How do you cope with size loss?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: How do you cope with size loss?

Postby kidder » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:06 pm

Of course size loss is a problem, but not enough to destroy your life. I've been a horn dog all my life, and didn't get my first implant til I was a widower. 74 yrs old. I lost an inch with Perito's Titan, and another in with Banno's (Peoria, ill) AMX. Plus, after Banno, I've lost much sensitivity, esp on the glans. Not sure what to do about that. I cum often, but takes a long time, and is a result of other senses, like touching, looking, kissing, more than penile pressure. One thing that worked out well--I took a trip to the Philippines. Wow! I was able to find female partners in the U.S., but over there, you have to fight them off. My point--I have a lady there, don't know if we'll hook up or not. Lots of visiting, tho. She told me that most Filipinos were like me (4.5"). Things have a way of working out. Actually, I've thought of surgery to remove the excess skin, that used to envelope a 6 incher. It doesn't slide like it should, just kind of rolls around with the strokes. Still feels good, but not like the past. Sex is still awesome, I just wish I had more feeling in the glans. Would love to hear any suggestions. But trust me (a horn dog), You CAN still have a great life with a little pecker.

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