Becoming Bionic

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Becoming Bionic

Postby C_lab34 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:38 pm

Tomorrow morning at 6:15 I report to the hospital at the University of Maryland. I've reached the end of a long road, and though I am a young man, at 29, I have tried the alternatives, lived with despair for far too long during my prime, and want to be cured. This is an irreversible course of action, yes, but I am emotionally exhausted by the struggle, and don't want to go back to anything that I have or have had. I am moving forward and not looking back, and I intend to make up for in my thirties what I wasn't able to enjoy in my twenties. Most of all, more than the sexual ability, I am looking forward to a clearer mind, a newfound ability to focus on something other than my dysfunction. Because I have benefited tremendously from this forum, and all of the men who have gone before me, I will be detailing my experience, good and bad. I hope that others will learn from my experience, and use what they read here to make informed decisions.

I had my pre op appointment with Dr. Kramer today, and we had a great chat. If I had any doubts, I don't any longer. He expertly reassured me and made me feel totally comfortable. As of right now, I don't feel nervous. We talked, among other things, a little about the differences between the AMS CX and the Titan. Kramer used to do mostly Titans, but he now does a lot of CX's too. He feels that the AMS pump is easier to operate, and that the cylinders are more natural and softer in the flaccid state. When it comes to girth, which was my primary concern, he said that the Titan does start out larger than the CX, but that if the CX is cycled regularly, it can expand to accommodate any size. He said he would mostly recommend the Titan to someone who didn't plan on cycling, because the larger cylinders in the deflated state would prevent scar tissue from forming and restricting size. But, with regular use, the CX just keeps expanding. Regular use would be an understatement for what I'm planning with it. He will also be recording and dictating my procedure, and I can also share that with you guys, if you are not squeamish, that is. Watching videos helped make me more comfortable with the whole thing, so I intend to pass that along as well. It won't be long now, wish me luck!

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Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby David_R » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:04 pm

All the best wishes, brother. I'm in the Baltimore area if you need anything.

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Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby merrix » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:11 pm

Sounds great.
We know already how similar our ED was and how similar we looked at the implant road.

Wishing you all the best and look forward to read about your process. Just remember, it will be dark for some time, but there will be light.
For me, it's dawn. The total darkness is behind me and it keeps getting lighter and lighter...
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 99
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:13 pm

Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby chiali09 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:28 pm

Nice! Congrats. You are with the right guy. That's the same model I got too. Good to know for lurkers checking in as well!

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Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby RelievedofED1 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:55 pm

You have picked one of the best. Very happy with my CX and Dr Kramer's work. We will be thinking of you and waiting to hear the followup reports. Congrats....
66 year old with ED intermittently for years and consistently for the 2 years before implant. Tried everything. AMS CX 21cm+1 cm RTEs Dr Kramer 4/29/2015.
Revision 5/3/2021 AMS CX 700 21cm+2 cm RTEs.
Revision 2022 Titan XL 24 cm no RTEs.

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Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby upandhard » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:35 am

I second, third, and fourth what my bionic brothers said. You will be fine. Kramer is special (and I love my AMS CX). Good luck buddy! Check your PM.

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Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby Lebanese » Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:22 am

Best of luck my friend. I am 31 so we are close in age and all i saw in my 20s is disappointment and lack of confidence.
My operation will be soon as well. I will pray for you, you have some beautiful days ahead.


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Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby merrix » Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:01 pm

I'm a bit lost after travelling across the globe with two transfers and constant swapping of time zones, but if I work it out right, by now it's your first night after surgery. Looking forward to hear from you when it's morning.

Looking forward to hear from you buddy.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 166
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:34 pm

Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby C_lab34 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:28 am

I am writing this update in the middle of a sleepless night. I reported to the hospital at 6:15 on Wednesday morning, where I waited a long while to have my name called. While waiting, I noticed a large family also waiting for what seemed to be a very dramatic procedure. A young woman, a daughter, was having her second kidney transplant after her first had failed. The first kidney had been donated by her father, and it didn't take. Now she was receiving another kidney from a friend of the family. To make matters more intense and serious, she had seriously high blood pressure, and the procedure was considered high risk. Learning this, in an odd way, helped put my issues in perspective. For all the anxiety that I felt, my life was not on the line. Eventually I was taken back into the hospital for the surgery prep. The prep consisted of antibiotic wipes, a change of clothes, and an antibiotic IV. I also signed consent forms, and spoke with Dr. Kramer briefly. He was as confident and reassuring as ever. Then I spoke with the Anesthesiologist and nurse, given an anesthesia IV, and carted off on my merry way to the operating room. As the drugs took effect, and I started to drift off, I remember Dr. Kramer talking about how nice and sweet he thought my girlfriend was...

My first memory upon awaking was not a good one. I was vomiting, quite forcefully. It is difficult for me to recall exactly what happened, but the nurses said that I had managed to hit the wall with it, so it seems I achieved true projectile velocity. It was after the puking stopped that the pain set in. And I mean really set in. I've never felt anything like it. Then again, I've lived a pretty sheltered and fortunate life. It was a sharp, pulsating ache covering the entire groin area. I remember being unable to refrain from moaning. I probably sounded a little scary, but then again, I'm sure the people in the room have heard and seen worse. I was given some kind of pain killer IV, and I started to feel better. But the pain was still there. After things had calmed down and my nausea was under control, Dr. Kramer came by to tell me that the procedure had went well. He said that he found a lot thickened, cemented, fibrotic tissue in my corpora, and this made dilating and measuring time consuming and difficult. I think he said that he spent ten minutes on each corpora. Additionally, he found that the initial 21 cm +2cm RTE device did not go all the way to the glans, so he took that one out, added another 1 cm RTE. Upon test inflation, he saw that the right cylinder was still a bit short, so he added another half cm RTE to that side. All together, my measurements were 14 cm up and 10 cm down on the left, and 14 1/2 cm up and 10 cm down on the right. At that point he was satisfied with the test inflation, the pump was placed deep and dependent in the scrotum, and I was sown up.

He didn't let on, but I think this case tested Kramer. It seemed like it was certainly more difficult than normal. And the extra long dilation and cylinder swapping probably accounts for the pain that I'm still feeling. I stayed in the hospital until about 7:30 or 8:00 pm because of the pain and nausea. After being wheeled back to the room where I would wait to be released, I puked again, and it really hurt, as the spams directly put pressure on my groin. Finally I was able to drink some water and eat a few gram crackers. Around 8 I was released and went on a painful ride back to D.C. from Baltimore. Though it wasn't long, I felt every bump in the road. Now I am back at home, and I am still in considerable pain. I haven't been able to sleep yet, and I just can't get comfortable. I am thinking of doubling up on the dose of oxycontin, as the aching I feel is constant, and preventing me from getting any sleep whatsoever. Also, I am very sore where the reservoir has been placed. My whole groin area feels like it was attacked by wolverines. I'm really hoping I can get this pain under control. It has exceeded what I expected, but maybe I just thought it would be too easy. Through all of this I have to say that, despite our problems, my girlfriend was wonderful the entire time, and has taken great care of me. I honestly don't know how I would have managed it without her at this point. She is playing the role of house nurse with gusto and grace.

My mission for now is to somehow get some sleep. I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks.

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: Becoming Bionic

Postby merrix » Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:43 am

This is border line freakish.
Your ED was (it's gone now) identical to mine.
Your reasoning, as confirmed during our long phone talk, was identical to mine when it came to going for the implant.
Your complicated procedure with scar tissue, in and out with a couple of implants, was very similar to mine.
Seems my way-worse-than-normal post-op pain because of the rough procedure spilled over to you as well.
I can remember that pulsating pain as if was an hour ago. It was worse than anyghing I had ever felt as well.

Now I sound a bit buzz-wordish here, but hey, just get your head in to it. Your are going to have a few shitty, painful days. There's just no way aorund it.
But it gets better as you know.

Hang in there buddy.
Good night.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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