possible one would have to avoid a lot of things.
This is repeating myself, but I will run my rant again...

A well done implant surgery is not visible. Mine is not visible. In e.g. a gym shower, no man would notice my implant. When inflated and I am having sex with a woman, she won't notice from looking at it. What could happen with a shitty surgeon is that the pump ends up high (well, maybe not only with shitty surgeons. This is a common problem with guys on this site having their surgery with Kramer too), and then it would be visible. Also poor tubing routing can bee seen. But with a good outcome, no it won't be visible.

However, to say that nobody can feel the pump when touching the scrotum is in my logic way of thinking nothing else than pure BS. Why? First of all, I don't say a woman MUST feel the pump if she touches the scrotum. It depends on how and where. But I do say that it can never be impossible for her to feel it. Simply because that pump is easy enough to access for me to inflate it. And if I can feel it well enough to manipulate the pump, to feel the contour of the deflate valve button, then how the F can it all of a sudden be completely vanished from the face of the earth when a woman touches my scrotum 5 minutes later? Doesn't make sense, right? If the owner of the implant can feel the pump well enough to deflate, then by definition a woman will feel the pump as well if she touches in the same thorough way.

However, of course you can take actions to avoid it. Just be dominant and steer her away from touching your scrotum. When she goes down, stop her and fuck her. Or just tell her with a commanding voice that you don't like her to touch your balls.

Other examples of potential giveaways are:
* You come in her mouth (or face while she strokes you). She just keeps on going gently while waiting for your dick to go down. It won't. Suspicious?
* You fuck her before you go to sleep in the same bed. Early in the morning, she wakes you up, horny for more, by sucking you dick. It won't get hard. You excuse yourself, go to take a piss, come back rock hard. Suspicious?
* Before sex, you say you will go and take a shower. She surprises you and comes naked in to the shower. Starts to touching herself and you. You don't get hard. You've got to excuse yourself, get out of the shower, pump by yourself, and then you're hard when she comes to bed. Suspicious?

And regarding the physical touch, and her probability of feeling the pump: I guess we're all different, but in my case, the tighter my balls are, the more difficult to feel it. The more relaxed/low my balls are, the easier. So one giveaway is after orgasm, after sex, when balls relax and just lying in bed talking, kissing or whatever you do after sex. If she then touches your scrotum, gently massages your balls, it is very easily felt. But before orgasm, while balls are higher and tighter, not so easy.

The shaft itself, as long as the tubing and the pump are rightly positioned, is not an issue. If the sizing is right. A too large implant will have buckling cylinders even when inflated. This could be felt by a partner during a hand/mouth job. A too small implant will have a floppy (unnatural) head which may even bend. But a perfect result will end up in a shaft which is basically completely naturally feeling during sex. Maybe with the add on that you must control the pumping to a natural level. If I inflate my Titan to the maximum (for me that is roughly 35 full wall to wall pumps and then 15 gradually smaller pumps), then it is so crazy hard that most women would definitely notice it's hardness is in another league from anything they've ever felt before.
But with a perfect pump level, the members of the opposite sex will not feel anything unnatural about my shaft.
The tips in the glans can be felt (in my case) when my dick is completely soft. I am lucky to still get a very hard glans when aroused, and in that state, the tips are impossible to feel even though they are only 1 cm from the tip of the penis. I'd guess that an implanted guy with no glans engorgement whatsoever, could probably have detectable tips in his glans during sex. Depends on a lot of things.

Anyway, all these things can be done. And you may probably get away with it for a while with a new partner.
My question though is this:
What is more important, avoiding to 100% that your partner notices your implant, or make maximum use of your new abilities and enjoy it as much as you can?
What if you come home together from a great dinner or night out, both horny as hell. You are kissing and touching each other in the elevator, and when you come in through he door, she gets undressed, leaves her high heels on, kneels in front of you and unzip your pants. Then what?
Or when she joins you in the shower. You would love to fuck her from behind against the wall right there, right now. You could, if you just spent 60-90 seconds inflating your super dick while she rubs her pussy and tits with the soap. But just to avoid detection, you will get out of the shower, ruin the moment, get under the sheets, inflate there, and wait for her to join you in bed?

Of course, it seems awkward to tell a young woman on a first date (first time having sex) that you're implanted. But the implant is there to give you the ability to do anything in terms of sex. So there is a balance to look for here between feeling embarrassed about being implanted and enjoying that implant to the maximum. And worst case would be to avoid all those great opportunities and then still having her notice.

And, when I say a woman noticing, remember that a woman touching your scrotum and feeling the pump there, won't understand it's an implant. They will feel an object there, but probably have no clue what it is. I guess most of them don't even know what an IPP is.

Finally, I am just raising the question, what is better or worse:
Sneeking in to the shower in a hurry when she starts to touch you in the sofa, get out hard, tell her to not touch your balls, rush in to the WC after sex to deflate, then avoiding her to start touching you and going for a second round.
Or just be upfront, tell her about it and that she is in for a new experience, you are a like a robot who can fuck her all night if she wants to, and then just enjoy? Who knows, she might get super horny and think you are the one night stand of her lifetime? A once in a lifetime opportunity right in front of her...
Up to each and everyone to decide of course.

My advice is, with new partners, the best way is just to be moderate. Pump up in the shower, or while she is in the WC, and avoid detection if you easily can. But don't take extreme measures. Don't let the fear of detection ruin your sex.

Good Luck.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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