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Postby dmikesaw » Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:56 am

Don't know how this particular cylinder tip erosion happened, but it must have caused lots of pain/difficulties when urinating............
erosion of implant through pee hole.gif
erosion of implant through pee hole.gif (15.04 KiB) Viewed 3939 times

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Re: ouch!

Postby nyc56892 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:04 am

Why do you post these kinds of images?

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Re: ouch!

Postby dmikesaw » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:20 pm

I do it as a public service for the forum members and lurkers (in order to educate them about the seriousness of an implant procedure and its possible complications). Everyone should be aware of all the possible outcomes in order to make the most informed decision whether or not to get an implant (and to choose the best/most experienced surgeon). Don't you agree?

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Re: ouch!

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:42 am

I think it is very important to be aware of all the possible outcomes of any surgery, but I think every viewer should be clearly made aware that these photos are taken out of context. We don't know anything about the case or what caused the problems.

We can make assumptions, and even convince ourselves that what we are seeing is the whole story. But the fact is, we don't know who did these surgeries (if they were skilled, quacks, frauds), or possibly what did the patient do to cause these malfunctions (were these guys doing stupid things?). The short sighted view of these pictures is to assume this is proof that these sorts of outcomes are possible, or even likely, with an implant.

The fact is, over 90% of men with implants are thrilled with the outcome. Are there risks? Certainly. It behooves every man to thoroughly investigate his doctor and make sure the doctor is skilled and experienced with the model of device being implanted.

For any guy contemplating an implant, I would not look to these sorts of photos as any sort of a guide to getting an implant. It's perfectly fine to be aware of the worst case scenario, but these sorts of outcomes are incredibly rare.

There is a normal ghoulish curiosity to see horrible pictures of any aspect of medicine and life in general. But I would certainly not use horrible photos upon which I base my decision to seek treatment or not.

Just my two cents...

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Re: ouch!

Postby tukusmax » Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:07 pm

Thanks Paul,

You put my thoughts into words perfectly. At a little over 4 weeks post-op and being one of the over 90% group, already, I hope that the photos and the many negative posts, by the one poster, is not the cause of someone being convinced not to have the implant.

For all the guys thinking of this option for ED, read the hundreds of posts here on FT (good and bad), ask all your questions, and Google everything you can and make your own informed decision. You’ll find the good out weighs the bad many times over; at least that’s what I found.

Good luck to all of you,


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Re: ouch!

Postby jn1421 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:50 am

dmikesaw wrote:I do it as a public service for the forum members and lurkers (in order to educate them about the seriousness of an implant procedure and its possible complications). Everyone should be aware of all the possible outcomes in order to make the most informed decision whether or not to get an implant (and to choose the best/most experienced surgeon). Don't you agree?

I agree with your desire to inform and educate but your presentation comes across very negative and one sided; hardly accurate of 'all the possible outcomes.' Perhaps you could offset the negative/pessimistic side of your posts and provide pix and comments of the positive/optimistic outcomes too.

Last edited by jn1421 on Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ouch!

Postby bob1138 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:07 am

Thanks Paul,

I think you speak for the vast majority of Frank Talk members.
December 13, 2011 will be the fourth anniversary of my undergoing the Coloplast Titan Implant Procedure and I have experienced absolutely no problems. My wife and I are both very happy with the Titan Implant.
I credit this both to the quality control that went into the Implant and the skill of my Implant Surgeon, Dr. Hossein Sadeghi
of Hackensack University Medical Center in Bergen County, NJ.
I would encourage men to carefully study the credentials of their Implant Surgeon and choose wisely.
I have counseled many men as a Patient Educator for Coloplast and have never seen or heard of anything resembling these
horrific photos, which appear to be the result of very poor surgical technique, e.g., improper sizing and /or placement of the Implant.
Mike, you should seriously consider a surgical revision of this Implant and be sure to choose a highly skilled
Implant Surgeon with many excellent references.
My prayers are with you.


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Re: ouch!

Postby dmikesaw » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:46 am

Thanks for the constructive/civil criticism guys. By the way, all the photos (other than the few of my own implant) came from simple Google searches of medical websites. Having worked for many years as a plaintiff's trial lawyer representing victims of various torts (including medical malpractice and products liability), maybe I have become a little more sensitive than most to these medical complications; perhaps even somewhat jaded. We all have different realities/outcomes with our implant surgeries. And you all know what my reality is (and remember that I carefully chose one of the best surgeons/implant teams in the USA). Remember what Forrest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." This certainly holds true for implant outcomes.

And, yes, more people than not seem pleased with their implants (if we are to believe the statistics), but that doesn't mean that there aren't quite a few of us out here who aren't so pleased. For every 80-85 out of a hundred who are happy, there are 15-20 of us who are not so happy. That is a significant number, don't you agree?

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