The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Postby madmax » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:16 pm

posting scary pics on here of some of the very worst case scenarios is not helpful at all...I am having pump placement problems and I see an eroded pump poking out of a mans bag...this is like selling a new car and being shown pics of car wrecks..yes they do happen but but the men on here need comfort and calm..I know I have been helped by many here and the about keeping them to your self...thanks

hard drive
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Postby hard drive » Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:03 pm

I have no problem with posting your own pics of a recent surgery.

That said... If these pictures had been posted here before my implant, and I had seen them... I'd still be crying about my ED problems. I WOULD NOT have gotten an implant.

I'm so thankful that these pics came along after the fact for me. I wish the pics would go away too, unless they are of YOUR (the poster's) personal experience.

They are alarming and take hope away....

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Postby aa2120 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:10 pm

I think these pictures are ugly, but not at all representative of the vast majority of implants. If any thing,it should make people do their research before they select their surgeon. These are all gross mistakes by the Doctors. These forum will always attract the people that have an axe to grind more than they will people that are happy with their outcomes. the stats that I read from many sources,show the overwhelming satisfaction with their implant outcome. The stats also show that most men/couples will use pumps or injections for awhile, but will, over the long run, just give up sex altogether. That is why I went with an implant. The injections didn't work for me because of venous leak and I hated using the pump. I am now 9 days post op and am very happy with the out come. the sugery was a piece of cake and I am anxious to fire this baby up.. I intend to continue to post my successful out come to help give a more balanced view to the participants.

72 years young. RALP on 10/2009. Some ED before surgery. Complete ED after. Pills and injections don't work. Pump works, but hate it. Diagnosed with venous leak. Don't like giving up things of my youth so going for implant.

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Postby lost_confused » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:13 pm

These pictures would not take my hope away. I would still go through with it, I'd risk erosion, nutsack destruction, or whatever, atleast I would have known that I did my best and tried to win over this.... instead of standing around and whining like a bitch about it and not trying riskier things that could fix your problem forever (especially if you have the chance) is a coward move.

That guy that is posting pictures is unhappy with his own implant, while i comprehend the fact that his got butchered, he can get it revised and go to another surgeon (even if it was not insurance covered I'd still go ahead and pay whatever to get this fixed by a more competent surgeon), instead he is bitter about it and is sticking plastic to his dick in hope of getting it straightened out and trying to discourage others, which is kind of a dick move on his part (hahahahaha i am so goddamn hilarious!, get it? DICK AS SOMETHING I CANNOT USE AT ALL AND HAS BECOME PURELY ORNEMENTAL) .

And since it's an ornement for me now, even if it gets MORE destroyed, so what? I already do not feel like a man, having a poking piece of metal through it couldn't make me feel worse.

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Postby dmikesaw » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:11 am

Hey, the site is called "Frank Talk" for a reason. Remember, people need to be aware of all the possibilities in order to make an informed decision regarding an implant. Knowledge is power; ignorance/denial is the opposite of power.

If you want only candy coated posts/reports, why don't you start a new site (maybe you could call it "Not So Frank Talk"). You all remind me of the Nazi book burners from years ago, i.e., destroy/attack all those who don't agree with your particular views/realities.

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Postby knotreel » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:32 am

I guess you're talking about some pictures our fellow menber dmikesaw has posted about all sorts of dicks and sacks that are messed up including his own? I looked at some of the erroision pictures, but i had the good sense not to look at all of them, makes me squirm around where i am sitting!! perish the thought. While I laughed my butt off about the "homemade dick splint" (chorox bottle and duct tape), the eroisions, infections, puss and other gore are in no way funny. While I don't generally look at these, it is a fact that some of us will be unlucky and be in that small group, 2%, 5% or whatever, that are bad outcomes . People considering an implant shoud be aware of this possiblity, if looking at these would stop you from taking the risk then maybe you should think things over a bit more and find a doctor that will give you your best chance of a positive outcome? I look at this as a reminder of the risk we took and the importance of finding a good surgeon.
Maybe this stuff is not supportive, but then maybe it shouldn't be, bad stuff can and does happen.
age 74 married, Robotic RP Dec.2009. Implanted Jan 2011 with AMS 700LGX and AMS 800 AUS. (AMS 1500). IPP failed March 2018 , leak. Planning an AUS revision (total replacement) in 2018, now I need the IPP too.

hard drive
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Postby hard drive » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:08 am

dmikesaw wrote:Hey, the site is called "Frank Talk" for a reason. Remember, people need to be aware of all the possibilities in order to make an informed decision regarding an implant. Knowledge is power; ignorance/denial is the opposite of power.

If you want only candy coated posts/reports, why don't you start a new site (maybe you could call it "Not So Frank Talk"). You all remind me of the Nazi book burners from years ago, i.e., destroy/attack all those who don't agree with your particular views/realities.


I in no way, shape or form attacked you. Do you not acknowledge the right of others to express their first amendment views too? You have expressed yourself by bombarding the forums with numerous worst case photos. When you emphasize only negative results, why would you expect everyone to reply with positive comments? Especially if the person is on the fence about his decision.

Everyone here is an intelligent person. Most of us are very educated. I doubt that ANYONE here opted for an implant without doing research, including google. I did see some pics like these before, and I assessed the risks and my willingness to take them. However, I didn't visually bombard myself with ONLY "dicks & docs gone bad".

Here's an idea, why don't you post a comparative "good outcome" pic along with the bad ones, and include the statistical information about the likelihood of the final result? THAT would be MUCH more of a public service than the constant flow of disfigured penises.
I'm not picking on you, so put your shields down a little. You struck a nerve and you got a reaction. It should have been expected. I don't think anyone here really thinks you're a bad sort. I understand your particular discontent, I was mentally there too and for less of a reason than you have. Please don't compare me to a Nazi. I think that comment is over the top and particularly offensive.

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Postby dmikesaw » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:01 am

Your suggestion sounds very reasonable; I've posted several of the "bad outcome" pictures, so who will post some of the "good outcome" pictures now?

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Postby nyc56892 » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:04 am

knotreel wrote: While I don't generally look at these, it is a fact that some of us will be unlucky and be in that small group, 2%, 5% or whatever, that are bad outcomes . People considering an implant shoud be aware of this possiblity, if looking at these would stop you from taking the risk then maybe you should think things over a bit more and find a doctor that will give you your best chance of a positive outcome? I look at this as a reminder of the risk we took and the importance of finding a good surgeon.
Maybe this stuff is not supportive, but then maybe it shouldn't be, bad stuff can and does happen.

@Knotreel, I hear what you are saying, but the photos Mike is posting are almost certainly not representative of the 2% to 5% that have "bad" outcomes... In my understanding, there is a 2% to 5% risk of infection, risk of sizing problems, risk of device malfunction, and/or need for replacement. Erosion, aneurism, or that horrible photo of the dick chewed in half... this are NOT in the 2% bracket. If I thought that ball sack erosion was in the 5%, I would not have the surgery. It's the mistaken expectation that these photos are representative of the 5% that could deter a viewer from having the surgery---and that's why they trouble me.

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Postby clearwatercowboy » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:40 pm

Well, interesting forum on this issue. I hope to be scheduled for an implant surgical procedure sometime soon, and it is my hope that I can post some "good outcome" photos following the procedure. The posted "ugly outcome" photos are very disconcerting to me, to the point, that I will not even share them with my wife, for fear that she would freak out and request that I not proceed with having the implant surgery. Having worked in medicine and surgery for the past 35 years, I know all to well how medical errors can actually lead to botched procedures, like those shown on this forum. I can only hope that I have done my homework ahead of time, to avoid being one of the "ugly" statistics.

Thanks for reading.


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