Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

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Lost Sheep
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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:53 pm

gollam121 wrote:Anyone?

Apparantly, almost everyone.

Why do you ask?
Lost Sheep
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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby gollam121 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:24 am

DaveET1 wrote:I don't care where you are from. Your comments about President Trump were disgusting, offensive and uncalled for. I, for one, praise God that President Trump has already been potent enough to father a whole generation of new Trumps and bring them up to be decent, honest people.

As to your remarks, for shame!

Sorry I don't think what I said was anywhere near as disgusting as what Trump has said about women, muslims or disabled people.

Mocking a disabled journalist at a rally pre election was terrible and shows the lack of moral fibre and decency he has.

It's a real shame that politicians have become so detached from the ordinary person that people like Trump prevail.

The USA deserves better and suspect at some point his past will catch up with him. Either this or Armageddon! Then at least I won't have to be concerned about ED and implants !
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.


Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby DaveET1 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:07 am

You've been sucked in, as have many people, by paying attention to what the media claim Trump said, rather than what he actually said.

He hates RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, and so do I. The idea he hates women is ridiculous, and not one accusation by the media or by the liberals has been proven, NOT ONE. In fact, more then one of the women he has supposedly harmed has spoken out and said it was not true. As to disabled, did he speak against the disability, or did he speak against what the idiot reporter was doing? Do you even really know?

I guess you would feel better if we had a liar, a murderer, a traitor, for president. Thank GOD that cheating, lying, lazy, mentally unstable bitch didn't get elected.

You need to get some facts under your hair before you go running off at your mouth against a fine, decent gentleman like President Trump.

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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby gollam121 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:44 am

No not really, I just heard the tape in the trailer where he was derogatory towards a women, I saw and heard him mock a disabled man with my own eyes and ears. Unless this was an actor playing Trump then ? It certainly looked very much like him !

I saw directly how he treated folk that lived near the golf course he owns in Scotland. Trying to pull a farmers house down because he didn't like they way it looked ! The old guy who'd lived there all his life was terrified as Trump sent his heavies round to intimidate him. Trump said on camera that's life if people don't play his game! Maybe this asshole was also an actor taking off Trump to discredit a real decent man ??

As for hating Islamic terrorist don't we all, I hate any terrorist of any country or religion that go out their way to destroy innocent people's lives. Nothing new or wrong about this, however it concerns me greatly that all Muslims are therefore assumed terrorists until proven otherwise which is not true and I have many Muslim friends that would take up arms against ISIS to protect the country they love and live in.

Calling a women in the case Clinton a bitch like you did also demonstrates the deep hatred, the very hatred that got Trump elected via the first past the post system. He lost the popular vote by a few million did he not?

I'm no leftie and vote Tory here in the UK, however I keep an open mind and only judge upon what I see with my own eyes not what the right and left media what any political party tells me. I don't jump up and down about politics or hero worship the party leader I just simply look at the manifestos and make a democratic choice based on what I think will be best for the country.

The only evidence I have is what I have seen of Trump, not seen or heard many clever policies come out is mouth but maybe that's because the media want it this way ?
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby RichardTheFrog » Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:52 am

gollam121 wrote:No not really, I just heard the tape in the trailer where he was derogatory towards a women, I saw and heard him mock a disabled man with my own eyes and ears. Unless this was an actor playing Trump then ? It certainly looked very much like him !

I saw directly how he treated folk that lived near the golf course he owns in Scotland. Trying to pull a farmers house down because he didn't like they way it looked ! The old guy who'd lived there all his life was terrified as Trump sent his heavies round to intimidate him. Trump said on camera that's life if people don't play his game! Maybe this asshole was also an actor taking off Trump to discredit a real decent man ??

As for hating Islamic terrorist don't we all, I hate any terrorist of any country or religion that go out their way to destroy innocent people's lives. Nothing new or wrong about this, however it concerns me greatly that all Muslims are therefore assumed terrorists until proven otherwise which is not true and I have many Muslim friends that would take up arms against ISIS to protect the country they love and live in.

Calling a women in the case Clinton a bitch like you did also demonstrates the deep hatred, the very hatred that got Trump elected via the first past the post system. He lost the popular vote by a few million did he not?

I'm no leftie and vote Tory here in the UK, however I keep an open mind and only judge upon what I see with my own eyes not what the right and left media what any political party tells me. I don't jump up and down about politics or hero worship the party leader I just simply look at the manifestos and make a democratic choice based on what I think will be best for the country.

The only evidence I have is what I have seen of Trump, not seen or heard many clever policies come out is mouth but maybe that's because the media want it this way ?

Trump's travel ban isn't designed to keep all Muslims out.

Those 7 countries on his list are a very small percentage of the Muslim world.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and more... And he had never made any mention of banning those countries. He only picked a select few countries that have a high possibility of breeding terrorists.
Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer 2/22/17. 18 cm AMS LGX with 2 cm RTE's (total 20cm).

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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby williamb » Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:23 pm

Ok to Dave, Gollam, Richard and anyone else that has a personal opinion about politics , life or who's car is the fastest. I don't care about your opinion and could not care less about what you think. This is a forum about ED problems where you talk about your prick not try to be a prick. Either stay with the program or stay away. I hope that you have a nice day and all of your ED issues go away.
born 1949, Cancer 2014, 1st Implant AMS CX 18 + 3 RTE, Oct 2015 by a Houston Doctor. Left with loss of length, Floppy Glans and pain, a very poor job. Revision in Dec 2016 by Dr. Kramer, 21 + 3 1/2 RTEs, LGX, Regained length, Glans supported and no pain.

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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby strongagain » Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:33 pm

Williamb you are right, we are not here in order to discuss that so-called President - let's talk about dicks, penile implants and happy women.
Born in 1950, ED since 2007 (colon cancer)
08/2015 Titan Zero Degree 22 cm + 3 cm RTE
Dr. Leiber, Freiburg, Germany
6.5" x 5.7" - Very happy with implant

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Re: Has anyone not been able to get erection at all but now happy with implant ?

Postby gollam121 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:32 pm

williamb wrote:Ok to Dave, Gollam, Richard and anyone else that has a personal opinion about politics , life or who's car is the fastest. I don't care about your opinion and could not care less about what you think. This is a forum about ED problems where you talk about your prick not try to be a prick. Either stay with the program or stay away. I hope that you have a nice day and all of your ED issues go away.

I hold my hands up because I started it ! Enough is enough so back to the reason we're all on here.

Amen to ED issues going away.
42 years old, Venous leak all my life. Pills worked but not so much then I foolishly did Scerothreapy (See young guys thread). Now totally impotent and just want an implant to stop me from completely crazy.

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