Who of you has thought to suicide?

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby dirtman1993 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:23 am

An erection will once again hep your mental outlook. Never thought of that before getting one, I just thought of having sex again. Attached are some photos after y implant and my lady and I enjoy playing with it. Every morning we can play or I will. No matter who plays, the feeling again is great and being inside a women helps heal all the time you couldn't.
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Implanted March 2nd by Dr. Kramer with AMS/LGX. Had a problem lower left (scar tissue) and he placed a larger (thicker) implant as you can here on the YouTube video. Got all back, ED over 10 years before Implant.

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby moreorless » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:41 am

Thanks for the advice to all
This week have been a shit really..

How can I face feeling more and more like shit when I'm with the girl that I really like and I can not do anything, she tells me that it does not matter but I'm really tired of this. I try to pretend im happy when im with her, but im broken inside.

I do not want to be just her friend, I do not want to feel like im not a man
I am ashamed of myself, the feeling of wanting to die every day does not go away and although I try not to think about it when something reminds me, even if it is the least I wish I was dead.

Sorry for my english

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby charlesr » Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:02 pm

Will you get an implant already?!
Born 1951. Radical Robotic Prostatectomy on October 6, 2013. Bionic with Titan Touch with Bioflex Zero Degree 18cm w/ (1) rte Implant, Infrapubic, on July 13, 2015.

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby joe456 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:37 pm

moreorless have you looked for another doctor?

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby moreorless » Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:56 pm

joe456 wrote:moreorless have you looked for another doctor?

Yes i went to another doctor two weeks ago, he examined me, but he told me to wait a few more years too
Then i must wait, i suppose

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby TANGERINE » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:58 pm

it sounds like you need to get your ED fixed pronto !

If injections are not working, then you need an implant, unless there is some extenuating circumstance that we all on the board have not been informed of. The standard mode is: oral meds --> injections ---> implant

I think that waiting years with no erection can lead to you possibly being in a length loss situation. I agree woth other posts on this board: "get your ass in the office of Dr Eid/Kramer/Perrito/Karpman" stat.
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby dg_moore » Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:43 am

Even the my case is not the norm, my sex life ended almost ten years ago. I was a little disappointed, but the thought of ending it all never crossed my mind. Some things you have to accept, pull up your big boy pants, and get on with life.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby RichardTheFrog » Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:11 am

TANGERINE wrote:it sounds like you need to get your ED fixed pronto !

If injections are not working, then you need an implant, unless there is some extenuating circumstance that we all on the board have not been informed of. The standard mode is: oral meds --> injections ---> implant

I think that waiting years with no erection can lead to you possibly being in a length loss situation. I agree woth other posts on this board: "get your ass in the office of Dr Eid/Kramer/Perrito/Karpman" stat.

You forgot about the Muse urethral suppository. That would generally be after the pills and before the injections.
Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer 2/22/17. 18 cm AMS LGX with 2 cm RTE's (total 20cm).

Activated 3/11/17. Best decision I've ever made.

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby Gacleader1 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:17 am

So sorry to hear how significantly this has impacted your life. Unfortunately for most, this is the case even though many will not admit so. Before I begin, I do want to take exception to a comment made by another poster who stated that it was tougher on younger men. My friend, it is tough on all of us. I have been young, and now, I am in the senior age group.

Younger people face a variety of challenges; none of which I would want to go through again. On your end of the age spectrum, you are trying to gain your identity; on my end, I am trying to maintain my identity. Younger people are trying to prove to themselves and others that they are virile as they gain confidence in their work, their personal lives, and their sexual lives. Older men try to hang on to their last thread of virility as they slowly lose their ability to do even the simplest things that came so easy as we were young. Both are devastating, and no words from another person can make it easier. When we lose sexual function, we have, in our own minds at least, become impotent. The word impotent means more than loss of sexual function; it means we feel powerless, weak, helpless, ineffective, and feeble. If we already have these things going on in our lives because we are young and have not yet found our way, or because we are older and being looked down upon as worthless because of our age, then this last thread of our manhood is very important to us.

All I can say is that you are not alone, and I hope you find the strength to not only survive, but to find the joy in your life.

If we have a partner, or if we are dating, it seems other people are more than willing to tell us that it does not matter, while at the same time finding excuses not to be close to us. We scream out for attention, we beg to be held and long for the opportunity to please our partners in other ways, but our partners or would be partners pull farther away. Sometimes they tell us that they know how much it hurts, and do not want us to feel like failures, not knowing that by their very actions, our feeling of failure is that much stronger.

I am 60 years old, and wish that I was strong enough emotionally to say it does not matter to me. The fact is I am not. It does matter to me. Every year that passes adds at least one more thing that has become more difficult. I should accept those things as a natural part of aging, but cannot. I am not ready to be helpless in my life. I am not ready to be pushed around, and I am not ready to be incapable of bringing pleasure to my wife. It does not matter if we rarely have sex, what matters is my ability or lack of it, not the frequency of it.

Younger people have their own battles. When I was young, I wanted to finally be noticed, finally have power, finally be able to do things I never could before. I wanted to date, I wanted to be the best lover she ever had; the future was my oyster. I did not want to explain away problems; I was young, I should not have problems.

So you talk suicide, and people tell you that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. They tell you to get help, and then another person tells you to get help. Well, I am here to tell you that whether you find peace or not by “Getting Help” There are more people here who understand and have been in your position than you will ever know. There are thousands of people here crying out, who will not speak out. You at least had courage enough to do so; many others are afraid to talk about suicide, for fear of being labeled, or talked down to. We are men of course, so we are not allowed by society to admit that we are upset; at least that is what we have been taught since childhood.

You have a right to be pissed off!!! This is not fair. Unfortunately, the more pissed-off we get, the more it tears us apart. It hurts our relationships with our friends, our lovers, and our employers. It seems that every thing that bothers us is amplified. Your jack ass boss gets in your face, and suddenly it matters more than it ever did before. Your girlfriend says something you do not like, and now “You know” how she really feels about you. Everything that happens in your life is felt ten times more than it would be felt if your damn cock would just do what it is supposed to do.

So now what? Hell, I don’t know. Only you have the answer to that question. I wish I could have gotten past it, and accepted it, but I could not. Pills did not work for me, injections did not work for me, muse pellets did not work for me. I finally got an implant, used it (Painfully) for the first time this week, and will begin using it more. Does it solve all of the issues I have? No, it does not, but it helps me hang on to the last thread of manhood I have left, and that, at least, is something.

I almost wonder if it would be different if I had not been married. There are dating sites for people, both men and women, who cannot have, or do not want to have intercourse. I have often wondered what it would be like to meet someone from the start who did not want, or could not have intercourse. If I could have pleased my partner in some other way, and honestly believed that is what she wanted, then I believe I would have been more than ok. Since I was already married, and knew that my wife was not interested in those things, and only got pleasure from missionary intercourse, then none of those other things made any difference. But to have started a relationship with someone who absolutely did not want intercourse, then I think I would have developed one hell of a strong loving bond. What could form a stronger bond than two people with a similar issue who would accept each other fully, and enjoy pleasing each other in other ways?

So consider that possibility. You can do a Google search for dating without sex, or dating for people who cannot have sex. I think the name of one might be something like 2date4love, or something like that.

The implant is certainly a good consideration. I have been told that most people hate their surgeon for 3 to 6 months, and then love them after that. It is certainly a process which takes time to work through, but most of the time, it is positive and the men who have implants are very satisfied. My concern would be however, (since you said your reason for E.D. was psychological), If a surgery could give you an erection, would you enjoy using it? Is it psychological because part of you does not want intercourse, or is it psychological because you are afraid of failure? Only you know the answer to that.

I would love to give you advice that I have not taken myself. I would love to say not to let it get you down, but that would be hypocritical. Know that it is fucked up, know that it is not fair, and then take action to improve all aspects of your life. Try to separate the anger and frustration you feel over this from the day to day interactions you have with those around you, and then decide what is most important to you. You don’t need me or anyone else telling you what to do…You already know what you want most. Now go out and find a way to get as close to that as you possibly can.

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Re: Who of you has thought to suicide?

Postby alibaba » Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:03 pm

That wait a few more years is absolute horse shit. I don't have documentation on myself that far back but I can attest with certainty the longer you wait to intervene, the more dick you lose and the more involved the implant operation. Muse was the very first e.d. assist I used when it came on the market. Took two suppositories to give me 20 seconds of hard on. E.d. never gets better. By the time I got the first implant I would pump my dick, inject 1cc of tri mix, pump it up again and then put the restriction ring on to hold it. That was in addition to 20 mg of Cialis every day. I was to the point of compounding all the assistance devices to get a hard on that lasted till the constriction ring hurt too much and had to stop. You never want to get to that point! By the time I was ready my wife had already given up and would be playing games on the computer. It is no way to live. F'ck your doctors. You live in your body 24/7. He sees it for 15 minutes and still gets his $455 for an office visit whether you can use your dick or not. I DO NOT want so see anyone go through all that bullshit I did to get dick help. Find another doctor. Took me 15 doctors to get the first implant. Eid, Kramer, or Karpman would have done it visit 1 if I could have paid for it. d
Last edited by alibaba on Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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