Dave48003 - LGX log

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Day 16 Status

Postby Dave48003 » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:42 pm

Those who have been reading my posts know I've had quite an issue with swelling. My left testicle is literally the size of a small orange, or at least it was. Having done some research on here and other places, I self diagnosed myself with a hydrocele. What I really didn't find was how to help it heal. Some of the other swelling on the abdominal wall has responded to pressure applied with my hands, I can feel the swelling slowly dissipate, like squeezing the air out of an air mattress. So, I thought I'd try the same thing on my left nut. It worked! I laid in bed this morning gripping my testicles with both hands and gently squeezing. by the time I had finished, my left testicle had decreased by about 50% and I was again able to grasp the pump and try to pull it out into the open where it can accessed. I'm going to keep on with this and see how it works out. It wasn't going down on its own, so I thought I'd take things into my own "hands". :lol:

Everything else is doing fine. Very little discomfort. Bruising is disappearing. My penis is starting to hang downward from 3 o'clock, now more like 3:30 or 4. I put the measuring stick against it for curiosity this morning, seeing as I still have issues getting it in the toilet while sitting, and we have the elongated toilet. A round toilet would be mission impossible. Anyway, checking out one of my original pictures, the visible length of my flaccid penis was less than 3 inches. I really should lose weight and get rid of that paunch that hides it. Anyway, measured the same way this morning, I was 3-1/2 inches, so an increase in my "showing" or "locker room" length of about an inch, nearly a 33% increase! Sounds impressive. Hopefully, this is an indication that my new erect dimensions will also be favorable.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Dave48003 - 3 weeks after surgery

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:36 pm

Well guys, this is my 3 week anniversary with my bionic penis. Bruising is almost gone, the incision is healing nicely, and I still have that swelling around the left testicle making it very hard to tell what is what on the pump. I can feel it, I can feel the bulb, but that darn deflate button is still a bugger to find. I can't help but believe I can deflate more than it is. I have a few spastic pain jolts now and then when new parts make themselves known, but all in all, I'm very comfortable. I'm still trying to keep him pointing up, which makes me look like I'm really packing in my jeans. I'm still inflated enough I don't think I can comfortably get him to point down. It hangs naturally between 3:30 and 4:00 position. I dug out my old suspensory that I had from my vasectomy 34 years ago and I've been wearing it under the Franklin compression shorts. It makes the boys feel much better, keeps the scrotum from rubbing on the shorts (very uncomfortable), but it adds to the image of "mucho meat" in my jeans. I could be a stand in on Boogie Nights! :D

OK, I took some pictures. I took a couple that were as similar in pose as my before pics for comparison value. I'll post them one after the other.

Before 1.jpg

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Dave48003 - 3 weeks after surgery, more pics

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:44 pm

More pictures from 3 weeks after surgery.
Before 2.jpg
View looking down before surgery.
Before 2.jpg (54.46 KiB) Viewed 3934 times

View looking down 3 weeks post surgery.
20110407-49.jpg (33.07 KiB) Viewed 3932 times

Incision and testicles 3 weeks post surgery.
20110407-50.jpg (30.43 KiB) Viewed 3926 times
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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5 Weeks after surgery

Postby Dave48003 » Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:22 pm

Well, tomorrow will be 5 weeks since I received my implant. I saw the doctor today for what I'd hoped would be my "Activation Day." However, the swelling on my left side is still hiding most of the pump. 2 nights ago, I was fishing and trying to find the deflate button to make sure I was as deflated as possible before going to bed. As I was squeezing the button, I felt something wet on my hand. My incision had split open slightly and some clear liquid with tinges of blood was coming out. Well, the doctor confirmed today what I already suspected, I had a slight infection and my swelling was still hiding the necessary parts of the pump. He was also unable to find the bulb today. So, he gave me a prescription for 2 different antibiotics, told me to continue taking ibuprofen to help with the swelling, and I'm to see him in 3 weeks. His advice was to leave it alone and let the swelling go down, and if and when it does, I can start pumping and using.

Some good news, of sorts. In response to a question a few days ago, I did some measuring. My girth without pumping is 4-3/4", within an inch of my erect girth before surgery. Length appears to be about 1" less than I was erect before. According to the doctor today, that state is what I should expect soft, he felt I was fully deflated. So, I guess that is good, I should be fine size wise. I'm having a heck of a time keeping it from pinching and binding, I'm just not used to having that much meat in my pants! My wife thinks it's funny.

I took a few pictures to show the results. Everything looks pretty normal to me, other than the obvious swelling of the left testicle, and my buddy still tries to assume the horizontal position.

My slightly infected incision. The left testicle is still swollen. The right is fine.
20110420-60.jpg (75.45 KiB) Viewed 3817 times

Right side, swelling not noticable.
20110420-61.jpg (84.47 KiB) Viewed 3819 times

My swollen left side.
20110420-62.jpg (91.26 KiB) Viewed 3816 times
Last edited by Dave48003 on Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Another pic at 5 weeks

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:24 am

Here is another picture from a bit further back to gain perspective. You will see Junior still wants to stick out, he's a proud little fella. Doctor says this is about as small as he's going to get, but he should hang lower once the swelling is all gone. I'm having trouble getting him comfortable in my pants. Balls are OK, they are happy in the Jockey pouch briefs or my old boxer briefs. I've also tried regular boxers, but I have to keep the suspensory on to keep the balls from rubbing and binding. The suspensory actually still feels better no matter what underwear I'm in. But, I can't seem to find a way to put Junior where he will stay and be comfortable. I'm also fairly self concious about the "bulge". My wife told me last night "Well, you always wanted to be hung honey."

So, any advice about keeping Junior and the boys comfortable?
Last edited by Dave48003 on Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Dave48003 - LGX log

Postby hoseboy » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:37 am

Dave - thanks for sharing all this. We've only chatted briefly, but I have been following your progress like a hawk. We're the same age and you got your LGX a month earlier than me almost to the day - guess I'm following in your footsteps. Sorry to hear about the infection, but hopefully it will be only a small bump in the road. Hope to see you in CR soon - ...still got a few more questions. good luck with everything! Glenn
Age 59, married, PSA 4.9 &+biopsy PCa 5/10, RRP 7/10, no extension, nerves spared, subsequent PSAs<.01, continent 10/10, ED continued with no effect from pills or injections, dx - irreversible venous leak 3/11, implanted 4/15/11 AMS LGX 700.

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Re: Dave48003 - LGX log

Postby LGX_Man » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:07 pm

Hi Dave. Glad to see that you are coming along well. I'd like to hear more about your pump being "stuck". Does your doctor have any idea if that will be permanent or will eventually release? I had a very similar situation with mine. It all turned out well in the end and I'd be glad to share the story with you. LGX_Man
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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Re: Dave48003 - LGX log

Postby LGX_Man » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:33 pm

I've said this since the beginning Dave, give it time. Relax! All of the problems you describe sound so familiar as I just recently went through all of them myself. The infection is not good but if you stick to your antibiotic regimen, it should get better. Infection is one thing that you do NOT want to spread as it could undermine everything! Yours is a special case and should be treated with care, not rushed.

Best of luck and trust in the fact that things WILL get better and you WILL eventually find that pump button. If your pump is still stuck, the button might likely be right underneath your penis, facing UP. But you'll know better when the swelling goes down further. DId the doctor speculate if this has anything to do with your insistence on going back to work 4 days after the operation?

62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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Re: Dave48003 - LGX log

Postby Dave48003 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:41 pm


He he, doc doesn't know when I went back to work. However, I was able to take it real easy at work, so I doubt a few day of rest would have made any difference. (Sorry, I'm a bit macho, and a bit stubborn. Can't see sitting home doing nothing when I can earn money at work with no additional physical exertion. After all, he did say get up an walk around, don't just sit on the couch.)

Thinking back to when I had my vasectomy in 77, I swelled real bad then, which is when I bought the suspensory. The infection is looking better. He put me on 2 antibiotics, he doesn't mess around, which is one of the things I like about him. The swelling is going down a lot, I'm thinking the infection has something to do with it. Gently poking around this morning, I was able to push the pump down and toward the center a bit. Still has other body parts around it, so I couldn't find the bulb or button yet. I can't even tell you for sure where my left nut is! There are a couple of possibilities. Keep in mind, I have been on testosterone supplements for several years, so my nuts have all but disappeared.

His comment about the swelling and the inability to find the pump, "some people heal different than others". It sounds like he doesn't think I have a real problem, other that my time to heal is a bit long.

I'll keep you posted.

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Test drive at 6 weeks

Postby Dave48003 » Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:26 pm

Well, 6 weeks after surgery, and I still am having difficulty getting to the pump. I have been able to find the release button pretty regularly, though something inside my scrotum wants to cover it. The bulb has been another issue. Whatever is covering and sticking to the pump has been gradually disappearing, and it appears my infection is completely gone. The incision has healed again very nicely. Other than the pump sticking to things causing some discomfort and a pecker that is larger and stiffer than I ever imagined I would carry around in my pants, things are pretty normal. It is difficult to hide the bulge.

Other than size and firmness, the penis is almost back to normal. Under the urethra, from the scrotum up, there is no feeling for a band about 1/2" wide. I think it is coming back, and I have full sensation in the "knob", so this is a minor issue. Last night, after my soak I was feeling around, trying to locate all the parts. Using the release button as a landmark, I could feel the body well enough to determine that the bulb should be sticking out to the left. Feeling there, a large chunk of flesh was present, almost feeling like my testicle. Gently squeezing, I determined that my testicle was part of that, but the rest seemed to be the same stuff covering the rest of the pump, kind of a fleshy cushion. So, I squeezed, and it felt elastic, not hard. Must be the bulb. I squeezed again, trying to do the hard and fast thing that the instructions say to close the valve. To summarize, I was able to pump up, but only to a point. My measuring tape said my girth was 5-1/4, where it is 4-3/4 when I deflate fully. He was also standing at about 3:30 or 4, rather than the 4:30 position which now seemed normal. Hmmm, time for a test drive.

Well, the great granddaughter fell asleep on our bed, so we let her sleep there last night, between the wife and I. So, I waited until this morning. My wife and I finally had the bedroom to ourselves, so we faced each other and started caressing. Shortly, she began giving me oral. Many have asked me why I went for an implant when injections were working quite well. I'll intersperse some advantage comments in here. My wife and I were able to lay on our side while she did oral, more comfortable for her and much more comfortable for me. With the injections, I stood beside the bed with my ring on, waiting for the quad mix to take effect while she lay on the bed giving me oral. Not exactly romantic. And, we were on a timetable, if we spent too much time with the oral, I would go limp before I could satisfy her adequately. Side by side, it also fits into her mouth easier as I'm now wider, and somewhat oval shaped. The feeling is much better this way and her jaw didn't get sore as soon.

OK, on to intercourse. 5 drops of KY warming lube and away we went. Now, this is our 4th time since surgery, but this is the first time I been able to pump at all, so I was being tentative, lots of lube and slow and easy. Well, every thing was fine, so I got more active, we changed positions and I pounded her pretty well. I had no discomfort at all. We probably spent about 30 minutes at intercourse before I erupted.

OK, we discussed it afterwards, what is different. Per my wife, I feel bigger around. In truth, I'm not as big as before (without fully pumping), but my penis is now more oval, giving her the feeling of more girth. She also said I went in deeper. Now that surprised me, as I'm about 1 inch less deflated than my previous erect length. But, I didn't measure after pumping, I probably gained a little, and as I thought about it, I no longer am compressible. Push on the end of a normal penis, it will compress some. With the implant, that is almost non-existant. So, even though its shorter in free air, when pushing into a vagina, it no longer "gives" so I'm actually getting in further than before.

More advantages over injections, pills, or pumps. No time limit. For the first time in a while, we started when we wanted to without 1/2 hour of preparation. I didn't have to keep an eye on the clock to worry about how long medication would last or how long I've had a constriction ring on. No discomfort afterward from the medication or the ring. We were able to take our time and relax. We got pretty warm, so I even took a break in the middle, got up and opened the window, switched positions, and started again, slow and easy to keep the mood alive, then went on to a rousing finale. ;)

I hope this answers some of the practical questions many have asked me. I'm sure I've forgot something, so ask it here. I don't care how personal, I will answer here in the forum for all to view. I believe sex is a gift from God, and he intends us to enjoy it. I also believe our medical innovations such as this implant are blessings originating from God, through the gifts of intelligence he has granted mankind. Using these talents and gifts and the benefits from them has enabled us with e d to again enjoy sex. So, if I can put to rest someone's fears about getting an implant, I will do anything I can to do that, even sharing some pretty graphic information.

In short, I'm a pretty happy guy. I still have some issues accessing the pump and pumping up, but if today is any indication of what is to come, I'm excited. If it works this good, inflated only slightly, this could get very interesting! :)
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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