what's realistic expection for the outcomes

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hard drive
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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby hard drive » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:16 pm

regain-is-the-aim wrote:Hard drive:

If you are having that big of a problem I STRONGLY suggest that you contact your Congressman or US Senator and ask their health aide to assist you in getting the VA to respond. Now, this means you will need to discuss some things with a stranger; but it may well be worth it.

If you feel real assertive about this- and this thought IS outside the box. The first Lady Michelle Obama has made services to Vets a project of hers. Contact the White House First Lady's office and try to talk with one of her aides on "shoddy" health service to a Vet.

Make sure to explain in the opening comments to either venture that the VA botched a surgery and will not assist you in communicating with the doc or reassessing the situation. The VA Regional Hospitals vary in quality and service and that fact may be a component of any quality assessment. It is important that you do not appear as a crank or overly emotional. I think you might get some response and attention. . .

Just a thought.

Hang in there and go for it!



Thanks Dick, I'm planning to drive up to the VA hospital and just show up at the URO dept. and demand an appointment. While I'm there I'll go see the patient advocacy office and see if they can assist. My goal is to get the VA to pay for a corrective procedure at an outside facility (I want Dr. Milam at Vanderbilt). It is within the scope of their coverage and it's my right.

If I don't get any help there, I'll follow your suggested course of action.

Thanks much...

hard drive
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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby hard drive » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:18 pm

Minnesota wrote:Hard Drive that sounds to me like a poor doctor performance. If at any time the head of the penis is "floppy" im guessing the implant was not sized correctly. Did you have any other issues like Periones (sp) or something that would have a negative effect on a successful implant?

I didn't have any other issues that would affect the implant. It should have been an easy case.

hard drive
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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby hard drive » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:50 pm

antelope wrote:Dick is right on target. I would add only that you might want to contact an attorney. Sad as it is, sometimes nothing else gets anyone's attention. If this were a case of botched breast surgery, everyone up and down the food chain would be jumping through hoops to resolve it.

Good luck whatever you decide. For sure, this is not an acceptable outcome.


I hope I don't have to resort to legal action, but it's definitely under consideration.

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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby Minnesota » Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:21 pm

You have having discomfort at week 7 during sex.....My doctor didn't pump me up until week 9 and I still had discomfort during sex at week 11. Do yourself a favor and wait another month.
Diagnosed with ED at age of 19, Implanted with Coloplast Titan at age 20. Now 34 (2023)
Titan failed 09/2020, replaced on 10/2/2020 by Kolher @ Mayo Clinic in Minnesota

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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby dlb1253 » Tue May 03, 2011 12:18 pm

My problem is my penis is almost the same flaccid as it is erect. I'm 7 weeks post op with an ams 700. I pump it up 10-15 times and it gets a little bigger but only about 3 1/2". I don't know if I should keep on pumping or not. Iwill try to have intercourse this weekend. I hope this isn't my permanemt size.

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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby Dave48003 » Tue May 03, 2011 12:30 pm


I had my implant 3-17, I have my whole history in this forum, I would encourage you to read it just to have a point of reference. There are several others also. I have had intercourse 4 times already. Last weekend was the first time that I was able to pump it a bit and I had no pain. This morning, I hit the deflate button and it actually went limp for the first time. Previously, I was still quite firm, now I can bend it and it hangs at about 5 o'clock. So, I have been semi hard since surgery, that may account for the reason I didn't have pain during intercourse. I suggest plenty of lube and take it easy, but try. As long as your partner understands this is a trial run, go for it.

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby LGX_Man » Tue May 03, 2011 12:30 pm

Minnesota wrote:LGXMAN:
You have having discomfort at week 7 during sex.....My doctor didn't pump me up until week 9 and I still had discomfort during sex at week 11. Do yourself a favor and wait another month.

Took your advice. Thanks. I decided to take another month to "mend" and it all worked out well. It still helps to take a bit of ibuprofen beforehand.
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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Back to the original question

Postby Dave48003 » Sat May 14, 2011 8:12 pm

This topic got off course a bit, so let me get back to your original questions:

1. not discomfort or pain during sex (inflate/deflate, erection, Ejaculation)
2. have same feeling and sensation as before op for erection, Ejaculation, orgasm, PIV(penis-in-vagina).
3. keep the same length as before the implant

1. With the LGX, to gain the size you want, you need to pump up to the max twice a day. This involves pumping, waiting a couple of minutes, more pumping, waiting, pumping, etc. You do this until it starts hurting, then keep it that way for at least 10 minutes. So there is pain to get the gain. And, there will be pain if you want a real hard woody for sex, but that is up to you. I inflate til the pain starts and find that the joys of sex offset the small amount of pain. I have no pain when I ejaculate, and I think that is the case for most guys. Ejaculation feels the same as before surgery.

2. I have a loss of feeling from the scrotal incision upward along the urethra. I believe this will come back. When a tongue is run along the bottom of my cock, it feels weird, but during intercourse, I don't even notice. PIV is different, but not worse, just different. My cock is shaped more oval now, and there is the loss of feeling along the bottom. I don't see this as a problem, but as I said, I believe the lost feeling will return.

3. Size, the big (no pun intended) question. I'm 8 weeks after surgery. I took some measurements a couple of weeks ago, I was smaller by 1/2" in both directions. I measured yesterday, and I'm almost back to normal in length. I didn't measure girth, but everyone gets bigger in that direction. I believe I will be at least as long and thicker than before surgery.

So, I hope I've answered what you need to know. I understand your trepidation, I went through the same thoughts. I was very concerned about loss of feeling because my sensitivity is way down due to diabetes. If I lose much more, it will be nearly impossible for me to cum. That has not happened. Even with the nujmbness down the underside, the trememdous erections are adding to my sensations and I'm having the best sesx of my life, and I'm only 8 weeks into the bionic side of my life.

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!


Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby 3mtrship » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:19 am


What kind of progress have you made with the VA?


hard drive
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Re: what's realistic expection for the outcomes

Postby hard drive » Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:16 pm

3mtrship wrote:Hard-Drive

What kind of progress have you made with the VA?


I had a consultation with the surgeon last week. He thinks his work is perfect and shouldn't be questioned. According to him, Titan implants come with the pump pre-attached to the tubes and extenders. He says all of them the same length tubing (one size fits all) and that my anatomy is the problem. He states that the only way to get the pump to the bottom of my scrotum (as opposed to high and to the front) is to remove the whole implant and put one in that is shorter (I don't understand his logic here at all, and the explanation made no sense). He said he would check with Coloplast to see if they make a kit that would allow him to attach longer pump tubing so he could drop the pump to the bottom of the scrotum. He is sure no such kit or procedure would allow him to do that, but he said he would check on it and let me know (don't call us, we'll call you!). He further stated that even if they do have a provision for this, he may not approve the surgery because he sees nothing wrong with the way he installed, and the risk of infection may outweigh my perceived benefits. He will consider it if Coloplast has an approved way of dealing with this situation though.

I would have thought that when originally implanted, the surgeon would have measured everything and cut to fit depending on the patient. I guess it doesn't work that way, but are you kidding....? One size fits all... Sounds like BS but I don't really know for myself yet. I'm planning to call Coloplast and ask about this, but the last time I called them, I got no straight answers and was told to contact the surgeon.

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