Decided to go for it. Help, advice, and support is appreciated.

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.

Re: Decided to go for it. Help, advice, and support is appreciated.

Postby Larry10625 » Fri May 26, 2017 5:18 pm

matprov wrote:
chonky wrote:"The moment I decided I began to feel a little depressed knowing that it's no going back after the implant. I am extremely worried and afraid of complication "

This is why I believe psychological support is very important. You will need to make mental adjustments to the implant being a part of your life and as to what impact it will have on it. Don't let the fear of physical hurdles get you down. Take things one at a time and work each one out individually without looking back . Just keep looking at the positives of succeeding.

What are some of the physical hurdles so I can better prep for them?


Keep the area VERY CLEAN. I had mine for a month and then it had to be removed because of a very serious infection that nearly killed me. It was only that bad because I ignored the two most serious symptoms, fever and hallucinations. I can do it again in 6 months. You will be fine, and from what I read on here, you are going to one of the best surgeons. If you live far away from him, you might want to stay in a hotel or B&B for a few days after you are released from hospital, just in case. If you get infection and it's caught in time you will be fine. I am not trying to scare you off, I simply cant wait to do it again.

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Re: Decided to go for it. Help, advice, and support is appreciated.

Postby Bandit » Sat May 27, 2017 7:05 am

Matprov. So first hurdle is done. You decided. 2nd hurde is the plan which you are working on currently. So i had RRP 2.5 years ago. No natural erections. Pills didnt work. Gels burned & hurt. Neddles worked but very unnatural. VED was my go to. Nothing was spontanious. Yes. I was depressed. My erections or lack there of consumed me. I am 58. My wife is 41 and although very supportive i could see it in her face. I got cheated and she got cheated more. 2.5 years is a long timeto wonder, ponder & evaluate options. I always knew that the implant was the answer. I read, reviewed & researched in that time. The conclusion for me was this is my only option. The depression & anxiety turned to excitement as i could finally have a chance at a normal life. Spontanious on demand sex. Vacations, walks on the beach or in the woods, pulled over on the side if the road or even jumping in the shower with my wife could all result in an intimate outcome. So yes, this was my only option. I had my implant surgery on 5/23/17. I am recovering. The process & proceedure is like clockwork when everything is scheduled. The rehab is fine. More importantly the future is bright. In a few weeks my Uro will allow me to begin cycling my implant & ultimately release me to have sex. I will not see that look on my wifes face ever again. So yes. Your decision to move forward is a valid one. Rear view mirrors are small because its more important to see where you are going & not where you've been. Go for it. Dont look back. Life us way to short to go without. All the best to you !
Born 1958, married. Prostate Cancer. RRP November/2014. PSA undetectable since. Implant May/2017 AMS700LGX 18 cm + 1.5 cm RTEs.

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Re: Decided to go for it. Help, advice, and support is appreciated.

Postby Ranman » Sat May 27, 2017 7:23 pm

I had my surgery on 3/27 and this week was the first time I was able to have sex with my LGX. I am now feeling regret I did not do it sooner! You are correct there is no going back and what God gave us always works best, but I have to admit that mine simply wasn't working any longer. When one can't remember the last time you had sex with your wife one have a serious problem. I had reached the point that I was doubling up on the Levitra and then dealing with debilitating headaches and sinus congestion for 2-3 days. Even with doubling up on Levitra I was not able to get an erection! Frustrating for me and for my wife too! I really missed being intimate with my wife! I really missed having some passion in my life as well! Getting an implant is about so much more than just sex! If you are a normal red blooded male, then you also need more than just sex.

My post surgery journey was filled with physical pain, complications and set backs. I think it was my own fault for expecting I would be one of those guys that everything went perfectly for, however I was not. My incision opened up at week 3 and continued to bleed through week 6. My implant inflated on it's on which caused me a a lot of difficulty at work given I regularly am in front of 50-75 people speaking. It was a pain in the ass as well as a physical pain but I had to take a deep breath, relax and remind myself I was in good hands and the doctor said no worries, I just needed more time. This week I made love to my wife for the first time in a long, long time. The second night the same thing only more emphasis on the physical sexual part! I am still tender after sex and while in the office I have to sit in certain positions to avoid being uncomfortable, but pretty minor in the big picture.

Don't second guess yourself or talk yourself into waiting unless you truly think you have other options. This is one of the best decisions I have made and I would not hesitate in recommending the surgery to anyone that is concerned about the what-ifs. Kramer has a great reputation and I am sure he take excellent care of you regardless of your physical challenges. Go for it man! You won't be sorry!

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Re: Decided to go for it. Help, advice, and support is appreciated.

Postby TANGERINE » Mon May 29, 2017 1:48 am

I am super happy that I decided to have the implant. It has restored a positive outlook in life for me. In the past, before implant, I hated to see cialis and viagra commercials, they really hit me at the core since they depicted things that I so wanted to do and the man I so wanted to be....but no, because of my ED I was not in that place.

Now, I enjoy those commercials, I enjoy seeing a sexy woman walk by, because I am cured of ED.

Many of us who have had a near perfect result do not post much because they move on with their lives and don't mess with writing on an ED implant board since they have been cured. I am one of those cures. I sincerely hope you get there as well with as little fuss as possible.

Do realize, that I would have been happy to endure lots more pain and trouble, but for me I was lucky. To be cured of ED is a really really big deal.

remember this quote:


so , man-up, take the risk, and go-for-it
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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